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Future Runescape expansions?


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Latest Runescape map expansions have been about Dungeons and desert. Where would you expect, in some time, new map expansions?




1) Maybe in Menaphos and/or east or west of Sophanem?




2) Or east of Mort'ton / south of Port Phasmatys?




3) Or perhaps at the east of Morytania, where the traders come from, after the mini-ectofuntus has been repaired?




4) Or north of it maybe, east of the wilderness?




5) Access to Prifddinas, and maybe lands to the west of Isfadar, to the rest of Tirannwn? Maybe even that this is connected to the lands east of 3)? (spheric world theory)




6) South of the Feldip Hills, at the other side of the wall?




7) Also, there is a small empty space in the world map between the Frozen Waste Plateu in wildy and Trollweiss mountain.




8.) Another dungeon(s)?








What do you think? What would you want? Post your comments and feedback here.

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expand the wilderness. THat's what i want to see.








maybe more islands/new land north of miscelannia/etceteria.


Who cares if you wear a santa hat..... That's no achievment.


Who cares if you can have 520M, if you have no friends, as well as no reason to play Runescape?

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Hey ... a spheric RS world! That'd be really cool. I never thought of that.








I'd like to see an upgrade to the whole "eastern lands". I don't remember much of them, but I'm pretty sure they were mentioned in Ghosts Ahoy, and possibly some other Mor'ton quests. It'd be really cool to see a huge juxtaposition there, where it could be a land of ghosts and you could like become a ghost or something. It'd be cool if there was like a quest that involved sailing and finding a passage to the eastern lands through various caves, dangerous waters and what have you.. And it'd be nice to have another wilderness section, north of Mor'ton.








I guess I just really like Morton :)

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The only problem I have just seen with the spheric Ruenscape is that, if you walked, let's say, a lot south of Feldip Hills, you'd have to reach Menaphos. (i hope I'm making my point clear here :? ) Ot taking a ship north of Miscellania would get you to the far end north of the wilderness.








About what AThousandLies said, the lands mentioned in the Ghost Ahoy quest (I don't know if they are also mentioned in others) are inhabited by real people that go to Port Phasmatys to trade. E.g., in the quest, we see some guy that sells bolt racks (anyone knows how to use this?), and that asks for a oak bow signed by Robin.








Keep the ideas coming! :)

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The only problem I have just seen with the spheric Ruenscape is that, if you walked, let's say, a lot south of Feldip Hills, you'd have to reach Menaphos. (i hope I'm making my point clear here :? ) Ot taking a ship north of Miscellania would get you to the far end north of the wilderness.








Yeah ... the spheric idea would be quite hard to work with. But, in theory, it's possible with barriers ... i.e., there would be a barrier south of the Lumbridge Swamps, but you could still see the final levels of the wilderness. It's possible, but, it's probably rather impractical.








About what AThousandLies said, the lands mentioned in the Ghost Ahoy quest (I don't know if they are also mentioned in others) are inhabited by real people that go to Port Phasmatys to trade. E.g., in the quest, we see some guy that sells bolt racks (anyone knows how to use this?), and that asks for a oak bow signed by Robin.








Keep the ideas coming! :)








Ah, yes, that is true ... but I doubt (or at least I hope that) Jagex would mention another land without intentions to create it. Unless they're just trying to be cruel ...

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The expension that is most desired (in my opinion), is in morytania - deeper, darker, fiercer. In other words: I wish for new areas south of the haunted forest, with more clever and dangerous vampires.




And altogether with it, I wish for more developments in the myrac storyline, more tasked and swordclash with vanstorm and/or other minions of Lord Drakan.








other expensions that I will be glad to see:








1. developments in the icy areas. maybe a storyline concerning ice trolls and other beings of that place. some islands or land north of Relekka, and maybe a real opportunity to join a fermenik raid.








2. and, oh please - make the next chapter of "down of the red axe" fast. I really, really enjoyed the "Tale of a drunken dwarf" quest (especially the ending, and the fact that at-last the "bad guys" are winning your character. I never enjoyed that much from a quest before.


Slayer: 85/85, Herblore: 82/82, Farming 81/82, def 99/99.

new goals: full sardomain costum from t.trails (2/6), slayer 87/90, attack 98/99

Dragon drops: 4 half shields, 2 dragon spears | whip drops: 5.

barrow drops: Ahrim's hood

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perhaps with eastern lands very specialized oriental weaponry would come out... which you need lvl 80 to use...

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