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Egyptian revolution live feed


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Did you really expect the U.S. government and people NOT to project their idea of government on Egypt? Narcissistic Americans think every revolution since the 18th century has been inspired by the American Revolution and that every country wants democracy, of course ignoring the fact that the cultural, social, economic, and political landscapes are radically different. Hell, even nature has an effect (think water and food supply) on how events transpire.

He's not expecting, he wants things to be so.


Yeah I knew that wasn't going to make sense.


Magekiller doesn't expect the US to not intervene in world events, that stupid. He just hopes they will realize the error of their ways.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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I didn't say anything about intervening, I meant the U.S. projects their ideas of revolution, overthrow, and democracy on most revolutions that occur around the world when in reality they are nothing alike. It was a rhetorical question anyways.


"He could climb to it, if he climbed alone, and once there he could suck on the pap of life, gulp down the incomparable milk of wonder."

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Here's some background on Obama's envoy; the important parts pertain to his father:


Wisner Sr. is most famous for launching Operation Mockingbird, and coining the term "Mighty Wurlitzer" to describe how he played the media like an instrument.


In 1948, Frank Wisner was appointed director of the Office of Special Projects (OSP). Soon afterwards OSP was renamed the Office of Policy Coordination (OPC). This became the espionage and counter-intelligence branch of the Central Intelligence Agency. Wisner was told to create an organization that concentrated on "propaganda, economic warfare; preventive direct action, including sabotage, anti-sabotage, demolition and evacuation measures; subversion against hostile states, including assistance to underground resistance groups, and support of indigenous anti-Communist elements in threatened countries of the free world."


Later that year Wisner established Mockingbird, a program to influence the domestic and foreign media. Wisner recruited Philip Graham from The Washington Post to run the project within the industry. According to Deborah Davis in Katharine the Great; "By the early 1950s, Wisner 'owned' respected members of The New York Times, Newsweek, CBS and other communications vehicles." Wisner referred to this apparatus as a "Mighty Wurlitzer", referencing the theater organ capable of controlling diverse pipes, instruments, and sound effects from a central console.


It was Wisner, in 1953, who convinced Allen Dulles to set aside $1 million to launch Operation Ajax, overthrow Mohammed Mossadegh, and put the Shah back on the throne of Iran.


Wisner became depressed following the failure of the Hungarian Revolution in 1956 and was eventually put on administrative leave. After serving for a time as chief of station for London, he was recalled and retired. He killed himself in 1965 with one of his son's shotguns.


Now, his son spent his career working at the State Department, including in the sensitive posts of Ambassador to India and Egypt. He was Vice Chairman of American International Group (AIG) until a year ago. Before that he was a member of the board for an Enron subsidiary.


What. A. [bleep]ing. Joke.

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I've heard the Museum got torched. You got to be freaking kidding me <_<

Anybody got pictures?


Also, this whole protester and supporter mini-war is making this thing more interesting. Camel calvary? Hell yeah :shades:

Did someone say Saladin Campaign: First Mission?




:twss: Cookie to all who get it.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Age of Empires II, I played the HELL out of that game and its expansion! If it isn't that, it sure looks like it!


"He could climb to it, if he climbed alone, and once there he could suck on the pap of life, gulp down the incomparable milk of wonder."

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I've heard the Museum got torched. You got to be freaking kidding me <_<

Anybody got pictures?


Also, this whole protester and supporter mini-war is making this thing more interesting. Camel calvary? Hell yeah :shades:

From the report I saw (Link), only a few things got smashed. I really hoped they wouldn't do something like that. What a god damn shame.


"He could climb to it, if he climbed alone, and once there he could suck on the pap of life, gulp down the incomparable milk of wonder."

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I've heard the Museum got torched. You got to be freaking kidding me <_<

Anybody got pictures?


Also, this whole protester and supporter mini-war is making this thing more interesting. Camel calvary? Hell yeah :shades:

From the report I saw (Link), only a few things got smashed. I really hoped they wouldn't do something like that. What a god damn shame.


Oh, thanks :blink:


Ya, it's definitely a shame. I really wish the UN or UNESCO would step in and just take them to a safe location in Europe or somewhere, ANYWHERE, to just get them out of the violence.


Maybe we should find a petition to do that? |^_^|

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Age of Empires II, I played the HELL out of that game and its expansion! If it isn't that, it sure looks like it!

You win a cookie for liberating Cario!

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Age of Empires II, I played the HELL out of that game and its expansion! If it isn't that, it sure looks like it!

You win a cookie for liberating Cario!

Liberating Cairo was fun, but I preferred the El Cid campaigns.


"He could climb to it, if he climbed alone, and once there he could suck on the pap of life, gulp down the incomparable milk of wonder."

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1811: BBC world affairs editor John Simpson, in Cairo, says: "Within the last half hour, the heavy battle outside the Egyptian museum between pro- and anti-government demonstrators has ended. Rather unexpectedly, the confrontation seems to have been won by the pro-democracy protesters. All through the day they have been under attack by supporters of President Mubarak, and this represents an important turnaround in the situation. The opposition has now regained control of Tahrir Square, the centre of the last nine days of protests."



Pro-Mubarak protesters filled with hired thugs paid to stir up conflict

Former Mubarak adviser, NDP member and Shura council (upper house of parliament) member Mostafa Al-Fekky confirms pro-Mubarak protests were staged by National Democratic Party businessmen: http://www.masrawy.com/News/Egypt/P...ry/2/fekki.aspx


Google translation, will translate better in a bit:



FIQI: businessmen belonging to the National Party were behind the events of Tahrir


أكد الدكتور مصطفى الفقي رئيس لجنة الشئون الخارجية بمجلس الشورى أن رجال أعمال من المنتمين للحزب الوطني الديمقراطي يقفون خلف أحداث الشعب والاشتباكات التي حدثت بميدان التحرير الأربعاء، وأسفرت عن وقوع قتلى وحوالي 600 مصاب. Dr. Mostafa El Feki Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Shura Council that the businessmen belonging to the National Democratic Party behind the events of the people and the clashes that took place in Tahrir Square on Wednesday, and resulted in deaths and about 600 injured.


وأشار الفقي في تصريحات لفضائية الجزيرة مساء الأربعاء إلى أن عدد من رجال الأعمال المنتمين للوطني قاموا باستئجار مجموعة من البلطجية ودفعوا لهم أموال لإثارة الذعر وارتكاب أعمال شغب بين المعتصمين بميدان التحرير، وأن أغلب البلطجية الذين تم استئجارهم من العاملين في السياحة. The Feki told Al-Jazeera on Wednesday that the number of businessmen belonging to the patriotic hired a group of thugs and paid them money to stir up panic and rioting between protesters in Tahrir Square, and most of the thugs who were hired workers in tourism.


وأضاف الفقي: لا يمكنني الكشف عن أسماء هؤلاء الرجال ولكن في ذهني عدد محدود من أسماءهم. The FIQI: I can not divulge the names of these men, but in my mind a limited number of names.


ونفى الفقي أن يكون اللواء محمود وجدي وزير الداخلية في حكومة الفريق أحمد شفيق من المتورطين في تلك المؤامرة، مؤكدا انه على علاقة جيده بوجدي منذ قرابة السنوات الثماني، كما نفى الفقي أن يكون أيا من اللواء عمر سليمان نائب رئيس الجمهورية أو الفريق أحمد شفيق رئيس الوزراء من المتورطين في أحداث ميدان التحرير. He denied Fiqi to be Major General Mahmoud Wagdy and Minister of the Interior in the government of Ahmed Shafik of the people involved in the plot, stressing that a good relationship Boagdi for nearly eight years, also denied Fiqi be any of the Major-General Omar Suleiman, Vice President of the Republic or, Shafik Prime Minister of those involved in the events of Tahrir Square.


إلى ذلك، أعلن الدكتور أحمد سامح فريد وزير الصحة أن أعداد المصابين في أحداث ميدان التحرير بلغ حتى الآن 403 مصابين تم نقلهم إلى 5 مستشفيات وهى مستشفى الهلال ومستشفى المنيرة ومعهد ناصر والقصر العيني ومستشفى الحسين الجامعي ، مشيرا إلى أن هناك حالة وفاة وحيدة نتيجة للسقوط من فوق كوبرى 6 أكتوبر. Furthermore, Dr. Ahmed Sameh Farid, Minister of Health that the number of people in the events of Tahrir Square now stands at 403 patients were transferred to 5 hospitals, a hospital Crescent Hospital and enlightening and the Institute for Nasser, Kasr Al-Aini Hospital, Al-Hussein University, adding that there were deaths and a single consequence of the fall of over the bridge on October 6.


وقال وزير الصحة إنه تم الدفع بنحو 40 سيارة إسعاف لنقل المصابين، وتم فتح طريق للدفع بأعداد أخرى من سيارات الإسعاف إلى ميدان التحرير لنقل المصابين، مشيرا إلى أن هذه السيارات بها مسعفين مدربين قاموا بإسعاف نحو 133 مصابا داخل الميدان، وأن معظم الإصابات كانت في صورة كسور وجروح نتيجة التراشق والتزاحم بين المتظاهرين. The health minister said he was paid about 40 ambulances to transport the injured, was opened by the payment of the numbers of other ambulances to Tahrir Square to transport the injured, adding that such vehicles with paramedics trained their ministry of about 133 patients in the field, and that most injuries were in the form of fractures and injuries as a result of bickering and rivalry among the demonstrators.


وأوضح أنه سيتم الدفع بأربع سيارات إسعاف أخرى إلى داخل الميدان لكى تستطيع أن تقوم بعمليات إخلاء للمصابين ونقلهم إلى المستشفيات، رغم من تعرض السيارات للرشق بالحجارة. He explained that he will be paid in four ambulances to the field in order to be able to play out the evacuation of the injured and transported to hospitals, despite the exposure of car pelted with stones.


وأوضح أن غرفة العمليات بوزارة الصحة تعمل على مدار 24 ساعة لتلقى الشكاوى، لافتا إلى أن هناك ثلاث سيارات إسعاف ستتواجد خارج الميدان للعمل كمستشفى ميدان لإسعاف المصابين، وأن جميع الأطباء والفئات والممرضات موجودة بالمستشفيات وتعمل على مدار اليوم، مشيرا إلى أن رقم تلقى الشكاوى واستدعاء سيارات الإسعاف هو 123 . He explained that the operations room at the Ministry of Health is working 24 hours a day to receive complaints, pointing out that there are three ambulances will be present outside the field to work as a hospital field to rescue the injured, and that all doctors and groups and nurses are in hospitals and working throughout the day, pointing out that the number received complaints and call Cars ambulance is 123.

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It actually looked to me that there were more horses in that video than camels. I only saw one that looked like a camel.


But yeah, all of the riders definitely got pulled off and beaten up from the looks of it.


and AoE2 <3:




My Bloggy


Proud to have served on Tip.it Crew

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Damn, I came here to post that same picture lol thought it was absolutely beautiful.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Tomorrow is being called the Friday of Departure. The President is going to be massively demanded to get out tomorrow and, probably, there's going to be much, much more violence then there was today. :unsure:


As much as the pictures of dead people are depressing, it'll still be a very interesting day. I've only seen one camel used as a pro-Mubarak "tank" and I want to see MOAR. :lol:



Is it wrong to want to see a civil war? :mellow:

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Why the military has been so passive

The Egyptian military has been notably non-confrontational during the recent wave of protests, defending the right of people to protest and protecting the protesters from attacks by pro-regime forces.


One reason for the military's peaceful response: the unique role it plays in the Egyptian economy. The military owns "virtually every industry in the country," according to Robert Springborg.



Springborg, a professor at the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School, has written several books about Egypt, he's lived in Egypt, he's consulted with the Egyptian military, and he's an expert on the various businesses it runs. Here's a list he rattled off from the top of his head:


...car assembly, we're talking of clothing, we're talking of construction of roads, highways, bridges. We're talking of pots and pans, we're talking of kitchen appliances. You know, if you buy an appliance there's a good chance that it's manufactured by the military. If you ... don't have natural gas piped into your house and you have to have a gas bottle, the gas bottle will have been manufactured by the military. Some of the foodstuffs that you will be eating will have been grown and/or processed by the military.


The reasons for this arrangement go back to the '60s and '70s, when the Egyptian military was very large as a result of the wars with Israel. After the peace treaty with Israel was signed, the need for such a large fighting force disappeared. But leaders worried about all those young men released from military service suddenly flooding the job market.


So the military transformed itself from a fighting force to hiring force. And some of the businesses it got into were pretty far away from its traditional mission. For example, the military had all these forces stationed on the coast a really pretty coast that lots of people would probably pay to visit. So, Springborg says, the question arose:


What are we gonna do with this military zone that is huge and in the most desirable part of the country and has extremely beautiful beaches, and some of the greatest coral reefs in the world and was absolutely crying out for touristic development?


The answer: The military gave private developers access to the land, and the developers made military officers shareholders in big tourist developments.


No one knows for sure how many resort hotels or other businesses in Egypt are run by the military, which controls somewhere between 5 percent and 40 percent of the nation's economy, according to various estimates. Whatever the number, Springborg says, officers in the Egyptian military are making "billions and billions and billions" of dollars.


These billions would be threatened if the protests devolved into full-on civil conflict. People in the middle of violent political chaos don't buy dishwashers.


"The military wants stability above all," Springborg says. "It's not focused on war fighting; it's focused on consumption."


One of the few glimpses we have into the role of the Egyptian military in the economy comes via a 2008 diplomatic cable made public by WikiLeaks.


The cable discusses the various businesses the military is involved in, and considers how the military might react if Egypt's current president, Hosni Mubarak, were to lose power.


The military would almost certainly go along with a successor, the cable's author writes, if that successor didn't interfere in the military's business arrangements. But, the cable continues, "in a messier succession scenario, it becomes more difficult to predict the military's actions."



Also apparently Obama is supporting the VP, but Mr. VP is basically a Bond villain

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I'm starting to doubt that the protesters will get Mubarak to stand down through relatively peaceful protest. Why don't they just stage a coup and kill Mubarak?


Take the French Revolution as an example. If you truly want freedom (whatever that is to you), fight for it. Don pots in order to make make-shift helmets. Use knives, guns, blunt objects. Fashion weapons from scrap metal or whatever is immediately available. Sure you may lose a lot of people, but at least you can fight for what you think is right. Just protesting will not solve much because the West (namely the USA) will do everything in its power to make sure that they can keep a puppet in power.


Call it the 'Pots and Pans Revolution'. Arise, you wretched of the earth!



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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