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Older Players


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That's a very good point. I completely agree with you. I know splitting worlds into age groups is not the ultimate solution, but its a solution. You can't really say something like "if you believe you are mature enough then go into this world", therefore using age is the second best thing. Granted there are immature adults, I do entertain the idea that 900 older players can act more mature than 900 younger players.




And I really think the system would filer itself out from the older immature players. They may find the game boring to play in their own age groups and move down to the younger ones. Or, in the better case scenario, being surrounded by more mature players they may start acting mature themselves, both in game and real life. Everybody wins. :)



and I <3 cabbage. so green, and leafy, and good.

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Age Separation? No.








Maturity? YES!








I think RS needs some maturity, not age separation. OK, so maturity isn't exactly going to happen, but there should be LOTS more Moderators, so they can help silence the immature people. The ones that go around the starring filter for example, or those that scam, etc..etc..etc...are the ones that I would like to see go.








And I totally don't care about how old people are, but I care very much when people are irritating or immature.








Anything you want to say to me? Conatct me via private message.









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That's a very good point. I completely agree with you. I know splitting worlds into age groups is not the ultimate solution, but its a solution. You can't really say something like "if you believe you are mature enough then go into this world", therefore using age is the second best thing. Granted there are immature adults, I do entertain the idea that 900 older players can act more mature than 900 younger players.




And I really think the system would filer itself out from the older immature players. They may find the game boring to play in their own age groups and move down to the younger ones. Or, in the better case scenario, being surrounded by more mature players they may start acting mature themselves, both in game and real life. Everybody wins. :)








A solution? Solution to the fact that some older players want their own servers? If they really are so concerned about the immaturity of younger people, perhaps they should turn their eyes on games that's main audience is male 14-25s, eh?




And no, the system you propose wouldn't offer an 'escape' from immaturity, i fear it would actually be the complete opposite that immature people would siege against the older servers. And Jagex might not be willing to put up money to get new servers or reserve the current servers for a certain age group. It is discrimination no matter how you look at it.

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A solution? Solution to the fact that some older players want their own servers? If they really are so concerned about the immaturity of younger people, perhaps they should turn their eyes on games that's main audience is male 14-25s, eh?








How is this hurting anyone? Does the idea of having a few worlds designated for older players bother you so much? How does this affect your gameplay?












And no, the system you propose wouldn't offer an 'escape' from immaturity, i fear it would actually be the complete opposite that immature people would siege against the older servers. And Jagex might not be willing to put up money to get new servers or reserve the current servers for a certain age group. It is discrimination no matter how you look at it.








Is that something you would do? "Oh no! Look!! Most of the people in this world are 20+ lets "siege" the world and run around and be immature in it." Why? I have covered the fact that some people actually might do that, and that's ok, I wouldn't mind. But it is very unlikely that all immature 11 year-olds would collectively gather and storm worlds with older age groups and wreak havoc. What is this kindergarten?








How is it discrimination if you are allowed to go into whatever server you wish? No one is forcing you to do anything, it is completely your choice which world you play in. Is it discrimination to not allow little kids watch rated R movies? Why is preferring to play in your own age group so wrong?








Just give me one reason why this is a bad idea and I will try my best to understand where you're coming from. All you have so far is "it wouldn't offer an 'escape' from immaturity, it will be the complete opposite". The fact that all immature players would storm the older worlds is very unlikely. What's your next argument?



and I <3 cabbage. so green, and leafy, and good.

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Well, I'm 55 (and a guy, fwiw, but I am housetrained and don't bite). I hang out with a bunch of friends who are in their 30s and 40s.








We're not the highest ranked players in the game, we range from around 80 combat to about 110 combat. We hang out together for some things, sometimes we'll go our own way. Sometimes we help each other on quests, sometimes we'll go gang up on some monsters together, or work on a non-combat skill together. The boring stuff is much more fun if you have a couple of friends there with you to chat to while you're mining/fishing/woodcutting/etc.












Feel free to pm me in game (I'm Darkeros) if you're looking for company.

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How is this hurting anyone?








It's not. But the idea is stupid though... Why? Reasons already covered.








Is that something you would do? "Oh no! Look!! Most of the people in this world are 20+ lets "siege" the world and run around and be immature in it." Why? I have covered the fact that some people actually might do that, and that's ok, I wouldn't mind. But it is very unlikely that all immature 11 year-olds would collectively gather and storm worlds with older age groups and wreak havoc. What is this kindergarten?








Something i'd do? No, i believe i'm more mature than that... But as you've said some people would probably do that if the idea was to be implented. One of the reasons it's so stupid.








How is it discrimination if you are allowed to go into whatever server you wish?








Are you joking me? You just said and i quote 'Does the idea of having a few worlds designated for older players bother you so much?'. So yes, having a few servers for only older people would be discriminating. I'm sure you're aware of something called Ageism? If not, look it up. Might do you some good.








And reasons?








1. Discriminating.




2. Wouldn't help as immature people would be on 'mature' servers and non-mature. Wouldn't that nullify the whole idea of having a server just for older and more 'mature' people?




3. If i'm not mistaken Jagex aims to have as many people as possible, and reserving a few or even one server for just a very small minority would probably not be on their agenda.




4. Not all older players would want this of course (actually very few people if my assumptions are correct) so i don't see why this should be done just for you. Might as well ask for a server only for Swedish players (a lot more Swedes than older people i might add)

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Im 31 and ya mostly on my own. I have a few I hang out with around my age but you can feel free to add me i'll add you when I log in next. Name is same in game as on here

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There seems to be quite a few 'older' players posting here how there going about rs solo... just a suggestion but hows it sound if one of you made a clan just for older players? Im only 17 so it probably wouldn't be of much use to me, but it sounds like some of you might like one. Idk make it so that the only way you can join your clan's forums if your actually interested in joining the clan.. that way you can weed out youngin's looking to cause trouble. And instead of setting requirements by stats, you could do it by age.. say 25 or 30. If you start to have problems with people lying about their age to get in, you could always have one trust worthy person check the records of members.








Just an idea.. but it might be a cool way for you guys (and gals) to find older age friends.

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lol...man i always thought this game was for people like 10-20 years old. I cant imagine seeing a 40 year old playing (its nothing wrong Ive just never seen it in action) well I have to say you cant tell if someone is lieing. The only way to make sure is if you posted a picture of yourself. But Its fine...im turning 17 and will be playing long after that.

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68 - enjoy the quests. Am mostly a loner. Enjoy younger people - but mostly stay by myself. If I get tired of the talk, etc., I just turn it off. My one real problem is that I don't really understand all of the public talk language - Hmmm - a language unto itself. A NOOB - Naturally Outstanding, Obviously Beautiful?








Happy Holidays to all -

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I'm a 40 year old female & I love this game & have friends on my list ranging from 13 to 50 something. I wouldn't mind an adult only server myself, but I mean no disrespect to the younger players. I have frequently been asked why I play. I enjoy gaming, I enjoy having something to do late at night after my family goes to bed if I can't sleep, & I find it fun to raise skills & do quests. Keeping an open mind makes life fun, and helps me stay young :D

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I'm 19, whenever I tell people how old I am, they are like "Whoa!" ... most people I run into are 9 to 15.




I know exactly what you mean, I'm 18, 19 in March 06, and even that's only like... 5 or 6 years away from the average player age, there's definitely a huge noticeable difference, especially in the maturity of the younger players. Luckily, most of my friend's list are around my age ranging from 15-25 and I even have a couple of friends in my clan who are 30+ in age.










Retired Tip It Moderator | Zybez Radio DJ - Listen Here

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My only question for the 'older' people playing (say 23+) is why do they play?








Maybe because they enjoy gaming? I didn't know gaming had age restrictions...








does runescape have limits in ages?








Gee, what do you think?








And might i add to any older players, that i am not against you in any way. In fact, i enjoy talking with older players and younger players alike. If by any chance you'd like to talk or just have a "mature" younger friend, the in-game name's Mad Spyder.

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I believe there has been a misunderstanding, and I would like to clear some things up.








Are you joking me? You just said and i quote 'Does the idea of having a few worlds designated for older players bother you so much?'. So yes, having a few servers for only older people would be discriminating. I'm sure you're aware of something called Ageism? If not, look it up. Might do you some good.








You have to understand, that my initial argument was not for 'a few servers for only older people'. No, this is what I was siggesting:












What I suggest is splitting up half of the worlds into three age groups. While leaving the other half as it is. Players won't be forced to go to either worlds, and Jagex will not keep a strict watch on who enters what world. If presented with a choice of weather to go into a "15 and under" world or a "20 and over", which world do you think would an older player go into?








As you can see, nowhere does it say that I would like a world only for older players. So here it is again: I think Jagex should take half of all active worlds and split them into three age groups. (For example, "15-under" / "16-25" / "25-older")












And reasons?




1. Discriminating.




2. Wouldn't help as immature people would be on 'mature' servers and non-mature. Wouldn't that nullify the whole idea of having a server just for older and more 'mature' people?




3. If i'm not mistaken Jagex aims to have as many people as possible, and reserving a few or even one server for just a very small minority would probably not be on their agenda.




4. Not all older players would want this of course (actually very few people if my assumptions are correct) so i don't see why this should be done just for you. Might as well ask for a server only for Swedish players (a lot more Swedes than older people i might add)








1. It's not discriminating, and its not ageism.




2. I honestly believe the ratio of mature people in a mature world would be far greater than the ratio of immature people in a mature world.




3. This can actually keep older players from leaving the game and not feel like outcasts. This would also broaden the age group of people who play RS as they won't look at it as a game for little kids.




4. I have read a number of posts in this very thread which read something along the lines of "i'm an older player, i would like a world for older players like myself".








I personally don't see anything wrong with wanting to play with people who are closer to my own age.



and I <3 cabbage. so green, and leafy, and good.

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This has always been a lingering pet peeve of mine. Adults can get on here whenever they want, for however long they want, it makes it extremely unfair for the "youth" to have any fighting chance against them....its just really, really unfair.

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You have to understand, that my initial argument was not for 'a few servers for only older people'. No, this is what I was siggesting:








True, but that wasn't what you posted later on.








1. It's not discriminating, and its not ageism.








It's not? You must be blind to the truth then, mate. What you're suggesting is splitting the servers into age groups. And denying access for certain people because of their age is discriminating.




And even if you wouldn't deny them access, not a good amount of people would be bothered about the age limitations. Not to mention the fact that it's not very realistic. Why? Because limiting ages on servers would cripple the amount of people on servers and you really think Jagex would be up to it?

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