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Canadian Election Thread


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I guess a lot of Canada prefers americanism over democracy... Guess I'm going to start looking for jobs in Europe.

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As it's looking now, it's a Conservative majority. I can't say I'm happy with this, but at least with a majority we'll get something done...now what they do with that power remains to be seen.


I'm of legal age to vote, and had considered it, but none of the leaders in my opinion are worthy of leading the country.

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Well, not particularly happy, but there are some positives.


NDP didn't get a minority.

BQ put in their rightful place.


Kind of scared to see what harper will do with a majority, but it's the lesser of the evils. And it looks like May wins her seat, finally, despite a drop in voter % nationwide.

"It's not a rest for me, it's a rest for the weights." - Dom Mazzetti

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Well, not particularly happy, but there are some positives.


NDP didn't get a minority.

BQ put in their rightful place.


Kind of scared to see what harper will do with a majority, but it's the lesser of the evils. And it looks like May wins her seat, finally, despite a drop in voter % nationwide.


Good to see that, she ousted a cabinet minister too. That and the BQ getting booted are small victories. Someone please tell me Trudeau didn't lose his seat though.

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I'm not a fan of Harper getting a majority whatsoever. But we shall see...


I mean this isn't just factless rambling by some random person, some pretty intelligent people are agreeing as well...


Not to mention our healthcare system is going to go to pot...


But some pluses, NDP got an all-time high and BQ are out of the picture. Should be interesting to see what will happen with those changes.


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Well Canada's economy isn't in that bad of a state compared to other countries so I do have a bit of faith that Harper will be able to continue doing an adequate job, perhaps more with his majority now.


And tbh I'd rather have a Conservative majority than an NDP minority. Maybe if the NDP can put on a good show as the official opposition they might get my vote in ~4 years but conservatives are just the best option available now.


Was also nice seeing the Bloc Quebecois finally take a huge hit after all this time.

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lol i said i was gonna vote tomorrow. i did vote today. it was pretty much predicted that NDP will overtake the liberals


i was at the bar when i found out the results. half of my friends didn't vote, but i know a lot of new voters (didn't vote in 2008?) who voted for NDP. Libs lost a lot of ground and i don't see them gaining it back. i wouldn't be surprised if the majority of young voters went NDP.. doesn't help the liberal platform is basically viewed as "raise taxes"

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I'd rather have a majority govn't who actually earned it. Just IMO.


This whole arguement with proportional representative and first past the post (i think that's what they're called?) is just a huge circle though :unsure:


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Our system needs an overhaul. A leadership with 40% of popular vote....


you'd rather have a minority? no thanks


I'd rather have a government that you know, was actually supported by at least 50% of the population. 5 million out of 14 million means that 60% of the population thus far didn't vote for them...

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I'd rather have a majority govn't who actually earned it. Just IMO.


This whole arguement with proportional representative and first past the post (i think that's what they're called?) is just a huge circle though :unsure:


Yeah I'd like to see a Preferential voting system used where you either pick your top and second choice or you pick the person you want and the person you don't want. It'd be more work but a lot better representation of what the majority of Canadians want for their government.

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Congrats Canada, you've taken a big step in the right direction today from what I can tell.

"The chief duty of the government is to keep the peace and stand out of the sunshine of the people." - James A. Garfield

"If you have always believed that everyone should play by the same rules and be judged by the same standards, that would have gotten you labeled a radical 60 years ago, a liberal 30 years ago and a racist today." -Thomas Sowell

"Profits are evidence of the creation of social value, not deductions from the sum of the common good." - Kevin D. Williamson



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I'm not looking forward to seeing what Harper will do to the internet regulations.

Actually, it was his government that overruled the CRTC's decision on priority bandwidth.

"It's not a rest for me, it's a rest for the weights." - Dom Mazzetti

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Personally I don't see tax cuts benefiting anyone except those who are wealthy or higher middle class. Only thing it's going to do is put less money in the hand of the government and when people don't make a lot of money, they don't pay a lot of taxes, so tax cuts have little to no effect. This means they have to pay more for important expenditures. If it's used to stimiulate job growth, it hasn't worked in the past and won't in the future. They can just ship those jobs off to China to save a lot more money. (In fact, many large companies have asked Obama to pay MORE taxes.)


And it's not difficult to privatize healthcare in this country. Harper, after all, used to be a major member of one of those companies pushing for it. All you need to do is change the transfer points into tax points and the blame will be shifted onto the provinces. In a nutshell; the provinces will receive less money in transfer payments and will be forced to cut healthcare or anything else to help pay for other necessities to serve their population.


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The AV debate thread is that way. icon_arrow.gif


No point in arguing about an election you can't change, it's Britain that's having the referendum, not Canada.

~ W ~



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The AV debate thread is that way. icon_arrow.gif


No point in arguing about an election you can't change, it's Britain that's having the referendum, not Canada.


We did have one, but it didn't receive the appropriate percentage, and was thus, shot down.


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