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The community is getting really bad


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i agree, this is why i stick to my freinds and try not to talk to much




person{"free runes plz"




me{no why dont you just train and make something of yourself?




person{omfg u rat b*stard i am gonna report u




me{what for?




person{ kuz u a rat b*astard noob (and this was p2p for god sakes!)

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I'm really sorry to have to tell you, but as an online game gets bigger and bigger, more immature jerks join the game. And when there are masses of them, you run into them more often. And, many of the hearts of some of the older players become hardened because of all of these people. Fortunatly, though, there will always still be some people that are kind spirited. They are just much, much harder to find as time goes by and the population of mean people grows.

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Proposition 24!








I propose that Jagex stop advertising on miniclip. That's where all these bad eggs come from.








Just post and I'll make a list of people :D








i bet 1/2 the people that post here came from mini clip


Socc | 99 Magic | 95/99 Range | 99 Defence | 99 Hitpoints | 96/99 Summoning |Join SODB for some monster Slayin! |

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Yeah no doubt. I remember: first day getting members. I asked how much a pirate eye patch was and the guy offered it to me for 400k. I was smart tho and put up my mask that was 300k at the time and he accepted RIGHT away so i knew he was scamming me :P.












A week later i was exploring the taverly dungeon and i was by the blue drags and i was running out with barely any food and i tried opening the door but some jerk was opening the door back and forth which woulden't let me out. I barely made it out.

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A week later i was exploring the taverly dungeon and i was by the blue drags and i was running out with barely any food and i tried opening the door but some jerk was opening the door back and forth which woulden't let me out. I barely made it out.








THat's how people used to scam noobs using the zamorak wine trick. :evil:



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hey look at the message i just got












* lil BAN ME! go * ur mum or sumin fool








from "pddsap"








and i have know clue who this guy is












the message came with this on the bottom too





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This is truly a problem and something that has been around for who knows how long. Unfortunately MiniClip is not the sole suspect to blame here, as this was around even in RSC (not as bad obviously but there nonetheless). MiniClip has agrivated this problem into something hideous.








As far as I can see there is no solution.

"If ignorance is bliss...then knock the smile off my face!"


Rage Against The Machine


Zack De La Rocha

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Proposition 24!








I propose that Jagex stop advertising on miniclip. That's where all these bad eggs come from.








Just post and I'll make a list of people :D








i bet 1/2 the people that post here came from mini clip
















Anyway, I wish I had discovered RS before it advertised on miniclip, so I could know how it was before. However, I'm stuck here now, trying to get enough info out of the remembrance threads posted every few days.








I consider myself a respectable lv 91, so you can;t say everyone from miniclip is bad :D


Curse you Nomad!

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getting bad? its been horrid for 2 years. I am surprised this game can keep its players longer than 2 weeks now a days. New players that is mind you older players just ignore it and move on but it has to be quite the shock to anyone who's used to MMORPG's to step into this ghetto.

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The community is pretty bad, yes. Just the other day i was alching and some low level person asked me if i could give him some money then, expecting me to offer him lots of money or something, he told me his mum "died" and he had to prepare for the funeral... What the hell?








That was a one off though, there are also a LOT of random insults that fly about which are very annoying.

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someone came up to me and had this intelligent conversation with me :?




him: lol dat a nooby outift u noob




me: well i like it




him ur satff is gai




me: i like my iban staff




him omfg choob dats a gai staff ur leik 12 arent u




me: yes, im 13 in 3 days




him omfg gai **** u suk ur mums **** u ******




me: reported and ignored




i mean, what the hell is his problem?

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Although i joined Runescape because of miniclip, I have to agree with most people. Advertising on miniclip is a bad thing. Although some of the players are not obnoxious and immature. But without that advertising i do not think that the community would have grown like it has.








I think we just have to ignore the people, because in life there are going to be people that just want to make everyones life miserable. I would not recommend turning of public chat because then they will report you because the will think you are autoing.

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The Runescape atmosphere completely sucks now. but I think I have a




solution ban all beggars (yes, even a perm-ban if it comes to that).




The Jagex support staff would probably have to drink a pot of coffee a day each to cope with that massive influx of reports, but o well.

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These topics get old. The Runescape Community has been bad ever since RS2 was launched. This isn't something that started happening yesterday and complaining about it really isn't going to help. Nor will it change anything.








Best solution is to either deal with it or leave. Find a game that fits the actual age group in which you are or the age group in which you would feel more comfortable playing with.








And this really does belong in the Rants forum, IMHO.








EDIT: And yous just can't blame everything on MiniClip. Blame it on Jagex. They're the morons that pay to be advertised there to begin with (if they even pay). Not only that, but they spent a good bit of time promoting RS2. I remember seeing a review on IGN. And Real Arcade even has RS2 listed. So it isn't all just MiniClip. It maybe is the largest contributor by far though.


R.I.P Shiva

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Several months ago I was aimlessly rummaging through houses in Ardounge looking for a set of drawers that my next clue would be in, when some level 77 (I was 92 at the time) walked into the building I was in, called me a noob, then promptly left. What in blazes was that for?








But yeah, there are some bad apples in this game. Just do your best to ignore them, there are still some good apples left to befriend.

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I have "my" community, friends I made over time to talk to or to share the fun of playing the game with. That's the important part for me, and a random person I don't know (and that doesn't know me) calling me a noob for whatever silly reason can't ruin this. Why should I care about someone who feels great just cause he's able to type the word noob on his keyboard? No reason to feel personally insulted.








Anyways, my impression is that whereever I train or whatever I do, chances to run into a nice and friendly convo are usually pretty good. Overall the RS community isn't that worse at all, and some rotten apples and bad moments shouldn't be the base to judge it.








Best regards,





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