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120+ not fun after awhile ( not a rant)


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im f2p... one of my clan-mates came onto free world to loan me a rune wc axe, for a month, or unti l iget 70 wc. beig the nice guy that he is, he sticks around and chats with me, while i get started on my cutting... he is level 87... i am level 87... he GOT SWAMPED with trade requests and begs, because he was wearing full sara and a whip... he switches to p2p world, banks it all, and come back wearing full iron, a mith scimitar, and a dragon fire shield... they stop beg him and start begging *me* because im in full rune...








some kid was trying to tell us that his mother died and that she always wanted him to have full rune, so i should give it to him... i gave him 2 silver bars... 10 mins later "selling silver bars!!1!" ... :roll:












EDIT: lol about using it to your advantage... he told the "my mom died" kid to go pick him 2300 cabbages... then ignore listed the kid :lol:

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thats exactly why i wuit runescape !!!!




i thought nobody understood me !!!!!!!!!




i was also lvl 120 and noobs keep bugging me and all that i was even terrified to enter world a crowded F2P world.......




even if i ignore eventually my friends become like them!








if u have a lvl 120 u either autoed it or u got it for free :wink:








im 123.5 and i didnt auto, its very easy. however, unlike most players on this game, u actually have to have patience and perseverence :wink:

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thats exactly the reason why i quitted my main (lvl 106 (jopiede, if u dont believe me), gave it to nephew(spelling??)) and started a new character. NOW i can play in peace again :roll:








Love when people post how they blatantly break the rules...like trading or giving away accounts *rolls eyes*


RS name: lord krohn Combat 138

slayer specific: 103 whips, 38 dark bows and 250+ dragon boots dropped to date.

Dragon drops: 5 Half shields, 21 drag legs, 8 dragon skirts, and 9 drag meds dropped to date.

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Go on a free world wearing full mystic, perhaps with a dragon halbred. Or any more unique looking members items. You'll get swamped, no matter your level...








If I were level 120, I'd be bored thanks to trouble gaining those last few levels, rather from being swamped by beggars...

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I only talk to lower lvls in f2p when i go there if it doesnt seem they are just asking for stuff and like ask me a question, ill answer questions but not anyything stupid.. like free stuff




Same here, but i usually give free stuff too if they need. Im trying to be nice :oops:

5th in finland to advance 125 combat

1775 total, 99 magic, 99 cooking. Banned on May 2006

New acc: Panisin

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Thats were total levelers own.








I have a mate in the top 800 overall at 99 combat.








He doesnt get bothered at all and in actual fact hes most probably better then 3 quaters of lvl 120's+.


99 Runecraft - 99 Fletching - 99 All Melee's 1800+ Total

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its not easy to ignore them btw, im only lv 93 and i get the occational lv 60 ask me for free stuff, and when i say no (which was inevitable) they go " omfg gunshafteds a loser!!!








i mean what are they trying to prove??? im a loser?? why? cuz i didnt give them stuff???








i love helping, dont get me wrong, answering questions and helping a *new* player with free items is fun








but i gave a level 50 some free rune once, cuz he said he died, and after the trade he just said "rofl loser!!!" thats why i never give free stuff...








happy to help, but not to give to beggars

siggity siggity shwa

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im 109,








i went into f2p for a sec to smith for a friend i had ma full guthans n stuff on








i swear i had a noob pile behind me like i was zezima or something, free st00f, nice lvl, omg its god!! rofl








i gotta teleport alot :D








i acually like the attention cause sometimes ill be nice and give some noobs some stuff, ull be surprised when like 10 lvls 30s are there and u give them all like some junk in ur bank, mith, addy, w.e and they think ur rich :)
















*noob* CAn i have free stuff?




*me* No work for it urself like i did...








*me* rofl









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I'm only 93 combat.








Still .. try walking around in free worlds in a Yellow P-Hat. Half of the people




think it's some kind of crown you get when you join members ...






Oh yeah. That's right.

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Its not just combat level. Its also how well known you are, and what you wear. I get it a bit on my staker (only lvl 85) and ages ago on my main (lvl 105) for months after i held a huge drop party.








And what really gets annoying (to me atleast) is the people standing around saying:








'omg noob leave him alone'




'0mg he doesnt wanna talk to you'




'give him some space noobs'








They kinda seem to be sucking up to the person lol. I always see it when high ranked people are around lol.

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when i was lvl 92 i was freakin hounded in the noob filled areas,




and the begs were for free things, i just tell em to work for it








and i hate the noobs who buy barrows when they are like 20 lvls under for using it, all wanna merch on flail ahrims staff and that stuff




half them are jealous anyway

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once when i was lvl 10*




a n00b lvl 26 and a few of his friends came to me asking if they can buy my full rune and i accepted wanteing to see if they even have the money.....




so i put up my full rune and he asked how much ?




i said 220K and he put up 220GP.




i explained to them what 1K was and then they kept blabbing that they dont ave enough money and they really rally need full rune for their friends B-day. After 10 minutes i remembered that i can change world so i changed.




It would be nice if jagex put up 100+ combat world

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to bad you cant change public, private chat.. to bad you cant use ingore option.. to bad you cant tele elsewhere, to bad you cant tele others, to bad you cant switch worlds.. wow to bad jagex hasnt added stuff to get away from nubs

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I don't think its that big a deal personally, when I get the "fans" flocking around, asking for cash and free stuff, I give one polite "nty", then I just ignore them, if it gets on my nerves, they get a one way trip to my ignore list.








I am not a glory hound by any means, but I do not mind answering the occasional question, giving a little advice and the like. Makes the time go by while fishing, wcing, training whatever.








The only question I dread is the "how long you been playing lord?"
















what he said








and also, how long u been playin lord? :P


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