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The Runar's DIY blog — OSRS ultimate ironman

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That's the thing that sticks to (a?) shield right?

It sticks to an anti-dragon shield and does... something. I don't need anti-dragon shields anyway because I have super antifires



They might turn it into a pet =D!

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be?~ Marianne Williamson


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So yesterday I was killing abyssal demons and I got a very lucky drop — at least for some wicked, cruel and thoroughly twisted definition of luck. Some of you may remember that this isn't even the first time I've been "lucky" with them.




Anyway, I just had a dust devil task and suddenly a red thing appeared on the ground. Using some deductive reasoning I concluded that since the unknown object is clearly not red d'hide vambs, it must be a dragon chainbody. Right? Well, of course not, it was yet another goddamn shield left half.



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I did my 300th clue today (yes, I keep track of them, including the rewards). Too bad I've been getting really bad rewards recently (excluding that ornament kit) :(


I managed to get another “lucky” drop too, a dragon (med) helm from a dark beast -.-


Less than 400k xp left to 99 ranged, so maybe two or three days. I only train with slayer, so it will take a while.

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I'm thinking of doing what Oddish already did and creating a new DIY account for OSRS. Some months ago I made my current account non-DIY in OSRS and said that I don't have time to DIY two games, but now I feel that the situation has changed.


The main reason why I want to DIY OSRS is that I've seriously lost all hope for RS3. I've been worried about the state of the game since EoC was released, but this legacy mode crap was the final straw for me. There are two main problems:

  • First, Jagex's inability to plan anything beforehand. The combat system has been updated way too many times in the last year and it's annoying having to relearn everything about once a week. It seems that Jagex's development model is throwing crap on the wall and seeing what sticks - they don't seem to have any goals whatsoever.
  • Second, the fact that most of the game's content is incredibly unbalanced. As I said in another thread, the combat system is actually not that bad, but the content just isn't balanced for it. Most of the content in the game was made with the old, simple system in mind - the new system makes players too powerful compared to the bosses. I haven't had any feeling of achievement in RS for a long time, because everything is way too easy.
Anyway, this is just an idea and I'm not sure if I'll do this. I may also continue playing RS3, because I believe that I still have some unfinished business, such as my super-secret clue research project.


If I'll continue with the plan and begin playing OSRS, I'm going to make more videos (with commentary of course). There are too few DIY RS videos currently.

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Well, I went ahead and created the OSRS DIY account. It's named "Old Runar", feel free to add it.


I also recorded this quick commentary (on my smartphone; I don't have anything else to record with right now, but that's going to change soon). I hope my accent is at least understandable :/


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I kind of got addicted to the rooftop agility courses in OSRS :P Agility is actually my highest skill now.


Also, I'll try to get those new T75 magic items in RS3 in a few days once the demons are less crowded.

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The abyssal demons aren't that crowded amd you can usually grab one after the other at kuradels dungeon.


So far I ran down 366 demons on task and no whip, wand or orb.

Maxed [February 14, 2012] | Completionist [October 25, 2012] | Trimmed Completionist [in Progress]

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The abyssal demons aren't that crowded amd you can usually grab one after the other at kuradels dungeon.


So far I ran down 366 demons on task and no whip, wand or orb.

I just did a task of 218 abyssal demons and got two whips -.- no wand or orb yet :(

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The abyssal demons aren't that crowded amd you can usually grab one after the other at kuradels dungeon.


So far I ran down 366 demons on task and no whip, wand or orb.

Get 3-4 on you on the slayer tower roof

Flurry (or spinny if you have a 2h)

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So this weekend I was visiting my parents, which means that I had to play on my netbook. It's fast enough to play OSRS just fine though (and amazingly fast enough to record the game too despite being over three years old! <3 Linux for being so light). I was going to train hunter, hoping to get level 65 (as I said in my last video) but I forgot to take my mouse so I had to play using the touchpad :/ I managed to get 9-39 hunter anyway, but it wasn't very fun. I think I'll grind to 65 hunter in a few days and then go do something else, like slayer.

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