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What to do when bored on RS?


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Hi guys. Come back a little bit to RS a few days ago, but I'm already at the stage where I'm bored 5 minutes after logging on. I originally left RS because it turned into feeling like a chore to play, rather than something fun, but now when I log on I just get bore really quickly. I done a quest and a round of Barrows yesterday but didn't really enjoy it... so what do you guys do when you feel a bit bored, in-game? What's sort of things could I try out with my levels? Thanks for theh elp everyone :)

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Try some mini-games, maybe? I took a break for a while, came back and really enjoyed conquest. :thumbup:

Many believe that the 1980 eruption of Mt. Saint Helens was a catostrophic geological event, in reality it was the day that Jimi Hendrix returned to Earth from the next world and actually stood up next to a mountain and chopped it down with the edge of his hand.

-Random Youtuber

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Try starting a new account, such as a pure. Limiting yourself and having to plan out quests can be fun and challenging at times. Or simpily just create an unrestricted account and play through content again. Do quests and don't skip the dialog; try to really pay attention to it. You might gain appreciation for the work that Jagex puts into some of their questlines. Oh; and it helps if you play with music on while questing. It can really set the mood for questing and make it more enjoyable(Maybe it's just me though O.o ).


Play WoW. Seriously, when I'm bored of rs I move on to a different game for a while.


While WoW is a stereotypical suggestion, playing other games to replace your interest in RS is a suggestion if you absolutely can't find anything to do in-game.

Hexiled Razz. Player since March 8th, 2005.

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You aren't boerd of RS, you just aren't interest by it?


Bored: Feeling weary because one is unoccupied or lacks interest in one's current activity.


So, um, yeah, you're bored of RS. My first thought when I saw this title is "not play RS." Pretty much do that - find something else to do, perhaps another or a book or something.

Squab unleashes Megiddo! Completed all quests and hard diaries. 75+ Skiller. (At one point.) 2000+ total. 99 Magic.
[spoiler=The rest of my sig. You know you wanna see it.]

my difinition of noob is i dont like u, either u are better then me or u are worst them me

Buying spins make you a bad person...don't do it. It's like buying nukes for North Korea.

Well if it bothers you that the game is more fun now, then you can go cry in a corner. :shame:

your article was the equivalent of a circumcized porcupine

The only thing wrong with it is the lack of a percentage for when you need to stroke it.


Poignant Purple to Lokie's Ravishing Red and Alg's Brilliant Blue.

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That's the thing. I'm not bored of actually playing, but there's nothing in-game that actually interests me. I was hoping for new ideas for me things to try to get my interest back again.


What haven't you done in a very long time that you used to love? For me, it was RC'ing. I was just about to take a break a year ago for the same reasons you were, and then I tried it again. I had gotten 50-70 rcing on nature runes back when they were 350ea. I used to love it. Although I started it back up and it wasn't as profitable as it was in the past, it helped me get past my bump.


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Don't give Jagex your money if they don't give you interesting enough content.


It depends on how he values his money. If it's something that he knows will pass, which I'm guessing this is the case because of his stated interest in the game still intact, it might not be worth cancelling. For one, he might lose out on loyalty points. For another, if he's struggling to find his goal in P2P, he'll have 10x that sort of difficulty in F2P. That basically ensures that he'd take a break, or possibly quit. So I'm not exactly sure how helpful that is :P


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It depends on how he values his money. If it's something that he knows will pass, which I'm guessing this is the case because of his stated interest in the game still intact, it might not be worth cancelling. For one, he might lose out on loyalty points. For another, if he's struggling to find his goal in P2P, he'll have 10x that sort of difficulty in F2P. That basically ensures that he'd take a break, or possibly quit. So I'm not exactly sure how helpful that is :P

Sometimes taking a break is the wisest option, especially if you find yourself sitting around in the bank with nothing interesting to do.


Loyalty points are useless garbage. Cosmetic rewards aren't worth renewing membership when you have no interest in the game.



This time comes for everybody. Extend your break until you see something announced that sparks your interest for the foreseeable future.

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PvP or bossing depending on your combat level. If you find yourself bored with runescape then the obvious answer is to add a thrill or challenge into your gameplay. Even if you're usually one of those soppy skillers or slayers only, go buy some cheap gear and give pvp a try. You may fail at first but you'll find it an enjoyable experience as long as you don't risk more than you can afford to lose.


By pvp i of course mean in the wilderness, risking your gear with the chance of getting your opponents gear is a thrilling experience, and once you get good at it, it can become very profitable.


By bossing i mean things such as killing bosses you've never tried before (kbd < dagganoth kings < bandos < arma < corp < nex) depending on combat level and skill, these are all very fun to solo or kill in small teams. This can be incredibly profitable with a little luck and a great way to make friendships if you do small teams.


I just noticed your dungeoneering level is low. You may find leveling that with freinds to be a fun experience and it can be very rewarding when you have access to chaotics and other rewards.


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Loyalty points are useless garbage. Cosmetic rewards aren't worth renewing membership when you have no interest in the game.

Most of the rewards are cosmetic, but you are forgetting about the jack of all trades aura. Its not only the most expensive, it also offers the most bonus xp (hopefully, we all know how reliable jagex is about getting our hopes up)



Verac- Helm, Brassard x 2,

Torag- Body, Hammers

Karil- Crossbow

Guthan- Body

Ahrim- Hood, Staff

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Most of the rewards are cosmetic, but you are forgetting about the jack of all trades aura. Its not only the most expensive, it also offers the most bonus xp (hopefully, we all know how reliable jagex is about getting our hopes up)

In a real money vs slight exp boost situation, I think money wins. In either case, it would almost certainly be more efficient to just spend the saved membership money on cheap gold instead of giving it to jagex for no reason.

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