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Investigating the Wise Old Man


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Sry for bumping, but there is new info to discuss on the WOM, and there is no point in making a new thread.








Dear Wise old man,




Why did you rob the bank in Draynor village? Why didnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t you teleport somewhere like Varrock or Falador or Edgeville? Also, WHAT DID YOU DO WIITH ELFINLOCKS? Give her back her bloo party hat! That wasnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t nice! Go to your room! Also, what the hack is under that bed? Heck, itÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s fun to kick, so jagex, donÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t you dare mess with that! I thought it was something like a lesser demon from something it said, and also, could you hurry up with destroying the wizardÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s tower again? I want that bridge to blow up of dynamite! Why canÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t you blow it up with that Saradomin staff? Why am I asking so many questions?








Your almost-banned and currently muted criminal hater,
















Dear Marioman318,








I gather from your letter that you have been quite assiduous in your studies of my little house and my recent activities. Well, my dear chap, I shall start by thanking you for your interest and enthusiasm! It gives me a great sense of satisfaction to see that the world has not forgotten me since I retired from my adventurous life.








In the course of my little escapade in the bank, your friend Elfinlocks was unfortunate enough to get in my way and I was forced to incapacitate her. Now you have written me a letter demanding that I right her wrongs. However, perhaps it has not occurred to you that, even if I were to accede to your curt request, it would not benefit you in the slightest!








Allow me to elaborate. In the distant past, when I travelled the world solving people's problems and saving those in distress just as you do today, I held the hope that my efforts would be appreciated and met with appropriate gratitude. But what did I get? When I grew old and the time came for me to retire, I found myself forced into this poxy shack in Draynor Village, neighboured by a pigment-obsessed hag and a 'navigator' whose prowess at knitting exceeds his ability to steer a boat. Not to mention the constant flow of unashamed thieves through the village market! (The hideous harpy who sits gawking through my window will gladly show you a picture of the house as it was when I first came here.) My meek and placid nature notwithstanding, I realised that if I did not take my reward for myself, I would receive nothing at all. So I took up my trusty staff and headed for the bank. I am sure you would be likewise frustrated beyond belief if you were to dedicate a lifetime's effort to the service of others and receive no reward.








Now, let me return to your other questions. I chose the Draynor Village bank because it is convenient and local. Rural branches of banks are useful, and we should make full use of them. Otherwise there may come a day when the Bank of RuneScape closes its outlying branches and the Council has them transformed into trendy wine-bars.








I am indeed mystified by the matter of that creature under my bed. Many times I have persuaded willing folk to rid me of the nuisance, but always it returns. I suspect it to be a subterranean creature forced out of its natural habitat by those ridiculously attired xenophobes who call themselves HAM. On account of its incessant snoring at night, it is not welcome to seek asylum under my bed, and I shall continue to send people to deal with it until it ceases to trouble me.








Finally we come to the question of the Wizards' Tower. As you may have noticed, I have been training my telescope on it for quite some time now. I have not yet finalised my plans, but I do find myself terribly short of runes these days, and I feel that a short excursion to the Tower might solve my problem permanently. But I doubt I will make any move for a considerable time; the powers of Wizard Traiborn are not to be underestimated.








I thank you again for your letter.








Strength through wisdom,
















It seems as if the Wise Old Man might go up against Wizard Trailborn eventually, that would be cool. What do you think will happen, another quest? A story? Something else interesting?

R.I.P The Old Nite. Heroes get remembered. But Legends never die. You were truly a Runescape Legend


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the WOM is the richest f2p player in all of Runescape.............................He could have stolen his blue party hat. Oh wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He used saradomin strike right??? Something is wrong here,he is the richest f2p player..............................................................................some1 explain :-k

Any1 add me in game (rock goose) for help if u need it. =)




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the WOM is the richest f2p player in all of Runescape.............................He could have stolen his blue party hat. Oh wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He used saradomin strike right??? Something is wrong here,he is the richest f2p player..............................................................................some1 explain :-k








Its an NPC #-o








And the one who brought that thread back up had a great idea!!! :D








KCHughes, its a call to arms :ohnoes:

Quest cape obtained at combat level 83, march 07.

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wowy wow! its been a long time since ive seen this thread! ok, so lets recap here. after 13 pages, what have we learned about the WoM?

I couldn't care less if he was Andrew Gower himself, I just don't like arrogant smegheads.
*in the voice of the comic book guy from the simpsons* best. quote. EVER! :thumbsup:
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OMG!!!! It's this trend!!! You can see my post on the front page...








And what??? Tip.it censored my google video link on the first page....HOW CAN THE WORLD'S TRUSTED SEARCH ENGINE BE CENSORED!!!??




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Wow, glad to see this again. :P








Anyway, another Tipiter and I have done a little more research, and he (joecool280) actually took my coordinates and laid them out on a map of Runescape:
















Looks pretty good. I noticed one line going through Dragontooth island way over on the eastern side (WOM several times talking about seeing all varieties of dragons). He added a bunch of other lines between points and such, one goes clean through the center of the Mage Arena (Saradomin Staff, of course), another goes right through the middle of the center island in Castle Wars (no significane, I don't think...), through the Void Knights outpost and Pest Control area, and through Lunar Isle and the Pirate place nearby.








Then, we managed to find this: http://www.zybez.net/tomes.php?id=44. From a book in the fishing colony. It doesn't answer a lot, but it's very insightful.








Thanks for reminding me about my thread!

the russians are the best! Hands down!
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Here's my view: Zaros would hate Zamarock (spelled wrong) more then any of the three current gods, because he betrayed him, (suposedly) then Guthix because he interupted his nice little war with Sara. Sara is just his opposite, sara hasn't done anything specific against him... Yet. So it is posible that even though WOM practices Sara magic, he could follow Zaros, or he could be a follower of Sara and is trying to expose how evil is infiltrating Saradom's abodes, but the reader letter sure takes the wind out of that one.




I have heard alot of great ideas on this thread, and I will say this, it had better not be forgotten, it's going in my siggy, how bout you?


What has become of the runescape community???? :wall:

There is a community?

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OMG!!!! It's this trend!!! You can see my post on the front page...








And what??? Tip.it censored my google video link on the first page....HOW CAN THE WORLD'S TRUSTED SEARCH ENGINE BE CENSORED!!!??








Trusted? Speak for yourself.

In a little hilltop village they gambled for my clothes

I bargained for salvation and they gave me a lethal dose

I offered up my innocence, I got repaid with scorn

"Come in'', she said, "I'll give you shelter from the storm"

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Anybody want to snoop around Menaphos?








A couple of the lines joecool drew wound up off the map in the blank spaces north of Prifddinas and south of the poison waste place. I hope Jagex expands that area soon, just to see if they put anything there that would solve the puzzle. Jagex reads these forums, too! :lol:

the russians are the best! Hands down!
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If Jagex reads this, it wouldn't suprise me if they take your idea. I mean, you have really worked with this alot!!!




So Jagex can throw in this into RS and than all this with the Wise old Man is pretty logical. I would have done so, anyway.



Add me if you so wish: SwreeTak

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but i wonder what happen to elfinlocks (the person who died and the hat got stolen?) :-k but i think eventually there maybe a quest coming out to solve that but i doubt it.. <.<








That would be awesome..."The Search for Elfinlocks."








I remeber while looking over the "Swan's Song" quest guide that Necromancy was used to help you in some way. I imagine that WOM, being sneaky, would have seen it being used and recognized its power, and would now be trying anything to become a skilled necromancer. I would if I were him, anyway. Realistically, the next skill Jagex releases after hunting will almost surely be necromancy, possibly sometime next spring. Expect another WOM quest then, perhaps? :-k

the russians are the best! Hands down!
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Ok so maybe i do have to be spoonfed everything by jagex, but atleast I don't make a topic devoted to ludicrous pretend algebra! I'm 16 years old right? About to take A level mathmatics and statisstics, i'm currently in top set and predicted an A* for GCSE, you get me? I know the difference between noobish lies and real algebra.








Ok, fine. Since you obviously know more about math than everyone on Earth, I'll leave you and your brain alone. I'll just go back to my lame old trigonometry. :roll:








If you want to contribute, then contribute. If you want to point out an error in my calculation, point it out, but don't bash me. By the way, what exactly was so 'pretend' about my algebra?








KC, your algebra makes sense. Well done with your all of your slope form and whatnot.








As for sick, did you not take advanced algebra (algebra 2)? Because that's what I'm doing in class right now and it makes sense.








As for the entire thread, it's cool. Gives us a place to put our theories about the WOM, eventually we shall find out what he is really for.








All we really know is that he is a retired hero, who never got anything in return and is just PO'd that he never got anything in return for his work.

Wolfy is Officially Retired.

I miss you all (Well, mostly my friends n stuff)

If you want to talk to me, send me a message, I check the boards daily. :D

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Anybody want to snoop around Menaphos?








A couple of the lines joecool drew wound up off the map in the blank spaces north of Prifddinas and south of the poison waste place. I hope Jagex expands that area soon, just to see if they put anything there that would solve the puzzle. Jagex reads these forums, too! :lol:








I might do some snooping around Menaphos, I hardly have gone back there since the quest. I always wanted to snoop there anyway.








It is nice to see this topic back to life, I bumped it but I expected it to die again.

R.I.P The Old Nite. Heroes get remembered. But Legends never die. You were truly a Runescape Legend


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Ok so maybe i do have to be spoonfed everything by jagex, but atleast I don't make a topic devoted to ludicrous pretend algebra! I'm 16 years old right? About to take A level mathmatics and statisstics, i'm currently in top set and predicted an A* for GCSE, you get me? I know the difference between noobish lies and real algebra.








Ok, fine. Since you obviously know more about math than everyone on Earth, I'll leave you and your brain alone. I'll just go back to my lame old trigonometry. :roll:








If you want to contribute, then contribute. If you want to point out an error in my calculation, point it out, but don't bash me. By the way, what exactly was so 'pretend' about my algebra?








KC, your algebra makes sense. Well done with your all of your slope form and whatnot.








As for sick, did you not take advanced algebra (algebra 2)? Because that's what I'm doing in class right now and it makes sense.








As for the entire thread, it's cool. Gives us a place to put our theories about the WOM, eventually we shall find out what he is really for.








All we really know is that he is a retired hero, who never got anything in return and is just PO'd that he never got anything in return for his work.




Well, I'm a seventh grader taking pre algebra, and it makes sense to me. (not my fault I'm the best in my class, or I was 12 when I built my first computer.) Or as I understand it, your just measuring the degrees of the angles, and the lat and longitude by the damage done, right? after all I am only a seventh grader but that's what it looks like.




It is nice to see this topic back to life, I bumped it but I expected it to die again.




AHH :wall: :wall: You thought that the most thought through topic on the fomums would die again? Never :XD: lol


What has become of the runescape community???? :wall:

There is a community?

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This is very thought-out, much more than most threads. But it has sat untouched almost since the Swan Song quest release, until I bumped it because of the letter. You speculate about future updates more than most people, I find it cool to go this indepth on it.

R.I.P The Old Nite. Heroes get remembered. But Legends never die. You were truly a Runescape Legend


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i really doubt this but all this kickin in the bed, suspicous tinderbox, banished NPC elfinlocks, also that demon under the bed may be a slight little part in a future quest about WOM.. but atleast a requirement would be 2 complete swan song.

1150+ total, 151 questpoints and 76 combat.. is it good? Plz pm me for your thoughts.


Join the campaign for more F2P Bank space!

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This thread is sooo old yet it still interests me.








I think that jagex will create a quest in the future. You will probably be assisting wizard trailborn and fight off the WoM and then complete the quest.








I don't know, just my thought

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i wonder if any of you guys noticed this but when you looked through the telescope months ago to get to see the entrance to the tower.




but a week ago when i looked through the telescope i saw that it starts at the side the the tower and doesn't show the entrance anymore




edit:nvm it shows the entrance again




also W.O.M did a 44 on the guard and then did some kind of kick to him.




then the guard fell down. but why didn't the W.O.M kill him?


N0valyfe an idol to some, a great player to many, and a true runescaper to all


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The wise old man doesn't seem to like the sphinx very much...




When he mentions "false gods" he is talking about the cat goddess Icthlarin, whom you help in Icthlarins little helper quest.







Sprites: That feline statue you've got on your bookshelf there - I'm sure I saw something like that when I was in Sophanem.








Wom: I've always liked to collect little trinkets to remind me of the time when my life was more - ah - exciting.








Sprites: So you've spoken to the Sphinx, then?








Wom: *laughing* Spoken to a sphinx, you say? My dear young man, you can't possibly be serious!








Sprites: What do you mean?








Wom: Ha ha ha! The people who live deep in the shifting sands of the desert will often tell travellers tall tales of strange beasts, but that doesn't mean any of it's remotely true!








Sprites: But I've met the Sph...








Wom: Please adventurer, there is nothing to be gained by interfering in matters you do not understand.




Even if such a creature were to exist...








Sprites: ... which it does...








Wom: EVEN IF SUCH A CREATURE WERE TO EXIST it would be terribly dangerous for you to get involved in its business.




I have heard of terrible things happening to travellers in that land, and I would not wish for you to be dragged into anything like that.




Indeed, I have heard of adventurers doing the most shameful and blasphemous deeds believing themselves to be acting on behalf of some false god!








Sprites: Hmmm?








WOM: So please do not speak to me of this matter again. Now, I believe I was telling you of my adventurous youth...








What does he mean by false god? Is he referring to Saradomin or Guthix or Zamorak?
















im sorry i have not read the rest and this may be outdated but zamorak was not a god to begin with when you ask wom about the mahjarrat eventuoly he says that one of them named zamorak maneged to get godhood tho how he dosent know and there are 4 of them who are the most active in this world hazeel lucien azanadra and zemouregal (<<


Questcape first achieved: Sept 20, 2009
99 agility march 11th 2010

99 Magic - some point in 2012

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During the recording, I noticed you could examine players, so I think the players are NPCs. When you examine them it ju8st says 'A player'.

Proud Legionairre of the 10th Legion of Kandarin.

Search for "The 10th Legion of Kandarin" on RSOF to join a small, friendly clan!

270 Quest Points and counting

Remember - In the gene pool, there is no life guard. :P

You're not getting my point. If you had an IQ above room temperature you would.
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