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First of all the figure given? They've always exaggerated figures.








It could have been exactly 14872 or 15189. Who knows and who cares? It was approximately 15,000 and that's enough info for me.








In fact, my guess is: This 'system' doesn't even exist at all.








On what is this guess based on? Their autodetection and antiauto things have been getting better and better through the time. Simple color clickers don't work in rs2 anymore without a lot of "randomizing" as rs2 detects those things better than rsc did. Also at least old mass bans have been made with a "trap". Make some fuction to send an X-packed (just an example) when done thing Y. If someone does thing Y and it doesn't send the packet X, then you get "registered". It's not really hard to set that kind of a trap.








If Jagex think they have a breakthrough against autoers, they're sorely mistaken. They've been losing the battle for 5 years now, I hardly think they've managed to turn it around now.








Autoing has been always there and will never totally die, but it can be made harder and harder to auto. Jagex always has the last word as they can arrange mass bannages. It kills autoing from the majority for a while and that's enough for me. If they wanted to fully stop autoing, they'd need to get rid of the whole game. There's always someone who autos, no matter what. As long as there's 15-150 autoers I don't really mind it (as I probably won't even see any), but when there's 15,000 banned accounts and autoers everywhere, then I do care.








a friend of mine got banned and he never used autoing stuff (he is nine years old-) Doesnt this appear odd to anyone?








Age means nothing. It's easy to get a bot from a friend or someone. Installing and running it can't be hard. Also, there's a possibility that he had played on a computer (friend's place, school, library, etc) that someone had used to auto. Look at the quote below (taken from runescape.com)








As well as having new systems to detect people cheating in this way, we are also using a new system to go through and ban other accounts used by these cheats, so they can't just cheat on a 'throwaway' account they don't care about, and expect their other accounts to be unaffected.



I'd rather die for what I believe in than live for anything else.

Name Removed by Administrator ~Turtlefemm

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I call [cabbage]t








I call good job Jagex! :P








Why bs?








First of all the figure given? They've always exaggerated figures.








We can detect this type of cheating VERY easily. Suprisingly some people seem to think they can get away with this, but we're making absolutely sure you can't.








It's only easy because some people auto 24/7. People who auto normal-like playing hours, I'd like to see how easy it is to detect them.








As well as having new systems to detect people cheating in this way, we are also using a new system to go through and ban other accounts used by these cheats








O RLY? I'd love to see this bit of code (Presuming it's code) and see if it eliminates any possibility of a false-banning. My guess is, it doesn't. In fact, my guess is: This 'system' doesn't even exist at all.








If Jagex think they have a breakthrough against autoers, they're sorely mistaken. They've been losing the battle for 5 years now, I hardly think they've managed to turn it around now.








Once again, I call [cabbage]t.












I really dont get it, alot of people are happy but think about it, how easy is to train in rs2? ive seen more people make noobs and they have it like 70 50 80 in a matter of weeks and that not the time they pk which is half the time, the rsc ban was good not only because you cant make anymore accounts but because rsc is harder to train even if the botters start again by like 4-5 months they be where they were as to where in rs2 if someone bots again id say in 2 months they can have all 99's so imo nothing really was done a minor setback maybe and a way to take the heat off jagex as they get nothing but complaints from all you guys. anyway my 2 cents hate it or love it

Trupimp (Banned 03')

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Is Jagex really so ready to bite that hand that feeds it?
















I say no, who hates money?


Wow...I just scanned it with my new high tech program called "common sense" and it detected a scam.
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As well as having new systems to detect people cheating in this way, we are also using a new system to go through and ban other accounts used by these cheats, so they can't just cheat on a 'throwaway' account they don't care about, and expect their other accounts to be unaffected.




Thats the best part of it, in my opinion :D

Please think before you ask a question. If you ask the right question, its much more likely you get the answer you are looking for :)




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holy god! it was soo great. i went to the rimmington mine and actually mined for once. i got a nice amount of ore and not a sole in sight. pure bliss. then i went to karamja. i fished with three people. yes, three people. we had (gasp and choke) an intelligent conversation!! *screams of horror from the audience*(one man faints) then i walked around and enjoyed a nice long quiet stroll. varrock west bank was still busy, but no where near as full as it has ever been.












freakin' sweet!

I couldn't care less if he was Andrew Gower himself, I just don't like arrogant smegheads.
*in the voice of the comic book guy from the simpsons* best. quote. EVER! :thumbsup:
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Hooray! :D Lummy mine has now become less crowded! Also the price of ess seems to have increased...



"In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."
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I call [cabbage]t








I call good job Jagex! :P








Why bs?








First of all the figure given? They've always exaggerated figures.








We can detect this type of cheating VERY easily. Suprisingly some people seem to think they can get away with this, but we're making absolutely sure you can't.








It's only easy because some people auto 24/7. People who auto normal-like playing hours, I'd like to see how easy it is to detect them.








As well as having new systems to detect people cheating in this way, we are also using a new system to go through and ban other accounts used by these cheats








O RLY? I'd love to see this bit of code (Presuming it's code) and see if it eliminates any possibility of a false-banning. My guess is, it doesn't. In fact, my guess is: This 'system' doesn't even exist at all.








If Jagex think they have a breakthrough against autoers, they're sorely mistaken. They've been losing the battle for 5 years now, I hardly think they've managed to turn it around now.








Once again, I call [cabbage]t.








jagex=ownt? lol...always leave to bubsa to analyze something to what its really worth :P

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:shock: This.. is.. amazing!! A nice stroll into the mining guild to fight for some mithril and... what's that.. where is everybody.. *tumbleweed*




There were 2 people!!! We officially 'Owned' the world 15 mining guild! :D


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I'm all for Jagex regulating their game from cheaters, why wouldn't I and why shouldn't they? I'm not rejoicing for two things: 1) Why exaggerate the facts and 2) They banned people, well good but...to be honest, that's their job. I think it would be a bigger spectacle if Jagex didn't take any action.








For me, this is like praising Jagex fixing a bug.








And to all of you rejoicing...I'd give it 2 weeks. A month tops. Then tell me what it's like in the mining guild, fishing guild, seers village...

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Is Jagex really so ready to bite that hand that feeds it?
















I say no, who hates money?








They've banned members every time there has been a mass ban, even this time.








Why? Because banning autoers shows that they care about the game and thus give a good reason for people to become members. If they let p2p server be "autoplaces", there would be only autoing members soon left. It might give them a little loss now, but in a long run it pays itself back.








Also, how many of these people who got banned will keep playing? Probably like half or more. This means that they didn't lose 15,000*5$.



I'd rather die for what I believe in than live for anything else.

Name Removed by Administrator ~Turtlefemm

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I'm all for Jagex regulating their game from cheaters, why wouldn't I and why shouldn't they? I'm not rejoicing for two things: 1) Why exaggerate the facts and 2) They banned people, well good but...to be honest, that's their job. I think it would be a bigger spectacle if Jagex didn't take any action.








For me, this is like praising Jagex fixing a bug.








And to all of you rejoicing...I'd give it 2 weeks. A month tops. Then tell me what it's like in the mining guild, fishing guild, seers village...








dam bubsa your the only one worth quoting sorry i have to :(




but its true, and whoever thinks that jagex banned members and they losing money so they care about the game blah blah blah u dont think they just gonna make another account or 2 make em p2p and start autoing again? like i said rs2 is so easy to train its a joke let alone someone train 24/7 for 2-3 weeks= back where they were








and for the not so smart people out there, rs2 bots only getting better i mean if they made for what jagex said to be "an rs with no bot,macros blah.." i remember Paul saying something like this when it was first introduced, rs will never be what it was its first 2 years, and im glad i got to play it then and met some of the finest people i know today

Trupimp (Banned 03')

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Okay, pardon my ignorance but please can someone tell me what a "macro" is? It would be nice to know so that I can avoid similar circumstances myself without realizing that I was doing that.

Cimmorene, Princess of the Thunderstorm


Brave, strong, smart and beautiful.

I AM the daughter of wind and fire

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Okay, pardon my ignorance but please can someone tell me what a "macro" is? It would be nice to know so that I can avoid similar circumstances myself without realizing that I was doing that.








A program that can be used to do certain things, i.e. click rocks for you, attack monsters, fish or cut woods. Also autotypers are macros.



I'd rather die for what I believe in than live for anything else.

Name Removed by Administrator ~Turtlefemm

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Thanks, Hohto. It doesn't look like that's going to be a problem. I'm not dishonest enough to want to do something like that. As for my husband, jaklumen, I don't believe he is as dishonest as that either. That's not to say we're not dishonest in our own unique ways, but we wouldn't want to spoil the game for anyone.

Cimmorene, Princess of the Thunderstorm


Brave, strong, smart and beautiful.

I AM the daughter of wind and fire

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