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post fremminkik names here


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I am just wondering what everybody's fremminik name is that u get after the quest "the fremminik trials" mine is "talk-ar" or "talkar" i forget. so post what urs is here. Also i need some info on throne of miscilannia quest. I read on tip.it that u get to rule the kingdom and the people work for u. I need an explanation on this please because i might want to do it because i just finished heroes(my max hit with dragon battle is 20 so far)so post the names here and the info thanks








-mini193- :roll:


Doing a little bit of everything

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It's not very good. They're a lazy kingdom I got like 10 herbs a day back when I cared. But theyre so bothersome I wouldn't do it, personally.








However, max 20 with d b ax is Nice!

Urza. The One. The Legend.


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that wa sun potted the calc on site said like 22 no pots or prayer but special 18 with nothing not even special and like 24 or 26 with special ultimate strength and super strength potion anbd glory ammy


Doing a little bit of everything

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About the miscalania kingdom... I deposited 50k in the treasury and had everybody working on herbs... they gave me one flippin herb for 5k... and it was a guam :roll: Worst 5K i ever spent... i immediatly withdrew the other 45K and therefore my outlook on the kingdom is that it is a rather useless feature. Who knows, mabye they give more fish, maple logs, and coal than they do herbs, but I really doubt it. Oh, and by the way, my kingdom favor was 100%. Shows how much they care.








By the way, my Fremmink name is 'Jarlak'. I haven't bothered to change it with the ring of Charos because I don't really care about those backwater people that are the Frimminks. And the name isn't too incredibly stupid.

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Mine is Siglor.








You can apparently change it using the ring of Charos after you've done the garden of tranquility quest - but seeing as I need to raise farming (yay) before I can do that one I'm not sure of the mechanics of doing so.








I'll second (or third) the notion that miscellania should be avoided. Just take the 10k out of the coffers and run. That princess keeps putting off our wedding too :evil:

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My name is Lartan








How can you change it?








With the ring of charos; charged by the wise old man during the Garden of Tranquility quest, of course. You probally speak to the leader of the Friminik tribe to change your name.

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Mine is Tallah








About the kingdom. It is a total waste, like peronix I deposited around 50k with 100% favor. All I got wsa a few maple logs, that ended up costing a lot more then they were worth. I suggest just doing the quest and don't worry about running kingdom once you are done.


Your true character is what you are like when you believe there are no repercussions.

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Mine is Dendur. Personally, I used to like it.. Until I heard Thordur. Looks like I'm getting a name change now :o








Your kingdom is a total waste. I got maybe 2 tuna and (GASP!) a swordfish, at 100% favour, with everyone on fish (This was when I needed food :lol: ). Total ripoff. So I got mad and killed a bunch of my own people. 0% favour now :oops:



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About the miscalania kingdom... I deposited 50k in the treasury and had everybody working on herbs... they gave me one flippin herb for 5k... and it was a guam :roll: Worst 5K i ever spent... i immediatly withdrew the other 45K and therefore my outlook on the kingdom is that it is a rather useless feature. Who knows, mabye they give more fish, maple logs, and coal than they do herbs, but I really doubt it. Oh, and by the way, my kingdom favor was 100%. Shows how much they care.








By the way, my Fremmink name is 'Jarlak'. I haven't bothered to change it with the ring of Charos because I don't really care about those backwater people that are the Frimminks. And the name isn't too incredibly stupid.








The people of Miscellania do not procude Guams or Marrentils ...








Mind is "Dendur".


Oh yeah. That's right.

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