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Runescape: the end draws near


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well, I've been thinking about this for awhile, and I know that there have been some articles written to the same effect of what I am about to write, but I think I'll write it anyway.




Fellow players: the end of Runescape draws near......








Well, runescape has been adding a lot of updates these last few months, and I personally think that too many updates (especialy to the older skills) will doom runescape.








For example:








New weapons must be released to make players with high attack and strength levels to be happy (for instance, the abyssal whip, making it possible to easily two hit an unprepared player); Jagex then must release new armour that requires higher defense levels than their last armour update to negate the effects of the new high-powered weapons......eventually Jagex will have to make a type of weapon and a new type of armour that requires level 99 attack and 99 defense to be able to use it.




Once Jagex creates this "super armour" and "super weapon type" they still have a couple of options left for future updates:








Option 1: Jagex releases more weapons that have lower-level requirements to satisfy the newer players (unlikely)








Option 2: Jagex releases weapons that are much more rare; for future updates, they increase the rareness of the weapon (likely)








If Jagex chooses the first option, they only have a certain amount of time before choose the second option; eventually you will have a weapon that is so rare that only the top ten people have it.......but what then? After a couple of months, at least one hundred people will have it, and there wil be a cry for another weapon update. There is only one option for Jagex now.......raise the maximum level for attack, strength, and defense.




The result: Chaotic leveling and the ability to hit insane amounts on what were once "high level monsters" Once everyone maxes out their new levels and the cycle starts all over again.

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You just said that it was a cycle of reupdating things. If that's the case, there would be no end.




But anyways, rs has been around over 4 years now, and so far they haven't messed up the game to the point of it dying. Most updates are designed for a level 30 anyway, so even if they make high level requirement items, the game will continue to keep luring in more new players, and that's what the game is about. Getting people addicted to f2p enough, lured into p2p, and keeping them subscribing. Seems to be working to me, and I don't see any end coming up in any time until a new game pops up like rs but is better in every way.

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Runescape is doing fine. It is showing no sign of falling yet, even though the community is slowly degrading at an exponential rate... but nah, Runescape is good for another few years or so.

Why do you resist? My experiments are only helping humanity push the boundaries of the Art of Toxicology... you should be proud to be one of my victims.



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You are aware that fighting and gaining armor and weapons isn't the only thing you can do on the game, right? :?



The Internet: where men are men, women are men, and children are the FBI.

First Dragon Drop 5/6/2006 -Dragon Med from Bronze Dragon :D

First Barrows Item From Chest 2/20/2007 - Verac's Brassard :D

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Well, yes, I know that there are many other things than those skills, but those are some of the more popular skills, and Jagex seems to add updates for them more often than other skills.

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There will be a time when RS will fall on its face but it's not in sight...








Just because the game is limited now where 99 is the highest level, doesn't mean they can't change that in the event that these "super weapons" and "super armor" are created. They can also create new skills like Slayer where leveling that is the prerequisite for these new weapons and armor so don't worry about that being the end of the game.








And even when this so called "end of RS" occurs, it might simply be the end of RS2, as RS2 was the killer of RSC, what's stopping JAGeX from creating an RS3 to replace RS2 when technology improves?








The only way that I can see RS ending pre-maturely is if something happens to the JAGeX corporation, not RS the game.

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You have stuffed the game up.








Jagex is unlikely to bring out even more weapons for high lvl people, There are more than enough and more importantly comabt is not the top skills. Yeah combat does seem to be the best for new players but really its not all that great. Cooking, fishing and herblore are better money makers.








Not everyone craves to have a set of full barrows and full dragon(me being one of them) some people play runescape because of its fun quests and such, not so they can go on a killing spree. Alot of that went out when members and the wilderness came in.








Runescape has loads of new quests and general updates like cook x.








They will not suddenly run out of updates and choose to bring in super weapons.

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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i think you are the dumbest person i have ever see post on this forum...if you dont like the game, please, do exsistance a favor and quit.




I like the game very much.....I have been playing for a long time now; there is no rason for you to think that I don't like the game :roll:

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somebody hasnt given thought to the different attack styles. I see runescape progressing to the point where there will be more specialized armor that will give insane protection/attack bonus's against one kind of attack style, while having very little defense for another

R.I.P. Shiva

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