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elemental staves vs battle staves


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what is the point of elemental battle staves and mystic staves? do people actually use them for melee battle? the regular elemental staves give the same magic offense and defense, as well as slash, crush and stab def bonuses are the same for all. whats the point of the expensive battle staves and mystic staves then? (besides lava and mud, of course)

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Mystic staves offer the same melee bonuses as a rune long.








Battle staves are what you make mystic staves from, no-one ahrdly leaves them as battle staves








While it may seem worthless, it is meant for when the mage may find themsevles out of runes suddenly, plus it also gives a fair weapon to switch to if they come upon a ranger


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you can make battlestaves mystic after you do the scorpion catcher.








Not overly helpful I admit, but when Im superheating ores in the lumby swamp, its nice to hit 20s on the rock golem with my staff when he attacks.


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Elemental Battlestaves are for alching as you buy the battlestaff and you attach the orb and still get a 2k profit while mystic staves are just for show off/blowing money.








So you never used one ?








Mystic staves are the FASTEST crush weapon available, they are great on any plate armored npc, like shadow wariors, ice wariors, earth wariors, ...








Only thing better is a whip of course, but not everyone can buy/use one.


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yeah but you dont use magic staves to do melee battle anyway. the rock golem example is a good exception, but if im going to melee i grab my d long or b axe (till i get my whip). a rune long is wack as a weapon, unless youre a pk pure with 1 attack, then a mystic battlestaff makes no sense at all as a melee weapon.








for regular use, such as casting spells, there is no advantage to wielding a battlestaff over a regular zaff staff. you get same magic bonuses and defense bonuses, and as a melee weapon the regular cheap is not that bad anyway

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If you don't like it, don't use it. When I was a member, i thought having infinite fire/air runes and stats like a rune long was great for situations where I wanted to mage and melee at the same time while conserving runes. If you think a rune long is a terrible weapon, then go use your dragon scim or whip or Dharok axe if it makes you feel tougher.

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I had been usin mystic lava staff like mad! It ownz j00, me, Jaqex and every1 else. Its almost better than the best drag wep (dagger that is), only falling behind coz of lack of special while being superior in stats.

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Mystic staffs are actually a decent weapon








yes the stats of a rune long, BUT the speed of a dagger is what makes them good.












Its kinda like a draggon dagger with a crush attack which is good on plate armor...




It was my weapon of choice untill the whip came out.




And also with schimmys. the staff isnt as impressive anymore, but it had its day.








Try using a dagger and a staff and youll be surprized, its a pretty decent weapon. It just lacks the daggers special.








I usually alch at the duel areana with a mystic lava and duel anyone that wants to for fun and people are amazed with a staff hitting mid 20s....its quiet fun.


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Elemental Battlestaves are for alching as you buy the battlestaff and you attach the orb and still get a 2k profit while mystic staves are just for show off/blowing money.








So you never used one ?








Mystic staves are the FASTEST crush weapon available, they are great on any plate armored npc, like shadow wariors, ice wariors, earth wariors, ...








Only thing better is a whip of course, but not everyone can buy/use one.

Well, thats what I was kinda gonna say, but now there are a few better crush weapons with the same speed ;) (flail and hammers both have the same speed as a long [trust me, I've used every barrows item])


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when your fighting slayer monsters you know that you need magic defense. well a mystic staff gives +10 magic defense and is decent to use as melee against them. it lets you last a little longer in battle.




a regular magic staff gives you 10 mage def and att bonus as well. on most occassions youre gonna use your staff because of the unlimited rune supply and magic bonus, not because youre gonna thump your monster over the head with it. you might as well pull out a regular melee weapon








i suppose the other advantage is the speed which i didnt think about. it hits as fast as bare-handed combat which is always a plus, but not really that big of an advantage. i think ill stick to my regular elemental staff then....

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Can someone please explain that to me?




I have 2 fire battlestaves from treasure trails, and it seems the price is arounf 10k each. How do i convert them into mystic staves? What's a mystic fire staff price?

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while mystic staves are just for show off/blowing money.








it's true :P , but battle staves r good 4 alkin, fire battle staves nearly go 4 10k...

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Elemental Battlestaves are for alching as you buy the battlestaff and you attach the orb and still get a 2k profit while mystic staves are just for show off/blowing money.








So you never used one ?








Mystic staves are the FASTEST crush weapon available, they are great on any plate armored npc, like shadow wariors, ice wariors, earth wariors, ...








Only thing better is a whip of course, but not everyone can buy/use one.

Well, thats what I was kinda gonna say, but now there are a few better crush weapons with the same speed ;) (flail and hammers both have the same speed as a long [trust me, I've used every barrows item])








Intresting, never knew that the fail and hammers are the speed of a dagger o.O Live and learn eh ...








Oh wait you said its the same speed as a long, mystic battle staves are much faster then a long ! test em out :wink:


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Low-Mid Level players should really try this for some decent combat/mage XP (until you can purchase/use a whip):








Mystic Air Staff. Rock Crabs. TG Nats.




Awesome Att/Str/Def/HP XP per hour smashing those Lvl 13 Rock Crabs' heads in (50 HP ea so 200 XP ea kill). While you are doing this you can cast TeleGrab on the Nats (and the cut saphires also I guess) which turns 1 Law into 2 Nats (which you can then trade/sell for more Laws) while giving the Mage Xp for casting TG. So, recap, great combat XP, free mage xp, and you basically double the amount of cash that you bring as laws.








It is true that 90% of the time there is no need for a Mystic Staff over a normal Elemental Staff... but then again that 10% of time is when it could make the most important difference :wink:


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