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Possible Ranging Bug?


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I can't seem to find anyone mentioning it here. I saw a few small blurbs about it on the official forums the day that agility pyramid arrived (which is when I have noticed it myself). I thought as with most of these so called "hidden" updates that it was nothing to worry about and they were imagining things. Until I noticed it myself...








To get to the point, when ranging sometimes your character will run or walk up to the NPC you're trying to fight and then fire arrows. I'm well aware of the fact that if you're too far out of range, that this will occur. But this seems to be happening randomly where you are clearly not too far away. I have been only two squares away from an NPC with a long bow for example and still would run up to the NPC and end up getting hit.








This happened to me a few days ago at the fight caves. I had killed all the healers and 702 had very little health left. When I had to switch prayers, I clicked attack and ran right up to him. This resulted in me getting hit a 77 and dying. Let's just say I was not a happy camper. I knew I was close enough because just a few a moments ago I had been ranging him fine in the same exact spot.








I have reported it to Jagex, but as of yet haven't received a reply. I usually get an automated reply saying it isn't a bug or thanking me for the bug report. In fact the same day I reported that I reported this one, I reported another minor bug that did receive an automated reply thanking for the report. So it seemed kind of odd to me that I did not for the other one.








So has anyone here noticed it? Because I have seen very few posts regarding it on the official forums and virtually nothing on this forum. Only recently I have seen a post in the Rants section of the official forum. I would have figured that there would be more "outrage" over this by now. But I guess either I'm one of very few people experiencing it or I'm just imagining things. If I'm not the only one, then I certainly hope others besides me report this as a bug so that it can be fixed as soon as possible. It is a rather annoying bug and can cause you to die as was the case for me, heh.

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I believe it's lag. When you right click and then click "Attack", the lag will make you click the spot (yellow click) before the Attack option (red click). Thus you'll move up and attack.








That might be the case. But I generally do not lag. And I have only noticed this since the agilty pyramid update. My internet connection has not changed since then. And if I were lagging, wouldn't I experience it elsewhere in the game and not just when it comes to ranging?








Normally I would agree with you. But this happens far too often to just be some random lag. Besides, it happens when I just click attack without right clicking. I can one click blue dragons for instance. It happens there too. Also in the fight caves, I recall it happening when I was trying to range the level 45s. So it's not just right clicking.

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yeah this happens to me in troll generals








I used d hally and standing on the hallying spot




then i ate 1 shark, and I clicked attack again




Suddenly I ran forwards, *bam* a 28 hit, I ran back to the hallying spot, ate one shark, thinking 'what happened'?

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I've always had this problem at blue dragons, but only every once in a while, and it hasn't changed at all.








Also, lag doesn't only depend on your internet connection, but the server, especially if there are many players on it.


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I've always had this problem at blue dragons, but only every once in a while, and it hasn't changed at all.








Also, lag doesn't only depend on your internet connection, but the server, especially if there are many players on it.








That is true about lag. But I generally play late at night when there are not very many people on (as was the case when I visited the fight caves). I also generally play on a server that is closest to me. I really fail to see how this is lag though. It happens far too often. Yes it's random, but it happens often enough that it seriously bothers me.








Are you sure that your "once in awhile" thing wasn't a result of not being close enough to the blue dragon or attacking from the wrong angle? That can happen quite a bit and I accept that. But I do not accept this recent glitch.








For all the time that I have played RS2, this has never happened until the agilty pyramid update on January 16th. An update has come since then at it still occurs. I lived in Florida and used cable and never had this occur. I moved to Wisconsin and for awhile was using a computer at the local library. Never happened there. Then later I was able to use dial-up on my own computer. It never even occurred then. Now I have cable again and has not happened for quite a stretch of time. Why now unless it truly is a bug?

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id say lag or maybe if ur on hill or it could be a glitch it might kinda gow ith the monsters backing up when u fire arrows sometimes








I've certainly experienced the monsters backing up sometimes. I believe that oocurs because you are too far away from the "area" that the NPC is tied to. It can't wander far from it's "set area" and so it goes back into that area. At least that's what I think. That's not lag related and it certainly isn't annoying as this is. I don't think this glitch has anything to do with that really.








And the hill thing you're talking about probably more has to do with being at a so-called "bad" angle which causes you to go closer to the NPC. This commonly occurs at blue dragons. That's understandable and is not what I'm talking about. This is different.

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I believe it's lag. When you right click and then click "Attack", the lag will make you click the spot (yellow click) before the Attack option (red click). Thus you'll move up and attack.








If you just clicked to move then you wouldn't follow through with a range attack.








This has actually been happening for months, and has nothin to do with the agility pyramid update. At times it can be quite annoying, but at least it makes range autoers a little more risky, thus less likely to be used. (Or at least on anything with much xp to offer each kill)



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Well it has been happening to me while at Barrows using Ancients and you cant be out of range their and it wasn't happening the last time I went which was around 6 weeks ago.


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this happens to me all the time. and i would know all i do is train range. but i dont think much of it..well untill i run up to dragons and get a nasty 40 or somthing lol.
was ranging a blue drag in hero's guild and that was exactly what had happened....except it was a 48 not a 40 lol.but i lived to tell the tale lol
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Ive seen it too... but i've found a pattern...








You dont walk to creatures that only take up 1 square...








you will only run up to creatures of 2x2 or larger, and only if you're not able to fire your arrow straight following a path of squares...








if your arrow has to "switch lanes" so to speak, or worse, fire diagonally, you'll run out...

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This isn't exactly new, I've had it happen to me for a long period now, although I admit that sometimes it occurs more often than at other times. Try switching to walk instead of run, it should save you from some harm, at least.

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Just started doing this too me too. My safespots at nechs and bloodvelds I run out 75 % of the time. Seems like an attempt by jagex to stop autoers.




Pathetic and annoying Jagex.








Turning off run seems to help a bit. This is definitely not leg and I can honestly say it is a recent change.


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