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Blue Phats


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Lol, i remember that about few days after christmas somebody wanted to sell me a party hat for 50k claiming that it has better def bonus than rune large :lol: I was quite a noob back then and was like lol, no way.. didnt know what these were all about and so on. See prices now, eh. :wink:

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15,000 people banned the other day








all doing macros...macroers are rich and probably have blue phats








meaning jagex just wiped out loads!








That's totally ridiculous... Most of the macro accounts were level 3s. What idiot would transfer a Party Hat onto an account that runs the risk of getting banned daily? :roll:








There are plenty of Party Hats left in the game despite people hoarding them, leaving the game without selling them, or what have you.








It's such a shame that these hats have reached ridiculous prices but what can you do... That's what JAGeX gets for not interfering in the economy.

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15,000 people banned the other day








all doing macros...macroers are rich and probably have blue phats








meaning jagex just wiped out loads!








That's totally ridiculous... Most of the macro accounts were level 3s. What idiot would transfer a Party Hat onto an account that runs the risk of getting banned daily? :roll:








There are plenty of Party Hats left in the game despite people hoarding them, leaving the game without selling them, or what have you.








It's such a shame that these hats have reached ridiculous prices but what can you do... That's what JAGeX gets for not interfering in the economy.




You're suggesting they should? There's no need to. And they have, actually, if you haven't noticed. They're trying to devalue gold all the time, and reduce high alching with alterior methods. Also they're putting in more and more money drains. So they're aware and working on it. They can't really do anything though to change the path party hats are in though.








some1 should buy 1 now and wait like 1 or 2 years then they will b worth like 5 or 6 bill!!!!!!




If blue party hats keep on their trend of growth, they'll be at least 1billion gp by this time next year. And there are plenty of people that do that. You're not guaranteed exponential growth in too many investments out there. :P

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15,000 people banned the other day








all doing macros...macroers are rich and probably have blue phats








meaning jagex just wiped out loads!








That's totally ridiculous... Most of the macro accounts were level 3s. What idiot would transfer a Party Hat onto an account that runs the risk of getting banned daily? :roll:








There are plenty of Party Hats left in the game despite people hoarding them, leaving the game without selling them, or what have you.








It's such a shame that these hats have reached ridiculous prices but what can you do... That's what JAGeX gets for not interfering in the economy.




You're suggesting they should? There's no need to. And they have, actually, if you haven't noticed. They're trying to devalue gold all the time, and reduce high alching with alterior methods. Also they're putting in more and more money drains. So they're aware and working on it. They can't really do anything though to change the path party hats are in though.








some1 should buy 1 now and wait like 1 or 2 years then they will b worth like 5 or 6 bill!!!!!!




If blue party hats keep on their trend of growth, they'll be at least 1billion gp by this time next year. And there are plenty of people that do that. You're not guaranteed exponential growth in too many investments out there. :P








I think Jagex needs to really think outside the box when it comes to slowing inflation. Sure, they're implementing some new money sinks, but nothing that will even come close to a balance with the influx of gold entering the game through High Alchemy. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, Carpentry is their chance to really shape the economy in the way they see best fits the game. By creating a select amount of rental land plots, Jagex can easily drain a huge amount of GP without even introducing any material recompensation. If Jagex created 100 public displayed land plots, and charged a rental fee of 10M / week, then that would remove 1 Billion GP per week from the economy, which is the equivalent of over 1.3 Million alched Yew Longbows.








Even if the option of creating Public Land Plots is not used by Jagex, they could still charge GP to upgrade the size of your Plot. Since an RPG is made up basically of tiles, they could allow players to build in a 24x24x2 tile area for free, and many players would be happy with that. However, players would also have the option of upgrading their land plot, to say, 48x48x2, 96x96x3, or even more, and charge a one-time fee for the upgrade. Upon the release of Carpentry, the 96x96x3 plot may be the largest, costing an upgrade price of ~20M. However, a few months down the road, Jagex could add yet another plot size, to allow for even larger constructions.








Either way, Jagex needs to consider their options for this highly anticipated update. Although it's somewhat cliche to talk about POH's and Carpentry, cliches are cliches for a reason. The skill has amazing potential, and Jagex really has to oppurtunity to shape the game into the version they see will provide the most benefits down the road. A few years from now, if Runescape's success keeps up, it could be common to have 500K users logged in simaultaneously. With the current conditions, the more users, the more High Alchs, the greater the imbalance between gold entering and disappearing.

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i think someone should make a thread where everyone posts all the rares that they have








although it wouldn't be accurate, we would know that no less than the replied items exist








ei.) we would know that there are no less than 150 blue phats (obviously there are more, but at least that many owners came forward)








this may change the phat price tables :)








i'll start:




i got 1 green phat, 2 santa, 1 green mask, 1 blue mask, 2 red masks








show off!!

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I was just looking at the price tag for a blue phat nowadays and am blown away by how much these damn things are worth now.








Does anyone know how many blue phats there are actually in the game?








Many thanks




The Fat One












there 160-170m i got one for 100m off m8 :P

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i think someone should make a thread where everyone posts all the rares that they have








although it wouldn't be accurate, we would know that no less than the replied items exist








ei.) we would know that there are no less than 150 blue phats (obviously there are more, but at least that many owners came forward)








this may change the phat price tables :)








i'll start:




i got 1 green phat, 2 santa, 1 green mask, 1 blue mask, 2 red masks








show off!!









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i think someone should make a thread where everyone posts all the rares that they have








although it wouldn't be accurate, we would know that no less than the replied items exist








ei.) we would know that there are no less than 150 blue phats (obviously there are more, but at least that many owners came forward)








this may change the phat price tables :)








i'll start:




i got 1 green phat, 2 santa, 1 green mask, 1 blue mask, 2 red masks




hah i have 1 blue phat 1 blue mask 1 santa :lol:




show off!!









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1 blue.








wasn't on a comp when the drop happened.








but i seriously doubt that there are over 100k phats in total in the game. or someone must be hoarding them so bad.

Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either

a fool or a coward.


Whoever cannot take care of himself without that law

is both.


For a wounded man shall say to his assailant:

"If I live, I will kill you, If I Die, you are forgiven."


Such is the Rule of Honor.

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i remember when blu phats were going for 18m (thats the price that sticks in my mind anywayz) today, i believe the current going rate is about 160m.








as far as how mnay there are, i would assume only jagex could say...but i doubt they would









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Remember that party hats were the first unique items that Jagex dropped, so people werent expecting them. Thats why there werent so many people logged in... atleast for the whole day...waiting for a drop, like they did with santa hats.




Its so many years ago, that I dont rember how many servers there were. Not many I can say. I would guess there were less than 10k people on. Might be even below 5k.








And you have to remember that alot of them were dropped and sold to general stores, since nobody expected that the prices would go up.








I personally got a blue party hat back then.. and I still have it.




I also bought red one back in the days.








And people who have played for years, might remember that the blue hat wasnt the most expencive at first. The purple/pink one was the most valued. It all changed when in RS1 there was this duping thing. Some people found a way to dupe and of course the pink was the most wanted. Jagex got the people who were spreading the duped hats and banned them. Also alot of hats were deleted. Thought after all that, the whole market had gone upside down. As you can see now, purple is the cheapest and blue is the most expencive.

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DWarner, I remember those days :). I remember seeing p-hats going for 10k :). I thought they were expensive when they got to 100k.








I got my hat back then, and it's not going anywhere else :).

Raichase, quit Runescape.


Time issues really, nothing against the game itself. Something had to go, and it happened to be the addictive game that costs money to enjoy :)


Best of luck to all of my friends here!

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I don't think Jagex do care about the prices of Rares going up. Why? As a matter of fact some people stay on RS more then they should to make more cash just to buy rares, so they can be statisfied.








Rares will just keep sky rocketing, and as Jagex introduce hard new items to obtain, this will influence the rares. Imagine Dragon Plate releasing, and very hard to obtain. People will try to sell for the prices of the most expensive rares - Blue Phat. But then merchanters or anyone who owns a Blue will increase the price in-demand and over time the Dragon Plate will decrese and stablized, while the Blue will increase.








I completely gave up getting any Phats, not to mention time spent to get it, not worth it anymore. Prices just keep sky rocketing while im trying hard to earn cash :?


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there are lots of party hats that people are also keeping quiet about and pretending they dont own-FACT
You made this up to seem "old school"-FACT :roll:


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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i think someone should make a thread where everyone posts all the rares that they have








although it wouldn't be accurate, we would know that no less than the replied items exist








ei.) we would know that there are no less than 150 blue phats (obviously there are more, but at least that many owners came forward)








this may change the phat price tables :)








i'll start:




i got 1 green phat, 2 santa, 1 green mask, 1 blue mask, 2 red masks




hah i have 1 blue phat 1 blue mask 1 santa :lol:




show off!!












cooment rating: 12/10

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