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Just When You Thought Uve Seen Everything On Ebay...


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That image is WAY too large , dont keep pasting it into your replies to avoid our signature limits.

I like to fart silently but deadly in movie theaters
Ard Choille says (11:41 PM):

I wouldn't dare tell you what to do m'dear

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:lol: i bursted out my soda when i saw that :lol:

not everybody wants to hear the bubblegum pop garbage.

im gonna burn in hell and drink all of satans beer.

trashmetal/deathmetal/hardrock/folkmetal die hard

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its pretty sad that someone would actually sell a real runescape item in real life...next they'll probably be selling dragon bones or dragonstone amulets... :lol:




Removed ~Albosky

Don't you think its kinda stupid to be telling everyone on a runescape forum that you are both breaking the rules and that the game is stupid? :lol:


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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Tip.it Moderator

I like to fart silently but deadly in movie theaters
Ard Choille says (11:41 PM):

I wouldn't dare tell you what to do m'dear

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Sigh. Ok its a joke. sort of. I put it up there because you all know, and don't lie, that some 9 year old will get on their parents ebay account and bid on this(or the hardcore nerdy RS fans). Its NOT a bad idea, anyone who thinks it's a horrible idea and that i have no life, clearly is jealous that they didn't come up with it. Come on i'm pissing my pants if people actually buy this. i'm not gonna spend forever making a felt hat perfect if no one is gonna buy it anyway. And how is 99 cents a lot to charge for it. the shipping and handling is the most of it lol. i'll lower it next time since it is a bit pricey, even in my eyes. It was an experament that hasn't gone quite to plan just yet but i still got 3 days left lol. Who wants to bet me that someone else is in the processs of doing the exact same thing now that they saw my post and setting up an ebay auction to try to take my business? HMMM i'll take any bets. i'll win too. It's a brilliant idea, to make a little extra cash. Sucks that the internet gives me that freedom huh all you who say thats sad. Lol i wasn't going to post but i decided to anyway. Even though you guys might not believe i'm the owner of that auction, or believe me that this was and is sorta a joke (sorta cause if it actually sells i'm putting more up rofl). So yea. I laughed myself when i posted it. :D












And NO it is MY property, jagex can suck the fattest part of my [wagon] if they want to say it's theirs. Its BASED off the game runescape, obviously not in the game runescape. I was sort of worried about that at first but really its not any of their rights to do anything about it. Jagex is a horrible company, you aren't even allowed to sell your own time. Look




















Lol ok. lets see what yall have to say now.

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Sigh. Ok its a joke. sort of. I put it up there because you all know, and don't lie, that some 9 year old will get on their parents ebay account and bid on this(or the hardcore nerdy RS fans). Its NOT a bad idea, anyone who thinks it's a horrible idea and that i have no life, clearly is jealous that they didn't come up with it. Come on i'm pissing my pants if people actually buy this. i'm not gonna spend forever making a felt hat perfect if no one is gonna buy it anyway. And how is 99 cents a lot to charge for it. the shipping and handling is the most of it lol. i'll lower it next time since it is a bit pricey, even in my eyes. It was an experament that hasn't gone quite to plan just yet but i still got 3 days left lol. Who wants to bet me that someone else is in the processs of doing the exact same thing now that they saw my post and setting up an ebay auction to try to take my business? HMMM i'll take any bets. i'll win too. It's a brilliant idea, to make a little extra cash. Sucks that the internet gives me that freedom huh all you who say thats sad. Lol i wasn't going to post but i decided to anyway. Even though you guys might not believe i'm the owner of that auction, or believe me that this was and is sorta a joke (sorta cause if it actually sells i'm putting more up rofl). So yea. I laughed myself when i posted it. :D












And NO it is MY property, jagex can suck the fattest part of my wagon if they want to say it's theirs. Its BASED off the game runescape, obviously not in the game runescape. I was sort of worried about that at first but really its not any of their rights to do anything about it. Jagex is a horrible company, you aren't even allowed to sell your own time. Look




















Lol ok. lets see what yall have to say now.








Oi, where do I begin...








First of all... lets handle that last foolish part there. You're not allowed to sell your time because its Jagex's account. Maybe you should read the entire agreement rather then only parts you want to read. When you make an account, you agree that the account is property of Jagex. That means you can simply get banned for absolutely no reason. They are basically dictators. And they should and have to be so its not like thats a bad thing.








Second... you really sound extremely full of yourself. Don't really care if it was you who made it or not, but first you babble on about how you're gonna lower the prices next time... to IF it sells you'll put more up. Whereas what you're really trying to say is... "If I have nothing better to do, and mommy and daddy don't catch me... I'll be selling more 'jokes' and piss myself some more".








And believe me... no one is jealous of you. I'm sure there was someone who thought of the idea long before you. It probably just went unrecognized. So don't act as if what you did was extremely origional. I'm sure I have images taken long ago that state otherwise. People have been making gag images of rare items and such for the longest of times.








So yeah... you're basically just another kid who has nothing better to do really. Thats my conclusion. That, and since you already touched on it, you probably aren't even the guy who made the auction. Which makes you an even bigger moron.


R.I.P Shiva

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LOL!! I was actualy thinking about this today at work: "Hmm, I wonder if anyone is sad enough to actualy sell a real party hat on eBay". :lol:




I was kinda thinking about doing it to and sell it it for ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã10... :oops: :P

No longer playing Runescape, I caught the WoW bug.

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Thats funny. A quirky way to point out that there are too many morons on ebay paying real money for things in a vitual game. I take my hat off to that guy (pun intended)

Raichase, quit Runescape.


Time issues really, nothing against the game itself. Something had to go, and it happened to be the addictive game that costs money to enjoy :)


Best of luck to all of my friends here!

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Sweet, I'm going to get one, and wear it in front of my friends who play RS, and bragg :lol: I saw a level 126 account, and someone was buying it for 7 thousand something dollars! :shock: :shock: Now that's when your addicted to RS :( Thats a bad thing

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i think this says everything :lol:








ps sorry if i bumped an old topic








Loved it up until the blasted the Pez Despenser and Star Wars stuff. I'd never buy that stuff on Ebay, but at a general store I would (just so happens I have a collection of Star Wars Pez Despensers).








Its was even more funny that the song was a parody of a Backstreet Boys song.


R.I.P Shiva

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