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Have you built a computer?


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If you have, has anything gone wrong... and what went wrong?








A certain nameless friend of mine said that she has never heard of anyone building a computer without something going wrong or there being a defective part. To me that sounds unreal and I was wondering how hard it could be :P


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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It depends on how big of a problem you're talking about... I'm sure there have been very few people to put in everything properly the first time, have everything wired precisely correctly, etc. etc.. Unless you've done 30 or so exactly similar computers..








Both computers I've built have had several problems.. The first one wouldn't boot for a long time and turned out we had wired the power switch improperly..








The second one I couldn't get the PSU to fit at first, and it wouldn't boot either until I figured out it needed some 4-pin auxillary power cable..

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I could not get a PSU to fit once, but then forcing it into the gap worked. Then only 3 of the 4 screws matched the appropriate holes... I also have cut myself several times, and a couple of driver related problems, once a hard-drive failed to work (the shop quickly replaced it and gave me a free mouse). thats about it. When I can I always get the shops to put it together, that way the parts get tested, and most seem quite happy to do it (espically if it would save them the cost of extra postage).








If you check that the parts are compatible, it should be quite a cruisey process putting them all together.

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well i remember a certain TV show/podcaster *co patrick norton gh* who on his home computer during a podcast recording tried to silence his computers power supply fan by sticking a peice of metal inside it..








nonetheless the computer needed a new powersupply since he dropped off the podcast within a few seconds of doing it












but i have built my computer from a 486 25 mhz to the one i have now (1.8ghz amd) replacing parts as i needed/desired...




the worst i have had it a power supply dieing... and a few hard drives die...








*knocks on wood*








lets hope that does not happen again


The following statement is true. The previous statement is false. 60% of all statistics are made up 90% of the time

andrew i love you & want you to have my babys!!! <3:

Finally, I get to save the Earth with deadly lasers instead of deadly slide shows!

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well i remember a certain TV show/podcaster *co patrick norton gh* who on his home computer during a podcast recording tried to silence his computers power supply fan by sticking a peice of metal inside it..








Didn't know Norton could do something that stupid.. He had to have done it on purpose as a joke or something.. right?

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well i remember a certain TV show/podcaster *co patrick norton gh* who on his home computer during a podcast recording tried to silence his computers power supply fan by sticking a peice of metal inside it..








Didn't know Norton could do something that stupid.. He had to have done it on purpose as a joke or something.. right?








nope.. his power supply fan was sounding like a JET taking off he said.. and tried to quiet it lol


The following statement is true. The previous statement is false. 60% of all statistics are made up 90% of the time

andrew i love you & want you to have my babys!!! <3:

Finally, I get to save the Earth with deadly lasers instead of deadly slide shows!

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If you have, has anything gone wrong... and what went wrong?








A certain nameless friend of mine said that she has never heard of anyone building a computer without something going wrong or there being a defective part. To me that sounds unreal and I was wondering how hard it could be :P

I have never had a problem with them, when i build them, I have not built 100's but, some people don't know what there doing and it messes up, IE imcompadible stuff with the motherboard. Picky boards only take certain types of parts.
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The worst I've ever had is IDE Cables being reversed and maybe a few wiring issues as stated by someone else above.








Nothing that would damage anything, but pretty common and easily made mistakes. Another common problem would be trying to make certain devices masters and others slaves to those masters.








I would have to agree with your friend. Rarely does anyone ever build or rebuild a system without making at least one mistake. The defective part deal I would disagree with, but I can see why she would say that. She basically added that statement to further establish the point that its extremely rare to ever not encounter a problem. I have yet to run into anything defective, however... I have encountered devices that don't last nearly as long as expected.


R.I.P Shiva

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My uncle have burnt an athlon processor because he installed the fan backwards...That was the worst story I ever heard about mounting pcs your own.




Only that way he found out that specific kind of processor (it's an Athlon launched some years ago) would take longer to identify it's temperature and shut down than to actually overheat and burn. :?








But you can get simple problems as well, such as small uncompatibilityes (sp?), or if you are really careful chosing the components and mounting, you should do fine :)


^The most disturbing signature on Tip.it^

Last.fm|HELLY KAYLA!|Oh the mehagurtz!|#Siencemakers

"they care less about their spelling mistakes then I." - Lionheart

"apinagez... let me

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Broke a motherboard and had some deep cuts in my hands, But thats about it lol. All other minor problems ive been able to overcome quite easily.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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Broke a motherboard and had some deep cuts in my hands, But thats about it lol. All other minor problems ive been able to overcome quite easily.












As long as I take it easily then if I do mess up it would be rather easy to solve then?


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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Pretty much everyone can only go in one place. Draw little doodles of before you unplug everyhtign of where it all goes. Write on stickers and put on cables etc. Theres lots you can do to make it all easier.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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I built one for my flatmate last week and the PSU (one which came free with a ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã20 case - go figure) exploded, with a bang and sparks. Got a new PSU and nothing was damaged by the explosion thankfully.








I have built them with no problems before, though those times are a minority. I'd say 3/4 times something will go wrong, but I don't think thats very bad when you consider just how much CAN go wrong... All the hardware setup and then all the software setup, it's very easy to carelessly overlook something. And that's what most of the things that will go wrong whilst building are - careless (and harmless in the long-term) oversights.

Some people are changed by being a moderator. I wouldn't be.

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nah, im more of a software kinda guy.








Then why did you freaking post?!












I just remembered... the second computer I built, the one I mentioned on an earlier post that the PSU didn't fit and etc.. The harddrive also was defective. I had to rebuild windows about 5 times before I realized that.. :(

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