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Post all trivial Youtube videos here


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Some americans are just stupid and ignorant.. :lol:




Well, they obviously cut the right answers, but here's the thing.




Most people here aren't THAT stupid... but we've got a fair share of them. I have to admit that was hilarious ::'


Yes I totaly agree with you.




But seriously, who thinks North korea is in Austrailia..?




Apparently the guys in the video. I also think it's sad that there are people in America that don't know where New England is. #-o




Some people were trying to be funny like the fat guy naming U.S. States. Ha ha ha. And the black guy saying 10 eiffel towers. There are TONS of stupid people in every country. Though I must admit....it would appear we have much work to do, Peter.

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Let me know what you think, you probably wont know what to think if you don't know CS:S :P


Not sure how to embed :wall:




Youtube HD Video - This video will cause high CPU usage, to view the video in a lower quality, please click here.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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Please post all YouTube videos here.


Eh... why did you post a link to the topic you just posted on...? :?


A mod prolly merged the topic into this.


Oh okay. Still somewhat confused as to why they'd take his post, edit it and just move it here though :?


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Please post all YouTube videos here.


Eh... why did you post a link to the topic you just posted on...? :?


A mod prolly merged the topic into this.


Oh okay. Still somewhat confused as to why they'd take his post, edit it and just move it here though :?


Actually, if you look at the post subject, it's a reply to ace spitball's post :P




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That was disturbing...and Yes I do want a banana.


I think that video is hilarious. :lol:


Their faces make me laugh so hard.




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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This is a video of me bungy jumping... feet-first. Enjoy. :ohnoes:


HAHA why were you bunny hopping on the plank? and the australian accents.. oh god. That looks pretty freaky though, good on you.




OH MY GOD THAT BANANA SONG!! I REMEMBER WATCHING IT WHEN I WAS LITTLE! I used to think it was so epic but creepy :S




Oh and http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 1925767878 (jaerk showed me it and I loled)




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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This is a video of me bungy jumping... feet-first. Enjoy. :ohnoes:


HAHA why were you bunny hopping on the plank? and the australian accents.. oh god. That looks pretty freaky though, good on you.




OH MY GOD THAT BANANA SONG!! I REMEMBER WATCHING IT WHEN I WAS LITTLE! I used to think it was so epic but creepy :S




Oh and http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 1925767878 (jaerk showed me it and I loled)




his feet are tied together at the ankles. he can't walk.

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This is a video of me bungy jumping... feet-first. Enjoy. :ohnoes:


HAHA why were you bunny hopping on the plank? and the australian accents.. oh god. That looks pretty freaky though, good on you.




OH MY GOD THAT BANANA SONG!! I REMEMBER WATCHING IT WHEN I WAS LITTLE! I used to think it was so epic but creepy :S




Oh and http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 1925767878 (jaerk showed me it and I loled)


you kinda win.


and that video was awesome, she made him dance!

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