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I � Unicode - Going For 120s! - Yay Treasure Hunter...

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I'm loving Quintus - I couldn't really even care if I get the signet ASAP. Just find it fun. I stick to the north wall until his first line, then the west, then center. Works mint.


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Don't remind me!


Believe I got lucky with getting most of my signets within ~20 keys, give or take, so I think I'm just going to sell the extras rather then try and get lucky twice. Have over 80M in extra keys and other drops. :). Add that onto a free ascension - this was a fun/profitable little project. But! Tormented Demons this weekend for the limbs!


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Welp... AFKed at ascensions, forgot about it, came back and I was in Falador. "You died 27 minutes ago in world 51..."




Though, recently discovered (3 minutes ago), after I've had a few drinks, I can kill Tertius 6+ times without touching my food. O_o. He's the only one I die at.



Troll. I couldn't tell you what the other drops were - I forgot to look. >.<


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In terms of buyables, not much. 25K ascensions bolts, and an imbued archers. Wish I'da wore my Pernix or something, then I'd just buy it back, but also lost my full elite void... Again...


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Doing Tertius, I realized how frustrating combat can be.


Running around, attack the healer. Continues to hit boss.

Run around a bit more, right click healer and attack. Continues to hit boss.

Dodge a few more attacks, attack the healer again. Continues to attack the boss.



Finally say [bleep] it and just run around while letting the titan butt [bleep] the healer. /rant.


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turn off revolution man


"Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come."

"An imperfect man can do great deeds, and a great man imperfect ones.

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best drops (reasonably accurate/up to date): 1x Elysian Sigil (LS), 1x Arcane Sigil (cs), 4x Armadyl Hilt (solo at 100m, 100m, 50m, and 5m), 2x Saradomin Hilt (solo at 25m), 5x Draconic Visage (34m,1.2m,1.2m) and various cs/ls/ffa Nex splits.
Drygore Drops: 7 Longswords, 3 Maces, 3 Rapiers, 3 Off-hand Rapiers,  5 Off-hand Maces, 3 Off-hand Longswords

ROTS Shields: 12  Seismics: 16

Ascension Crossbows: 6  Spider Legs: 10

Countless Armadyl armour pieces, Saradomin amulets, Dragon Hatchets, and Fremenik Rings.
Range~Herblore~Construction~Constitution~Defence~Farming~Magic~Attack~Prayer~Strength~Summoning~Slayer~Mining~Dungeoneering~Firemaking~Agility~Magic Mastery~Summoning Mastery~Cooking~Smithing~Fletching~Thieving~Hunter~Woodcutting~Fishing~Runecrafting


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Oh sweet. I started browsing through that a bit, Yuj. Thanks!




Almost out of Tertius keys. Sold all of my extra keys and other boss drops. That 136M is pure profit, as are the scales, and the bow once I get the last signet and limbs drop. No keys were bought - And will not be selling the scales (DIY Sirenic).


IDK how much bows are now, but by guestimating 180M, I'm looking at ~335M profit from this little side project. :).


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This makes me wish I wasn't [bleep]ing 200m in Range or Defence. Goddamnit.

[01:24:34] CJ Hunnicutt: it takes skill to be that [bleep]ing stupid

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I think I just got really lucky. Wanted at least 65 of each key (Quintus keys took me forever to collect - while Primus rolled in, so ended up with a lot of the others). First boss I took on, got the key on my 2nd key. All of the others were within, I'd say 10-20? Except this Tertius [bleep]. I've got the hang of him now and go with a steel titan and vamp aura and survive fine. But just used my last 2 Tertius keys and got rune platebodies and a dragon longsword. -.-


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