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This weeks update...


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People are too spoiled on once-a-week updates. We should really be lucky we have been getting them. Guild Wars gets one update every 4-5 months.








Bah, after reading the official forums, its ticking me off. There's some people in there with raging sarcasms acting like Jagex owes them a timely weekly update.








Guild wars is new, and theres no monthly subscription fee.








However, look at Everquest. For 15 bucks a month, you get to play 6 different characters. And they get basically daily updates. New quests, new items...every other day at the very least.








No real point in comparing the two games though.


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Look at it this way, how long would it take for you to stop paying and playing if they said they'd never update again? For me, it'd probably be quite a while.








I think it'd be darn funny if they waited until February 28, and then released one mega-updateapalooza.








Lmao, that'd rule. Not a fan of Behind the Scenes, myself, seeing as I like to be surprised when they update, and with behind the scenes, people get their own interpretation, and perceive the update to be indentical. You should see that rants forum after an update :D

I'm Jake Milroy

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i believe today runescape world was full of angry bored people who don't have anything to do but go after updates :)








i'm glad with this weeks update

1500+ total 89 cmb; 1600+ total and under 93 cmb.

02/04/07 reached all skills 60+ under lvl 90 cmb.

07/19/07 reached all skills 70+ at lvl 93 cmb.

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However, look at Everquest. For 15 bucks a month, you get to play 6 different characters. And they get basically daily updates. New quests, new items...every other day at the very least.








No real point in comparing the two games though.

Daily?? Monthly you mean. Though they do include a lot of changes in those updates. Including a lot of game play changes - honestly, they almost whinge as badly on their forums as ppl do on RS ones. Amost.








EQ2 is a gorgeous game to look at (except in heavy rain :evil: even ultravision is useless then), and fun, but very different to RS in many ways - I'm not over-keen on being forced to specialise in combat & tradeskills.








edit: Actually, there are daily updates of some sort - they take the servers down for an hour or 2 :? . I've not worked out what they do during those though as there's often no updating to be done afterwards.

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Possible bugs in the update? Insufficient testing? Free beer tokens in their local newspaper leading to them to going to the pub instead of working?








Plenty of possible reasons a gameplay update hasn't occurred this week. I mean it's not the first time it's happened.








Personally I'd rather be doing the million and one things I have left to do in runescape than be complaining to the J-Men about the lack of an update perfectly on time. They aren't machines, they certainly aren't perfect.

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Hey, we as members are paying jagex money, and for that, I expect updates freqently.








Dude come on, give Jagex a little respect, your obviously RS2 material...if your not (which i doubt greatly) then think back to the years 2002/2003. We were lucky to get an update per month, let alone per week. Yeah on some occasions they released 2/3 quests within one update...but nothing on the scale we get now.








I, on the other hand am definitely not RS2 material. RS Classic was a beast when it came to trying to add new things. Staff flat out said straight away to expect lots more updates when RS2 was released as the code was much easier to expand and use.








Take into account that the number of programmers on staff has tripled since then, and the programmers will naturally become more effecient and able to produce more as their experience with RuneScript (check out the industry article for more on that) increases, following a weekly schedule of introducing just one monster/quest/new item would be a rather simple task.








If my local pizzeria answered the phone and I was told consistently to expect my delivery in 20 minutes, so I eventually stopped asking, and every now and then it would take 40, I'm sure the delivery person would at least apologize when that happened from time to time.








It's a business, and it operates by the rules of business, don't give your customers bad surprises and you keep happy customers.

so there's this thread in p2p general called "the most annoying things ppl do on runescape" i am tempted to post "ya wen im cybering with a girl and they log off for no reason"

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But Alas, Lime, the schedule is not weekly, it is monthly. At no point did they say it would be out this week. We are just far too accustomed to weekly updates.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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But Alas, Lime, the schedule is not weekly, it is monthly. At no point did they say it would be out this week. We are just far too accustomed to weekly updates.








Well, the behind the scenes comes out monthly. It's not really a schedule per se, but if you read them they often say what's coming out early in the month, and what's coming up later on in the month. So they do kind of give blocks of time for each update.








Note I'm not saying that players are owed anything, it's just less hassle to keep doing something that works.

so there's this thread in p2p general called "the most annoying things ppl do on runescape" i am tempted to post "ya wen im cybering with a girl and they log off for no reason"

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