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An Awesome and Simple Solution To The 0O Banning Problem.


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A simple solution to this 0O banning/confusion/scammers problem...








Jagex is banning players every day for having lots of 0's and O's in their name.




Which makes sense.




Scammers are making accounts like, "OOO0 O0O 0 O OO " so it's hard for you to report them, because as you don't know whether it's a zero or the letter "o", so they get away with it.




Although it is extremely unfair for the innocent players who get banned.








Why don't they just make the 0's have a diagonal line through them?








( cross0.png )

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it is not unfair to any innocent players, because people with a name like that arent innocent. they've broken a rule in the T&A as soon as they started the account:




you may not choose a username which is..................or deliberatly confusing




i support though, when this is done people will have no reason to use names like that anymore, so Jagex can ban the remaining people who still have one, and then runescape will be an 0o0o0o0o-free place.

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so Jagex can ban the remaining people who still have one, and then runescape will be an 0o0o0o0o-free place.








They don't need to ban them. :?




If the 0's look how I said up there, then their names would be replaced with the new 0's and everyone would know what it is if they try to scam..





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so Jagex can ban the remaining people who still have one, and then runescape will be an 0o0o0o0o-free place.








They don't need to ban them. :?




If the 0's look how I said up there, then their names would be replaced with the new 0's and everyone would know what it is if they try to scam..








although they wouldve broken a rule to get a name like that, your right, that would be a little over the top, i know. one is allowed to dream, isn't he?

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AWesome Idea. I remember when this happened to me. IT stinks! This is a great idea.

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They deliberatly chose the name to be confusing and therefore deserve the ban. Its like a player deliberatly abusing a bug, both break the rules, should the person be allowed to get way with deliberatly abusing the bug because jagex inadvertantly added it to the game? I mean if jagex fix it theres no problem right? Wrong. The person is still a rule breaker, and the people that created the O0 names are still in breach of terms and conditions.

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nice idee but itrs still hard to report... even if you know wich is a 0 or a o


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it is not unfair to any innocent players, because people with a name like that arent innocent. they've broken a rule in the T&A as soon as they started the account:




you may not choose a username which is..................or deliberatly confusing




i support though, when this is done people will have no reason to use names like that anymore, so Jagex can ban the remaining people who still have one, and then runescape will be an 0o0o0o0o-free place.




The problem with that rule is that the large majority of those accounts were created before JAGeX introduced it. So to ban them would be unfair as when they made the account it was perfectly legal.

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A simpler solution would be to not allow names like 000 oo o00o to be created in the first place. There should be a censor when you're creating names to not just cover names already created, but names that are either offensive/confusing.








I don't really think having a line through a zero would help all that much. Unless the person happens to have a pencil and pen near them when they get scammed and can quickly jot down the name, it's still just as confusing as if there wasn't a line through the zero.

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jagex is being a mega noob wen it comes to this.... there is alot of ppl out there that make there accs 00 for staking purposes... i myself have one. if jagex have a problem with 00 names why allow it to begin with. they like to see ppl put millions into accs so they can ban them and laugh? mod mike r i think thats his name told me that they will be comming out with a name changer similar to make over mage but he is unsure of when it will be comming out.. great idea about putting the line through 0s...

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Good idea with the slashes, but then agian, why would you even want a guy with 0's in his name? I mean come on, the name looks like someone with a kindergarden education would make.... Well, my mistake, thats wrong to kindergardeners.








Nothing personal, but if alls you can come up with is 0's, your account deserves to be banned.

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