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Do YOU believe in God?


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Guest GhostRanger
If something is not composed of some form of matter, it simply doesn't exist.






Kind of open-shut case that was :-? What's your point insane?




If God is something of another world, He would not have to be made up of matter. Matter is of this world. The worldly restrictions (created by God) simply don't matter outside of this world.




For instance, if you were building a LEGO city, everything in that city was plastic. If the LEGO people could think, they would eventually realize that everything in their world is plastic. However, you, the creator, is not plastic. You are made something from ANOTHER world (outside of their LEGO world). Just because you aren't plastic, doesn't mean you don't exist.




You said matter is of this world, well, that's not true. The whole universe is made of matter. And if your God-thingy does exist, he must be found in this universe. Our universe is expanding thousands of kilometres a day. So if God would be "outside" our time and matteruniverse, he would have been squashed by now.


There's simply NO WAY that a thing without time and matter can exist.




ps. The universe-expandingtheory is "proof" that our universe began extremely small. That's where the Big Bangtheory started and as a result of that theory, we can explain how time and matter started.


But remember these are ALL THEORIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is NO PROOF is this and there will never be any proof. But this is more proof than any religion will ever give...




When I say "of this world" I don't mean earth. I mean the physical world we live in, which includes the universe. You say there is no way something can live beyond our world of time and matter - but that's just your belief. Just as my belief in a God who transcends our physical world (including time and matter) is just that - my belief.

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Well, let me put it this way:


God CANT be outside our universe because there is no "outside our universe".




And eh Blazer, atheÃÆÃâÃâïst DO have a moral. They have their OWN moral. >.<

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Guest GhostRanger
Well, let me put it this way:


God CANT be outside our universe because there is no "outside our universe".




You mean to say that "I don't believe God can be outside our universe because there is no 'outside our universe.'"




And that's your belief. But the point that is being made is for those who believe in God, we believe He is beyond our physical universe, and therefore, beyond limitations and attributes such as being made of "matter."

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I'd like to think that my memory will live on with my children, and be passed on to future generations. Just because i'm not religious doesn't mean i'm living a pointless life. My reason for living is to be the best that i can be, and ultimately enjoy my life - i don't think believing in god would change that, or make it easier to achieve.




Exactly -- life without an afterlife isn't pointless. I think that would be a bit selfish, frankly. The point of life (I feel) is to accomplish as much good as possible, and enjoy doing it.

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The Big Bang theory is stupid, it just puts the question back further... Where did the extremely dense, pin hole sized, super heated pocket of matter come from? Exactly! They have no idea!




No, you have no idea. "They" do.

Have you actually read that article? Here I'll point some out for you, obviously it isn't a sound theory at all.




Theoretically, the oscillating universe could not be reconciled with the second law of thermodynamics: entropy would build up from oscillation to oscillation and cause heat death. Other measurements suggested the universe is not closed. These arguments caused cosmologists to abandon the oscillating universe model.




I'm saying that life without God is pointless, not life without afterlife.

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ps. The universe-expanding theory is "proof" that our universe began extremely small. That's where the Big Bangtheory started and as a result of that theory, we can explain how time and matter started.


But remember these are ALL THEORIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is NO PROOF is this and there will never be any proof. But this is more proof than any religion will ever give...




How many time's do I have to say this? Theories are not proof, they are theories, which are, by definition, unproven. Anyone can make a theory. It's really not that hard.




Now, to the people that say they only believe in what they see.




It is obvious that this world exists. Where did it come from. There is obviously proof that it was created, but how? Although I have not seen any specific examples in the last few pages here, so many people say they will not believe in God because he cannot be seen, but are more than ready to say they believe in theories such as the Big Bang, (again, the Big Bang is still considered a theory, therefore not prooven) and I am quite sure they have never whitnessed this first hand.




No book is going to tell me there is a god after the book was written 300 yrs. after "Jesus" came. Jesus could've been some lunatic thinking he was the guy for his 40 yrs. of fame. He really didn't prove to anyone there was a God except tell them....




Ok, I have mentioned this book before, but could not remember the title. Several pages later, I told you guys the title, but didn't explain much else about it. So now, I'll give you both.




The book is called "The Case for Christ: A Journalist's Personal Investigation of the Evidence for Jesus", and here is an excerpt from amazon.com describing what the book is about.




A Seasoned Journalist Chases Down the Biggest Story in History The Project: Determine if thereÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s credible evidence that Jesus of Nazareth really is the Son of God. The Reporter: Lee Strobel, educated at Yale Law School, award-winning former legal editor of the Chicago TribuneÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ã

Look, if your mom still drops you off at school, you ain't gangsta, pull up your damn pants!


3 down, 7 to go

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The Big Bang theory is stupid, it just puts the question back further... Where did the extremely dense, pin hole sized, super heated pocket of matter come from? Exactly! They have no idea!




It might be stupid, but that's what happened; there is overwhelming evidence of this event taking place. It doesn't matter where the universe came from, you can never explain it because we have no way to inquire about it, and hence itÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s a question outside our ability to explain. Much like attempting to prove things like God, telekinesis, guardian angels and magic would be impossible since these ideas don't exist as physical processes.

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And eh Blazer, atheÃÆÃâÃâïst DO have a moral. They have their OWN moral. >.<




And sometimes their "own" moral can be very detrimental to human life.




And don't go bringing up the Crusades or something, because that is an example of forcing their OWN morals on Christianity - leaving Christianity blameless.

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How many time's do I have to say this? Theories are not proof, they are theories, which are, by definition, unproven. Anyone can make a theory. It's really not that hard.




No. Theories are proof. What you are thinking of is a "hypothesis," which is what Intelligent Design is. A theory is vastly different from a hypothesis. I hope you will begin to understand someday that the scientific definition of "theory" is extremely different from the layman's definition of the term. A theory is considered proof because it has been tested continuously through real-world experiments for a long period of time, its conclusion constantly being altered to fit new findings as new experiments are held. This is why a theory is the best explanation for any characteristic of the natural world - because it can be constantly improved upon as generations after generations of scientists conduct experiments to continuously reaffirm the theory's claim.




If you think making a theory is "not that hard", then I encourage you to find the funding, personnel, and facilities needed to establish one.





Now, to the people that say they only believe in what they see.




It is obvious that this world exists. Where did it come from. There is obviously proof that it was created, but how? Although I have not seen any specific examples in the last few pages here, so many people say they will not believe in God because he cannot be seen, but are more than ready to say they believe in theories such as the Big Bang, (again, the Big Bang is still considered a theory, therefore not prooven) and I am quite sure they have never whitnessed this first hand.




Once again, a theory is considered proof. Also, I am sure that, just as no rational person has witnessed the Big Bang, no Christian has physically seen god, so your claim is baseless.







No book is going to tell me there is a god after the book was written 300 yrs. after "Jesus" came. Jesus could've been some lunatic thinking he was the guy for his 40 yrs. of fame. He really didn't prove to anyone there was a God except tell them....




Ok, I have mentioned this book before, but could not remember the title. Several pages later, I told you guys the title, but didn't explain much else about it. So now, I'll give you both.




The book is called "The Case for Christ: A Journalist's Personal Investigation of the Evidence for Jesus", and here is an excerpt from amazon.com describing what the book is about.




As you can see, the writer was an atheist. He got the idea for the book from a debate with his friend over wether or not God exsited, and set out to prove him that God wasn't real. However, through his research, he found enough evidence to convine himself of God's existence.




Strobel's book is not an objective proof that the supernatural events of the bible were real. You seem to have missed the fact that everyone (including Strobel and his publisher) except evangelical christians understand that "The Case for Christ: A Journalist's Personal Investigation of the Evidence for Jesus" is a semi-autobiographical op-ed piece. Also not mentioned is the fact that Strobel became a christian in the early 1980's, long before he began writing the book. Most importantly, however, is that, despite the book's many interviews with proponents of literal interpretation of the Bible, it does not feature interviews with critics of this view. Not a single one.





And sometimes their "own" moral can be very detrimental to human life.




And don't go bringing up the Crusades or something, because that is an example of forcing their OWN morals on Christianity - leaving Christianity blameless.




The path to a moral existence is called a "good upbringing." A child with responsible, atheist parents can assimilate a correct set of morals just as easily as a child with responsible, religious parents. However, the child taught by religious parents will have the additional burden of beliefs that interfere with aspects of life that do not have to do with ethics, such as science and sexual preference.

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@GhostRanger: you're using an anology specific to a molecular compound, not the basic building blocks.




What my lego world thinks I'm made of doesn't hold much weight since either way I am still composed of matter - which is what my point was all about.


To exist, an item must be composed of some form of matter. Otherwise it just isn't there.

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Blazer, at least it has more scientific proof than God making the world. If you asked that question I would retaliate saying, "Where did God come from then?"




Catholics believe that Joseph and Mary are the parents of God, or "Jnova". Christianity don't believe in Mary and Joseph, right? Two versions of "God". Also, Jesus was born a virgin birth. How would that happen? It goes against science and modern reproduction/breeding.




A big flaw in Christianity I believe is how would somebody record what happened? Answer that?




Also, Adam and Eve are meant to be the beginning of our race? Not to be racist, but they were white of skin colour right? Then explain how Samoans and Maori, all the Islanders are of black skin?




Nobody can seen God himself? How can we confirm he exists then? I feel too many people in this world live religiously.




Another flaw in Christianity is the supposed heaven and hell. Supposedly, if we believe in God we will go to heaven and have eternal life. If not, we are sent plummeting down to hell. How do we know this is true? Nobody has experienced it, so nobody can be sure it is true. Especially the devil and demons of hell...they exist, but when you've gone to hell/heaven you can't come back and alert/tell us that it exists?




I read somewhere a man died on the operating table for a few minutes. He came back, and said there was good news and bad news. Good news was there was no hell. Bad news was that there was no heaven. Science outweighs religion.




I have no idea about this; But wasn't The Holy Bible written in English originally? Meaning that English is the "Holy" or "original" language? English is only the 3rd most spoken language in the world; believe it or not. Chinese is the first.



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I believe in God. I mean, there is really no scientific evidence to go either way. Until man creates man from nothing (not cloning) or proves evolution (which has NEVER, EVER, been done), I will continue to put my full faith in God. It makes much more sense than a freak occurance creating all this.




Take a man, and a woman, put them together, ...



Jack of all trades, master of thieving. 259th to 99 thieving. All stats 75+

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I believe in God. I mean, there is really no scientific evidence to go either way. Until man creates man from nothing (not cloning) or proves evolution (which has NEVER, EVER, been done), I will continue to put my full faith in God. It makes much more sense than a freak occurance creating all this.




Take a man, and a woman, put them together, ...




Remember that they have to be attracted to each other :wink:



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I read somewhere a man died on the operating table for a few minutes. He came back, and said there was good news and bad news. Good news was there was no hell. Bad news was that there was no heaven. Science outweighs religion.
How exactly is that science to you?




*on topic*


Yes I believe in God.

Writing from school/work or just an other place :)

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Guest GhostRanger
I believe in God. I mean, there is really no scientific evidence to go either way. Until man creates man from nothing (not cloning) or proves evolution (which has NEVER, EVER, been done), I will continue to put my full faith in God. It makes much more sense than a freak occurance creating all this.




Take a man, and a woman, put them together, ...




That doesn't make man out of nothing. But let's not turn this into a sex-ed discussion, please.




1) Science does NOT outweigh religion




2) Religion does NOT outweigh science




Science and religion are in two completely different fields, unrelated to each other at all. Scientifically trying to "prove" the existence of God would be like trying to theologically define the structure of an atom. They just don't relate, so quit trying to make them.

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Blazer, at least it has more scientific proof than God making the world. If you asked that question I would retaliate saying, "Where did God come from then?"




Wow, you guys still ask this question even though it's been answered before. Well, let me tell you. Again.




1. God is spiritual.


2. Spiritual is not materialistic.


3. God by nature is uncreated. Otherwise there would be something bigger than God.


4. Thus, God is outside the realm of time AND OF MATTER.




Hence, your argument doesn't even exist according to reality.




Catholics believe that Joseph and Mary are the parents of God, or "Jnova". Christianity don't believe in Mary and Joseph, right? Two versions of "God". Also, Jesus was born a virgin birth. How would that happen? It goes against science and modern reproduction/breeding.


For one thing, there are many versions of God. Hindus, Muslims, Judaism, Christianity, Wiccans, pagans, etc. Having Christianity talk about different views of God is an important piece but should not be surprising. It should be expected, for God is kind of a hard topic.




Jesus was born of a virgin birth because if He was human, he couldn't redeem the world. If he was fully God, he couldn't die.




Thus, Jesus HAD to be fully God and fully man. Besides, the Bible says that the sins of the father are transferred onto the children. If God was His father and His father had no sin, then Jesus had no sin nature. :wink:




A big flaw in Christianity I believe is how would somebody record what happened? Answer that?




It's called eyewitnesses.




Also, Adam and Eve are meant to be the beginning of our race? Not to be racist, but they were white of skin colour right? Then explain how Samoans and Maori, all the Islanders are of black skin?




For one thing, nobody knows what color skin they had. Maybe they were made black and then when they moved to Denmark and upper Europe, their skin turned white and pale.




Who knows? Your premise is refuted, so your conclusion cannot have any support. :)




Nobody can seen God himself? How can we confirm he exists then? I feel too many people in this world live religiously.




God is spiritual. Not materialistic. Thus, you have to use scientific instruments to prove God. You can't use scientific instruments to prove God. It's, like Ghostranger said, "trying to prove the atom by theology."




Another flaw in Christianity is the supposed heaven and hell. Supposedly, if we believe in God we will go to heaven and have eternal life. If not, we are sent plummeting down to hell. How do we know this is true? Nobody has experienced it, so nobody can be sure it is true. Especially the devil and demons of hell...they exist, but when you've gone to hell/heaven you can't come back and alert/tell us that it exists?




Um...if you could come back, what's the point? Then it's not real punishment because you have the option of coming back. You're almost right in the heaven-hell thing, but since you don't care, I'm not going to tel you about it. It's like speaking to deaf ears, as the Bible says.








I read somewhere a man died on the operating table for a few minutes. He came back, and said there was good news and bad news. Good news was there was no hell. Bad news was that there was no heaven. Science outweighs religion.




That's real scientific. Nice logic. How do we know your story is true?




I have no idea about this; But wasn't The Holy Bible written in English originally? Meaning that English is the "Holy" or "original" language? English is only the 3rd most spoken language in the world; believe it or not. Chinese is the first.




Wrong. Just use some brains, here, buddy. It was in the Middle East. Thus, the OT was written in Hebrew. The NT (New Testament) is written in Greek. That's why there are so many denominations of Christianity...the weird translations and beliefs about God from the translations.




And I believe the Chinese thing since they have around 1.5 billion people.

I'm currently transitioning from a Wizard to a Mage and a Priest to an Archpriest. Lol both are nonexistant in the top 25. Hopefully I can change that. :D

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1. God is spiritual.


2. Spiritual is not materialistic.


3. God by nature is uncreated. Otherwise there would be something bigger than God.


4. Thus, God is outside the realm of time AND OF MATTER.




Hence, your argument doesn't even exist according to reality.





So God is irrelevant to us, so why do you care about it so much? What is "spiritualÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ

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Guest GhostRanger
@GhostRanger: you're using an anology specific to a molecular compound, not the basic building blocks.




What my lego world thinks I'm made of doesn't hold much weight since either way I am still composed of matter - which is what my point was all about.


To exist, an item must be composed of some form of matter. Otherwise it just isn't there.




Yeah Merc pointed out that as well. At the same time, however, something that is NOT made of matter that I have is my soul. My soul is at a spiritual level and is the basic building block of my entity. That's where God is. Beyond our physical world. My analogy isn't perfect, you're right. :P




So God is irrelevant to us, so why do you care about it so much? What is "spiritualÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ
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1. God is spiritual.


2. Spiritual is not materialistic.


3. God by nature is uncreated. Otherwise there would be something bigger than God.


4. Thus, God is outside the realm of time AND OF MATTER.




Hence, your argument doesn't even exist according to reality.





So God is irrelevant to us, so why do you care about it so much? What is "spiritualÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ

I'm currently transitioning from a Wizard to a Mage and a Priest to an Archpriest. Lol both are nonexistant in the top 25. Hopefully I can change that. :D

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Heaven and hell thing: Explain to me how we know of this. Explain. Talking to deaf ears? I'll open them. Explain. Maybe it says talking to deaf ears to make you stop bothering to try and convert us because this abttle about heaven and hell leads to failure from Christianity's side.




About the Bible language, I SAID I NEVER KNEW ANYTHING ABOUT IT. I THOUGHt. Please read thoroughly.




The man who died on the operating table: I can't confirm that it's true, but I was talking to religion to my dad and he had mentioned it. But at least I'd rather believe that than of a "God" who exists in another realm.




Seeing God Himself: You never answered the question. Nobody has seen God, so how can we know that He exists? Nobody can; therefore, until it is possible, I will not believe in him.




Adam and Eve's skin colour: in alot of Child's Holy Bibles I've seen pictures of them being white; just saying.




Recording what happened: How do you know THAT?




Jesus's birth: How can Jesus be both fully God AND fully man? It makes no sense. It goes against what you said in your previous paragraph: If he was fully God, he couldn't die. You may retaliate saying "I said he was fully God AND fully man" or something like that. But like I said previous, how is that possible? It stills does not answer my question: how could he have even been born from a virgin birth? nd if he was going to be both man and God, God would have needed to breed with a human?




How would God exist: Prove all of these things except (2). I fear I do not really understand (3)? Could you explain to me more thoroughly? And for (4), how would he reach into this time and do that? You are saying that God is of another realm; what realm is this? Is there another species in this other realm? Does this other realm give you divine powers like God who supposedly reached into our world and created everything?



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Heaven and hell thing: Explain to me how we know of this. Explain. Talking to deaf ears? I'll open them. Explain. Maybe it says talking to deaf ears to make you stop bothering to try and convert us because this abttle about heaven and hell leads to failure from Christianity's side.




I still think I'm wasting my time, but here it goes.




First of all, heaven is a wonderful place. It's a place God created to be worshipped and to reward those who chose Him. Hell is the exact opposite, where God punishes those who do not choose Him. Because God is everything good, the absence of Him is everything bad and terrifying and evil.




If you accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior and give Him full reign of your life, then you are "saved" and have entered into the covenant between Jesus and His Father when He died on the cross. Your salvation is now sealed. If you choose to live your own way (which is being rebellious and sinful), then you have chosen to live without God. That is your choice and results in the place we call hell.




The man who died on the operating table: I can't confirm that it's true, but I was talking to religion to my dad and he had mentioned it. But at least I'd rather believe that than of a "God" who exists in another realm.




No offense, but why would you want God in your realm? It would mean he could be tainted by the sin of this world. It would mean He isn't big enough to have His own realm. Besides, He can still interact in our realm even though He's in the spiritual realm.




Seeing God Himself: You never answered the question. Nobody has seen God, so how can we know that He exists? Nobody can; therefore, until it is possible, I will not believe in him.




You can refuse to believe in God. Isn't that the wonderful thing? Freedom of choice is the best thing God has given us, for without it there is no true love. And love is what Jesus died for.




Adam and Eve's skin colour: in alot of Child's Holy Bibles I've seen pictures of them being white; just saying.




Because this point is so irrelevant, let me just say one thing: Jesus has a dark brown moustache with white skin. How arabic is that? Not at all.




Be careful of the deceptive pictures in children's books!




Recording what happened: How do you know THAT?








[qipte]Jesus's birth: How can Jesus be both fully God AND fully man? It makes no sense. It goes against what you said in your previous paragraph: If he was fully God, he couldn't die. You may retaliate saying "I said he was fully God AND fully man" or something like that. But like I said previous, how is that possible? It stills does not answer my question: how could he have even been born from a virgin birth? nd if he was going to be both man and God, God would have needed to breed with a human?




Hey, you're getting it! Jesus had to be fully man to die and fully God to redeem the world. He HAD to be both. Otherwise, He could not do what He said He did. However, just because we don't understand it doesn't mean it's not true.




Heck, no one UNDERSTANDS quantum mechanics or the super-string theory, yet we believe it to be true. :shock:




I fear I do not really understand




Jesus would never have created a theology that no one would understand. After all, He said we are to be like children. Why would we be incapable of understanding and yet have them be our paradigms?




(3)? Could you explain to me more thoroughly?




I'd recommend pming me for other options.




And for (4), how would he reach into this time and do that? You are saying that God is of another realm; what realm is this? Is there another species in this other realm? Does this other realm give you divine powers like God who supposedly reached into our world and created everything?




God is God. Remember, God is not limited by time or space. After all, He is everywhere in time. Omnipresent and omniscient and all-powerful.




This other realm has other species: Angels and Demons. Satan is a fallen angel, and he has no power other than that given to Him by God. Do not place God and Satan on an equal playing field. He is merely a pawn used for God's purposes.




I picture Satan as the dog in sheep herding. The dog goes around nipping and the sheep's legs to keep them together and in line. Yet, he is nothing without the master. The master herder could get rid of him in a second if he really wanted to. Satan is there to prove our devotion, keep us following God's will, and give us the option of choice.




Yes, this other realm can give you divine powers. I've actually healed somebody. For real. I'm not being holier-than-thou or any of that crap. And I'm not talking about televangelists or Christian tv. I'm talking about the real deal.




But, really, it was all God anyway. I was just merely a vessel. :wink:

I'm currently transitioning from a Wizard to a Mage and a Priest to an Archpriest. Lol both are nonexistant in the top 25. Hopefully I can change that. :D

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Heaven and hell thing: Explain to me how we know of this. Explain. Talking to deaf ears? I'll open them. Explain. Maybe it says talking to deaf ears to make you stop bothering to try and convert us because this abttle about heaven and hell leads to failure from Christianity's side.




I still think I'm wasting my time, but here it goes.




First of all, heaven is a wonderful place. It's a place God created to be worshipped and to reward those who chose Him. Hell is the exact opposite, where God punishes those who do not choose Him. Because God is everything good, the absence of Him is everything bad and terrifying and evil.




If you accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior and give Him full reign of your life, then you are "saved" and have entered into the covenant between Jesus and His Father when He died on the cross. Your salvation is now sealed. If you choose to live your own way (which is being rebellious and sinful), then you have chosen to live without God. That is your choice and results in the place we call hell.




You avoid my question: How do we know hell and heaven exist?




No offense, but why would you want God in your realm? It would mean he could be tainted by the sin of this world. It would mean He isn't big enough to have His own realm. Besides, He can still interact in our realm even though He's in the spiritual realm.




I never said I wanted God in this realm; I don't even believe in him :roll:




You can refuse to believe in God. Isn't that the wonderful thing? Freedom of choice is the best thing God has given us, for without it there is no true love. And love is what Jesus died for.




I have the right to and will :)




Be careful of the deceptive pictures in children's books!




It's not a random book; It's a children's Bible. You're exaggerating (sp?) to put up more of a fight.








Prove those eyewitnesses told the truth. I can't prove they lied, either. But what's unproven I will not believe in.




Hey, you're getting it! Jesus had to be fully man to die and fully God to redeem the world. He HAD to be both. Otherwise, He could not do what He said He did. However, just because we don't understand it doesn't mean it's not true.




You can't be two fulls; it's impossible :roll:




Jesus would never have created a theology that no one would understand. After all, He said we are to be like children. Why would we be incapable of understanding and yet have them be our paradigms.




We're rats trying to operate a computer; I get it. That's what the Christian teachers tell us. No, that's not true.. They say that, it's just because they have no "weapons" to fight back at the non-believers with. They resort to that, saying that nobody would ever understand.




I'd recommend pming me for other options.




Why not say it out here?




God is God. Remember, God is not limited by time or space. After all, He is everywhere in time. Omnipresent and omniscient and all-powerful.




This other realm has other species: Angels and Demons. Satan is a fallen angel, and he has no power other than that given to Him by God. Do not place God and Satan on an equal playing field. He is merely a pawn used for God's purposes.




I picture Satan as the dog in sheep herding. The dog goes around nipping and the sheep's legs to keep them together and in line. Yet, he is nothing without the master. The master herder could get rid of him in a second if he really wanted to. Satan is there to prove our devotion, keep us following God's will, and give us the option of choice.




Yes, this other realm can give you divine powers. I've actually healed somebody. For real. I'm not being holier-than-thou or any of that crap. And I'm not talking about televangelists or Christian tv. I'm talking about the real deal.




But, really, it was all God anyway. I was just merely a vessel.




You know this how? You talk, but you don't explain. Back yurself up.




And explain to me what happened to the person you healed; what happened? How do I know you're not lying, like you accused me of lying about the man who died on the operating table?




By the way, let me just say that this is really fun debating with you :)



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