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Best Sigs Of Them All


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I like all of Witty-fools, vladmoneys, fender00, and gondaz's sigs. They are all oldies. I know there are more i'm forgetting though... :S








witty quit, fender quit, and gondaz name is gonadzz








you may be forgetting








- keiphus








- alex( although many dont like him)









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i dont get u pixel sigs




their not that cool :?








Pixel sigs = 100% of the effort coming from you if u work pixel by pixel. Plus they are 100% Custom and there's no copyright stuff :)








Digital Art = 20%-40% coming from you, the rest by programs, with renders..filters...simulated brushes and so on. Not considering the tutorials out there and the "copycat styles" or the copyright of the stolen images/renders that sometime bump out.








With this i'm not saying one is better than the other. And some digital workers here are very very very talented and do great stuff. And there's nothing bad if u use the support of digital programs.

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Guest crimmson777
I personally like this most of all the sigs I've made :
















sw00tage! hwo do they blend layers so welll!??!?

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Pixel sigs = 100% of the effort coming from you if u work pixel by pixel. Plus they are 100% Custom and there's no copyright stuff :)








Totally agree.








I always did render-sigs before. Then I tried my cartoony style like:
















...and I felt more proud of that because it was 100% me. Then I tried pixel sigs and it made me cherish it even more, because it was a lot of work.








I know about 3d render sigs. I know about handdrawn sigs. And I know about pixel sigs.








And I have to say creating a pixel sig is one of the most rewarding experiences I've had to date.








PS: Jeppoz is god. :P

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i really dont think there is a best sig. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. So what one person may think is good, another may think it suxs.








damit u had to go and use the same face as your old avatar of that nerd dude :lol:


First pair of dragon legs 18/01/05

Second pair of dragon legs 21/01/05

Third pair of dragon legs 23-01-05

Fourth pair of dragon legs 24-01-05

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Pixel sigs = 100% of the effort coming from you if u work pixel by pixel. Plus they are 100% Custom and there's no copyright stuff :)








Totally agree.








I always did render-sigs before. Then I tried my cartoony style like:
















...and I felt more proud of that because it was 100% me. Then I tried pixel sigs and it made me cherish it even more, because it was a lot of work.








I know about 3d render sigs. I know about handdrawn sigs. And I know about pixel sigs.








And I have to say creating a pixel sig is one of the most rewarding experiences I've had to date.








PS: Jeppoz is god. :P








Thx still your pixel sig is awesome you know :)

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pixel sigs own because they take much much more effort than signatures made in programs, like jeppoz said.








I think my sig is the best every :lol: nah jk, Punk4ever's is just f'in tight though :shock:








good job jeppoz

Lazyboy164 - 126 combat - 16 99's - 2215+ Total


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actually i really like Spun's sig heh, very unique








I agree, and I also like GreatSilverWyrm's works. And although I realize that pixel sigs are 100% effort, I just really don't like the look of 'em at all :P. But hey, as Vladmoney said, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" ;).

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Vladmoney said, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" ;).








I was wondering if i can use that quote for my sig








It's a total cliche. Nobody owns it. :lol:








Use it, once you're unbanned.

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Vladmoney said, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" ;).








I was wondering if i can use that quote for my sig








It's a total cliche. Nobody owns it. :lol:








Use it, once you're unbanned.








yes i'd have to agree and besides i think it would go along well with your sig.

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Not all sigs made in ps ,etc. are just filters.








but I have no gripe with pixel sigs. At least they encourage freehand skills. But I still like a more refined drawing myself. (I know, not a huge surprise given my usual trend).








But witty, Orchiare, Drunken T, etc. now mastermix or whatever all do good freehand work that is not pixelly in nature.








AS a whole I find pixel sigs entertaining, but I think the vast majority use washed out colors. Eve's kbd on and Jeppoz merchant ones are two of the better ones to use bold colors.

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