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Cabbage Respawn Rates: WE NEED HELP!


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Hey there everybooooooody.








It's been awhile since I've been spamming it up here on Tipit, but I have a request for you.








Jagex has changed the respawn rate of cabbage, and it has affected several things:








1. Cabbage picking in general. Before, we could pick cabbage in rows of 2 neatly, but now, we must use 3-4 rows. This makes people bump into each other more often.








2. Syncronized Cabbage picking: Singlehandedly the most beautiful thing to do with cabbage, all of our special picking patterns are now messed up.








3. We cannot have as many people picking at once, or as close.








What you can do:
















Do it politely, and maybe we can have success. To those that know me 'round here, this is one of my most serious posts ever, so you know it would mean a lot to me, and not to mention several hundred people who pick cabbage for pleasure.








Thank you all for you time: Kah bah gee!!!!!!!








- Blackbane -




The Order of Cabbage

Kah..... bah...... danm! Whats the third one again?

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Anything with cabbage = sad.








I have to agree... I mean come on whats the deal with cabbages?








you know what's sad that someone would say that they have the "right" to pray/tele or whatever in their sig when they are just mad cuz their stats suck and they cant get kills

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yes, cabbage picking is sad, but so is playing runescape!








I am not asking for people to like what we do.








I am askin that you help out a group of people that just want to enjoy the game. There is nothing sad about having fun :) Please no flaming, if they have not seen the light of cabbage picking, let them go on their ways :P

Kah..... bah...... danm! Whats the third one again?

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do you guys just collect cabbage and stock it up in your banks?








Yeah, but we also have some fun with it a bit. If you've never seen a great OoC bombing, then you're missing a beautiful thing.

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Seriosly, i though autoing was the worst thing in rs, you guys proved me i was wrong.
















no offence.








So uh...where does wasting countless hours getting 99 strength rank on your list? I'd like to see it.








Don't knock other people having fun. If you do, the only one being an ignorant fool is yourself.

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yes I know Im spamming my own topic, but I had a keg party last night and the beautiful thing about havin a keg party, is all the beer thats left in the keg afterwords.
























SUper bubs to the rescue!
















But as I said, this topic is not about liking cabbage, or promoting the OoC. Its about allowing a bunch of crazy people to have some fun.

Kah..... bah...... danm! Whats the third one again?

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Ahhh more Order of the Cabbage loonies' demands..!




But I share your pain, and for one, as a loonie, I understand your attachment to that strange useless and pointless activity that is cabbage picking.

2480+ total

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Jagex ruined our fun! (Altough i'm not a kah bah gee freak)




Why did they come up whit this awesomly stupid idea to change this anyways? :lol:








All vegetables are slowed down. Its to keep people from rapidly filling sacks for farming assignments, I believe.








Paul knows about us. He even compliments us and claims sacks were put into the game to help out the OoC.








And yes, it is a waste of time. But so is playing Runescape and posting on these forums. Thats what makes it great.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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Anything with cabbage = sad.




I have to agree... I mean come on whats the deal with cabbages?




wats the deal with getting a higher lv? this is just how some ppl like to spend ther time and i think its quite fun :lol:
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Real men grow their own cabbages! A lot slower, but every single cabbage is harvested with love and passion!


2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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Real men grow their own cabbages! A lot slower, but every single cabbage is harvested with love and passion!








BUT, always remember to grow your cabbages in World 77, the OFFICIAL OoC Endorsed Cabbage growing world

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I hear you Bane! This is a shock to me, (been a while from cabbage picking) I will help in all the ways I can. The OoC is the greatest group I have ever met. Viva La Kah Bah Gee!

A reflection is just a distorted reality held by glass and your mind.



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