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Can My Parents Force Me To Go To Church?


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Do you see much of your mom during the week? Maybe your mom asks you to come to church becuase it's the one day out of the week where you can both sit down and be together. If not then it was just a suggestion. I mean it kind of makes sense if you're both busy people maybe your mom feels that church is the only way she can spend time with you and that's why she makes a big fuss. And I mean it's not like I church is that bad. The services aren't always 100% religious there are a lot of life lessons to be learned from them as well. I suggest you keep going, maybe you'll learn something that'll help you better your relationship with your mom.

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convert and possibly go to court or if you really wanted to you could call child services if she really does nothing for you, neglecting you








but that may put you in an even worse posistion

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I used to be a devout Christian until the age of 11. I then got interested in World History. I learned about all the unjust and hypocritical acts the Church commited. There on I lost faith and became an Aethiest... However I still went to Church... Why? Because Church retreats were the best place to make-out with girls...




I listened to the sermon(I ignored the religious BS and listened only to the non-religious philosophical stuff) and went to every sunday service(For the donuts).




My Church went on retreat twice in the summer and once in the winter... I always found the winter retreats to be the most fruitful...

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Also, if you're just one of those new-school radical kids that likes to be different from the generation before them and be a hardcore atheist or an agnostic then you deserve to go to church. I always find it rather stupid when people stand around making witty jokes about how the bible is a fiction novel and how God is their favorite fictional character, since it's a bit obvious that the reason they purportedly don't believe in God is that they want to be funny or different.








But if you do actually have legitimately different beliefs, then talk to your priest about it, since I'm sure he wouldn't like what your mother is doing, although you're gravitating away from the congregation. Approach him/her nicely about the problem you're having, and just say that you might like to try "experiencing" the Lord a different way.








For the record, I'm supposed to be Catholic and I haven't been to church for three years now, but that doesn't make me atheist.


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Illegal or not, it's just easier if you can keep the peace. Make it clear that you are only going because she makes you - and then don't mention it any more. Maybe one day she'll realise that it's doing nothing for your faith. If she does not, as is very possible, remember that you won't have to follow her rules forever. Lead by maturity :)








To those people talking as if he has a debt to pay his parents: "they feed you!" "they keep a roof over your head!" "I'd like to see you survive without them!" That's complete rubbish. His parents chose to conceive him and have a duty to care for him, and he owes them nothing. Most children love their parents, but nothing can be expected.

For it is the greyness of dusk that reigns.

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Frankly it's people like your mum that give Christianity and the whole "Bible-bashing" thing a bad name. No priest or religious leader in their right mind would want young people in their sermon who are being forced to be there, and I don't think that any loving God would want young people there who don't want to be there either.








I know a lot of you guys have said it's not that long to slog it through, and although I agree, i'm firm on the principle that NO ONE should ever be made to attend a religious gathering against their explicit will. Freedom of religion is one of the basic human rights granted to us all, and by the age of 15 your old enough to have made your mind up about your beliefs. Don't let anyone try and make you believe something you don't want to believe.








Although I think it's good when parents take younger children to church to try and bring them up with certain moral values, when it gets to the stage where she's threatening you with grounding you etc. she is in the wrong, not you.








My advice, talk to her, make it clear to her that she's offending your religious principles. If that fails, talk to your priest, he should understand.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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so how much do you make at this job where you get the money to pay for all this stuff? i hope you dont consider paying for all this stuff with allowance to be actually paying for it.








I work part time at a housing construction site with my dad..








My parents are seperated, my mom has a new husband..








My dad isn't christian either, maybe I should move there...




He's really strict in other ways though. =\








And someone said I should move out..




I only work part time so yeah, I couldn't even afford an apartment.








Thanks for the advice and whatnot...




I did used to think, "Yeah I'll suck it up, 2 hours, big deal."








But now that I'm firm with my nonbelieving, I will not go.




It also interferes with my social life, I can't go out Saturday nights because I need to be in church the next day.








And it's worse when they do communion..








"Whoever takes this communion without full believance will burn in the firey pits of hell!"








And they don't give you a choice, they just hand it to you.








When I'm about to take it, everyone turns and stares at me.




The pastor always calls our house and asks me to go to youth group..








I could use some of the other suggested methods, and just leave, or give in to the grounding until she gives up.








Or move to my dads, but that means:




-Early Bed




-Early Wake-up (He lives a few towns away from my school)




-1 Hour Computer A Day




-Really hard on me about getting a job, not going on the computer, doing "fun outdoor family stuff" etc.








But it also means:




-Excellent parenting. My dad has a new wife, and they're really happy now, and they're good to us. I know his rules are for my benefit.




-Good food. My dad is slightly.. richer.. than my mom, and it's always steaks, pasta, restaraunts, etc..




-Huge backyard, ATV trails, paintballing, river to fish




-He has a cottage, boats, the works.




-Money for movies or anything with my friends, lunch money.












I guess I just figured out what I'm going to do.. =\

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i am glad to hear that you work to get your money, many are just handed it by their parents and get mad if they have to pay for anything. it will give you good life experience for after school :D . sounds to me like at your dads house you would be treated a little better, even if there are a few more restrictions.



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As a Christian, I don't think she should force you to go. If anything, that's just going to make you bitter towards Christianity, and it seems to have done so already. She ought to just back off.








If she wants you to become a Christian, she ought to pray for you earnestly, not threaten you if you don't come to church.








However, I would say that you ought to honor you parents. Either move in with your dad and live by his rules, or stay with your mom and live by her rules. Your choice.



"In so far as I am Man I am the chief of creatures. In so far as I am a man I am the chief of sinners." - G.K. Chesterton

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I understand it's about principal, But I would probably suck it up and go to church, But then again, I havn't had to do it every week like you have, So I can't say that. If you think your dad is a better parent and has much more of what you want then, Move in with him. Or maybe tell your mom that you don't want to go to church and that you're thinking of moving in with your dad, Or try to come to an agrement of only going to church maybe once a month or something? Your dad's still sounds like a better way to go though.








But what ever you do, Hope it's for the better.


Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

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A little background..








My mom is "Christian". Or at least she says she is.




She goes to church, but is by far the worst person I know.




If it were between her and I, I would go to heaven over her, and I'm not even "Christian".








My question..








I'm 15 years old.




I live in Ontario. (Location laws may be different?)




Every Sunday, my mother forces me to go to church.




If I don't go, she usually grounds me for a week, or worse.




I've been grounded for months at a time.




A few times she's threatened to kick me out of the house, or even.. not feed me all week. (I don't think she would do the last one, but still convinced me to go)








I've been researching it, and can't find anything, but..








Are there any laws against this?








I don't want to have to go to church, but don't want to be grounded all my life either. :shock:








What can I do?








EDIT: I'm posting this because I'm completely fed up.




She just told me to go, I said no. I'm not going anymore, no matter what.




She took the modem, said I was grounded for 2 weeks.




I have a back-up of course. :D




But she'll be back soon.......




Dude stop being a stuipd crybaby and GO!!!!! your mom loves you she want the best for you and going to church is on of them

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PrinceC, if you don't have anything actualy.. I dunno, useful, to add to the conversation don't bother joining in.












I would move in with your dad Itchalot. The computer thing you can always work out with him as well :).

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Just because she makes you go to church, does NOT mean she's forcing the religion on you... :roll:








And you know..your parents are only the ones who decided to have a child (you) and brought into the world...now you get to experience life for a whole 70 years! (average)...But noooo...your forced to go to mean old church for a few hours a week and give up your precious time...dumb parents... :roll:








Seriously though, grow up. Think about the thousands of kids whose parents hate their guts and beat them daily. Think of all the kids that starve do death every HOUR. Think of all the babies that are aborted and don't even have the chance to live. And here you are complaining about being uncomfortable for an hour or two?! Be grateful for what you have!

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Ya, greatful of Freedom Of Religon. Being non-religious is like a religion, only without god, and Bible, well you know what I mean.





"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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If he has the freedom to not practice it as part of his religion, why must he? In other countries, it is probably agianst the law to be of any other religion, why not accept the freedoms that are given here in canada. Tellign him to go to church and suck it up is like saying "Oh the charter of rights and freedoms where made for nothing"


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Just because she makes you go to church, does NOT mean she's forcing the religion on you... :roll:








And you know..your parents are only the ones who decided to have a child (you) and brought into the world...now you get to experience life for a whole 70 years! (average)...But noooo...your forced to go to mean old church for a few hours a week and give up your precious time...dumb parents... :roll:








Seriously though, grow up. Think about the thousands of kids whose parents hate their guts and beat them daily. Think of all the kids that starve do death every HOUR. Think of all the babies that are aborted and don't even have the chance to live. And here you are complaining about being uncomfortable for an hour or two?! Be grateful for what you have!








I'm sorry, but it always irk's me a bit when someone use's that excuse. I'm sorry about all of those other kids, but what does that have to do with the fact at hand?








Yes, he probaly just doesn't want to go to church (have to sit through it) or (perhaps) truly doesn't belive, but he simply asked a question, if he could be forced.












All of the examples you gave, they are unfortunate yes, but realy are nothing but a guilt trip some people try and use to make other's feel guilty. The kid is asking a valid question, I know if I was an atheist I realy wouldn't want to be going to church every sunday (not that I do anyways mind you.).
















Anyways, like I said before, i'd move in with your dad. From what you said it seems like you'd have a lot better time there.

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Dude stop being a stuipd crybaby and GO!!!!! your mom loves you she want the best for you and going to church is on of them








Refusing to conform with a religion that you don't accept has nothing to do with being a crybaby. Maybe his "mom" was doing what was best for him when he was younger, but he's old enough to make his own mind up now about his religious beliefs. It's obviously more than just not going somewhere because you can't be bothered, it's going somewhere that forces a religion upon you that you don't believe in.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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Approach him/her nicely about the problem you're having, and just say that you might like to try "experiencing" the Lord a different way.








Why does he need to "experience the lord" at all?








Seriously though, grow up. Think about the thousands of kids whose parents hate their guts and beat them daily. Think of all the kids that starve do death every HOUR. Think of all the babies that are aborted and don't even have the chance to live. And here you are complaining about being uncomfortable for an hour or two?! Be grateful for what you have!








If his mother forces him to feed himself and pay his own bills, then she has no right to morally educate him.

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