Pieceocake1 Posted March 8, 2006 Share Posted March 8, 2006 So what're your best tips of any kind. Here are mine: 1) When fishing swordies, always cook all those unwanted tunas. They're worth 100 cooking points apiece. 2) When training always play on quiet worlds. Crowds create competition. And there's always gonna be someone who'll be better/faster/stronger. 3) In f2p, don't bother fighting any Random Events (Evil Chicken, Rock Gollum, Shade etc.). They never drop anything valuable. And you receive almost no experience for fighting them :roll: (Check your stats). Why bother? These tips might seem like common sense but there you go. What can you teach us? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
d-von Posted March 8, 2006 Share Posted March 8, 2006 pressing ctrl makes u run not everybody wants to hear the bubblegum pop garbage.im gonna burn in hell and drink all of satans beer.trashmetal/deathmetal/hardrock/folkmetal die hard Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Conrose Posted March 8, 2006 Share Posted March 8, 2006 1.) When playing CWars and the opponents are holding their own flag with 8 high lvl players surrounding him... go the other way and combat train on some noobs cuz you ain't getting the flag. 2.) If you hate farming with a passion and even compare it to watching paint dry (We all know that watching paint dry is more exciting than watching plants grow), then plan your stuff with super compost and go train combat or something for an hour before checking your plots and harvesting/replanting. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
richpoepaap Posted March 8, 2006 Share Posted March 8, 2006 - If you can fish swordies, stick to lobs a while longer. - Iron is best exp-time for mining -Yews are not really worth it. THose are my tips,that I can think of now at least :wink: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
iforgotit Posted March 8, 2006 Share Posted March 8, 2006 - If you can fish swordies, stick to lobs a while longer. - Iron is best exp-time for mining -Yews are not really worth it. THose are my tips,that I can think of now at least :wink: First off, Yews really are worth it if you cut them yourself..High alch 728gp? Plus you get Magic xp...Hellz yeah its worth it... Heres my tip...If you have a goal, stick to it....Doing multiple things at once is actually worse than doing 1 skill at a time. If you keep doing multiple things you won't ever accomplish anything. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
runnybabbit Posted March 8, 2006 Share Posted March 8, 2006 For f2p, runecrafting airs is a very effective way of making money. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Conrose Posted March 8, 2006 Share Posted March 8, 2006 If you got a good source of emeralds and rubies, make duel rings and rings of forging. Duel Arena to mine Iron and CW to deposit iron, and ring of forging to smith it all efficiently. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
12bigo12 Posted March 9, 2006 Share Posted March 9, 2006 Go to varrock and mine iron from these times: 8 pm - 12 am in world 7 theres always low lvls there and its funny waching them beg for you not to take there iron. also when mining iron save the run from the bank to the mine site not the other way around. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
audee Posted March 9, 2006 Share Posted March 9, 2006 when training combat, try to go for npc whose combat level is at the 20 to 40.... u save lots of food spent and u get exp fast.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
akkillah5o Posted March 9, 2006 Share Posted March 9, 2006 When going into the wilderness always turn auto retaliate off. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iamfarming Posted March 9, 2006 Share Posted March 9, 2006 Try not to die... anywhere :wink: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
oblivion2006 Posted March 9, 2006 Share Posted March 9, 2006 Best combat experience in the game is full Guthans with sara/zammy cape at desert bandits. Never have to eat or leave until armor is full degraded. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Unforgivablesin Posted March 9, 2006 Share Posted March 9, 2006 Even people woh tell you not to trust anyone cant be trusted. Helping someone sometimes pays off later. Dont do what everyone else does, some things work better for you. Everywheres always too crowded to train so I do so in wildy where its not. Dont burn yews in public, people with more money than you complain alot. Lie about how much food you have left in wildy. Always be prepared, have extra supplies just in case. Prayer and defence are better then people make them out to be. Youll regret selling ores later. Friends wont always be there, some leave randomly. I always get uncooked food unless the cooked ones are free or cheap. So much more but yea, just a few... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ShadowSam19 Posted March 9, 2006 Share Posted March 9, 2006 If it seems to good to be true, it is. Never trust ANYONE. Items and Gp fluxuate in value, but skills are forever. Perservere. If the game gets boring, do something else. If its still boring, take a break. Its meant to be fun. Do what you want to do, don't let some else tell you how to play the game. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dexek Posted March 9, 2006 Share Posted March 9, 2006 Have Fun. :D PoetryIndexed Picture 1Indexed Picture 2 Killed my maxed Zerker pure April 2010 Rebooting Runescape Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Munpie Posted March 9, 2006 Share Posted March 9, 2006 If you want to make friends, be courteous. 10 Examples of things to do that might help you get friends: ~*Share the rocks (If someone comes to take your rock step back and let them) ~*Share Monsters (Let someone else get the monster first, there will always be more) ~*Save someones tools (If someone loses an axe head, try to return it) ~*Help those in need (If someone requires a single tele rune and are even offering more the true value, hand over a free rune instead of taking the money) ~*Return lost items (If someones dies a loses something, even if it's a party hat, notify them that you have and are willing to return their items free) ~*Ask random people how they are doing (A simple interest in someone elses own being leaves a good impression) ~*Compliment people(People usually wear their best items to show off, compliment them on their attire sincerely so they know that some people care about their achievements, no matter how minute they are) ~*Give out advice(those aspiring for greatness it a skill, might not know the best ways to train) ~*Give up your services to help someone (Something as simple as giving free taxi rides to a fellow runecrafter would do) ~*Don't Swear (Many people may believe swearing is "cool" but this makes people stray away from you. If you're swearing at just tough rock whats to keep you from swearing at them) Not only could these acts be used to generate new friends, but they could also generate a more pleasant and friendly community with their contagiousness Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trip Posted March 9, 2006 Share Posted March 9, 2006 If it seems to good to be true, it is. party hats :P Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bippitee Posted March 9, 2006 Share Posted March 9, 2006 Items and Gp fluxuate in value, but skills are forever. True, dat! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
meb Posted March 9, 2006 Share Posted March 9, 2006 1. When someone is mining iron at Rimmy, he/she will almost always offer you free iron. Take it and don't try to "steal" rocks. If you need teh xp, world switch. 2. Runecrafting is more profitable than woodcutting. 3. Farming is fun, ÃÆÃâÃâánd good magic xp (Fally, Ardy and Cammy teles. Your clicking has a purpose now.). 4. ALWAYS check the 2nd trade screen. 5. Never take stuff into the wildy that's worth more than 2ce the amount of money you have. Retired 2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lordrex Posted March 9, 2006 Share Posted March 9, 2006 4. ALWAYS check the 2nd trade screen. most important tip ever!! rsname: lord rex.december 2011: ranked 107th best f2p playermarch 2012 became member. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zou_Lou Posted March 9, 2006 Share Posted March 9, 2006 Hello :) [*:1vdanso2]Do not look wealthy! This way you can keep most of the beggars and scammers away. [*:1vdanso2]Travelling light is the way for long runs: bank all your stuff in between two cities (unless you need a little something in the way). [*:1vdanso2]Also, never run while wearing your armour* or full inventory of heavy stuff, save your energy! *(Unless you are fighting, of course). [*:1vdanso2]Get Boots of Lightness in the dungeon east of fishing guild, no quest is required, you'll only need a source of light and a knife or blade. It will save you loads of time travelling around. [*:1vdanso2]Raise a kitty! Sell it to civilians in West Ardougne for 100 death. Use them or sell them for 30k to other players. Then get a new kitty for 100gp and repeat. [*:1vdanso2]Always make plans! To think ahead of the next move will save your time and helps a load to be more efficient. [*:1vdanso2]When loging out keep track of your last move and location and plan ahead what to do for the next day. [*:1vdanso2]Clean up your bank on a regular basis and keep it as neat and tidy as you can. [*:1vdanso2]Double all your cheap items so they will go back where they belong and will remain in the same bank slot for ever. [*:1vdanso2]Keep law runes at the top of your bank or in your inventory while sitting in a bank, so you can be the first one to trade them for 1k to the teleporters. [*:1vdanso2]Never be in a hurry while trading. Take time to check the price guides and do use your calculator, it could save you loads of cash and disapointment. [*:1vdanso2]While training agility in Brimhaven dungeon cakes are your best friends. To keep low hp is the key to not get hurt too bad and to not waste food. [*:1vdanso2]At the werewolf agility training camp take only very few high healing food. The more heavy you'll be, the more you'll fall and the more food you'll be wasting. [*:1vdanso2]When training thieving with master farmer north of Ardougne, keep the junk seeds in the bottom rows of your invent and drop them only when you need food. Then pick up some potatoes and cook them on the range nearby for healing. Always keep one free slot for the rare seed you don't want to miss. [*:1vdanso2]Do not go in the wildy before to have a decent combat level (or mage or range lvl), you would only end up in Lumby. [*:1vdanso2]Never take cash in the wildy or anything you can't afford to loose. The only cash you need over here are 50gp to buy a team cape. [*:1vdanso2]Bank your big bones when possible to worship the Ectofunctus, it's four times more prayer xp then plain burying! [*:1vdanso2]Bury bones in a church or a temple if nearby. It's slightly more prayer xp to raise up your prayer. [*:1vdanso2]Always pay the gardenner to watch after your crops and you'll find out farming is actually NOT a boring skill because you can do a number of things while the gardenners are working for you. [*:1vdanso2]Plant your own trees in Fally's park for fletching and woodcutting. You'll get more logs than a normal tree and no one to competitate with. [*:1vdanso2]Offer to trade food or big bones for seeds at the mossies and the ogres, you will have great deals! [*:1vdanso2]Hally owns the scimmy! Once you know the safe spots you will only need very few food for long combat training sessions. [*:1vdanso2]Help out the new comers with some hints they can actually use and offer them good deals when trading with them. It will come back to you soon or later. [*:1vdanso2]Chat with your fellow fishermen, miners and woodcutters. It cuts down the boredom and you can actually make some good friends this way. [*:1vdanso2]Do not be a slave to other players. Accept a job only if you are actually having fun to do it and take benefit of it in term of xp or cash. [*:1vdanso2]Take a break before to be fed up with something, so you can always manage to have a good time. [*:1vdanso2]Use your common sense and never be afraid to ask when you don't know. [*:1vdanso2]Be active and kind on forums and in your clan. You are building up your reputation this way. [*:1vdanso2]Be fairplay and move on quickly when you loose. Never forget it's only a game, and practise your sense of humour. This is all I can think of for today. Sorry if some of all of this has been posted one hundred times before. :roll: :wink: :lol: Retired from RuinedScape 12/15/07. Now playing a Tauren Shaman on World of Warcraft.Server: Ravencrest.Username: Zulu. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Harrington Posted March 9, 2006 Share Posted March 9, 2006 don't eat yellow snow ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zou_Lou Posted March 10, 2006 Share Posted March 10, 2006 Hey, I got one more! :D :lol: [*:21w9gww3]Glass making tip: Go to Entrana with a full inventory of buckets and let the Leprechaun next to the sand pit to hold them for you. You will never run short of buckets while making glass items anymore! Only works for members though... Retired from RuinedScape 12/15/07. Now playing a Tauren Shaman on World of Warcraft.Server: Ravencrest.Username: Zulu. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lordrex Posted March 10, 2006 Share Posted March 10, 2006 ow another tip: use the "log out" buton to log out, random events can appear, also when u "x" out just got an evil chicken while i tried to "log out", would heve lost full mime if i "x"ed out rsname: lord rex.december 2011: ranked 107th best f2p playermarch 2012 became member. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted March 10, 2006 Share Posted March 10, 2006 Hello :) [*]Bury bones in a church or a temple if nearby. It's slightly more prayer xp to raise up your prayer. :shock: Have I been missing out on this little fact. I don't think this is true, but I would like to have some confirmation if I am right or not. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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