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Meah, it worked for me. Not as much as actually working out but it'll do more for you than just doing push-ups and sit-ups.








If your small enough, pushups and situps are enough to bulk you up a more than a bit. I went from barely being able to do 15 girly pushups to doing handstand pushups without any other excersize.

How long did it take and how often did you do them, and how did you go about doing that?
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Keep it up, though. I used to be able to bench 280 and leg press 750 when I played football. I stopped playing and only ran, so now I have weak arms but strong legs.








That muscle will turn to flab fast.








And holy cow these BBQ wings are hot.








When you say you can bench 280 is that kilograms or pounds? Just so I can get a better Idea


Thanks Venomai for this super sig and Kwimbob for the awesome avatar!

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Don't fight the guy if you don't think you can beat him alone. Probably don't fight him even if you think you can beat him.








My advice is just be a smart aleck when he torments you. If he trys some stupid insult on you, say "Oh that's clever/original." If he keeps up, something like "How long did it take you to come up with that one?" If it goes on day after day, comment on that. "Wow you're in a groove!" Don't take what I'm writing and say it verbatim, be spontaneous about it.








If he's physically abusing you (by which I mean flicking your ear or throwing stuff at you), don't let it get to you, but stay in smart-aleck mode and ask conversationally if he has to work and think of ways to be annoying, or if it just comes naturally to him.








Someone else suggested something like this when they said "use logic" on him. That's the right idea, but really emphasize the humor and sarcasm. Don't show that he's actually annoying you, be witty on him. If people are around, that makes it a very bad move on his part to keep harrassing you.








If he outright challenges you to a fight in front of other people (or asks if you want to fight him or some such thing), avoid the question, act all concerned, and ask if that's how he relates to people socially. "How sad that you can't communicate and make friends like normal people...(sarcastic sigh)"








This works very well for me, but then again, I'm also well over six feet, so even though I'm pretty skinny and probably couldn't handle myself in a fight, people don't seriously bully me too much.








EDIT: ^Ragen, I'm guessing that someone who benches 280 is probably talking about pounds. Probably. I don't know too many people who can bench 280 kg, since that's equal to about 616 pounds. :wink:

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In the beginning of the school year, I was bullied verbally and he threw stuff at me. He also asked me teacher "Is it illegal to beat up gay people" and he looked at me with the cheeziest smile ever. The thing is he always said stuff outloud of of randomness when were doing work. Teacher didnt care, but everyone could her it. Bullies always expect you to say something back to them. I didn't say anything. You know how stupid someone looks by just shouting out an insult, and no one says anything about it, in the middle of class.








Its like








~awkward silence..........................................~
















~................................crickets chirping~

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Keep it up, though. I used to be able to bench 280 and leg press 750 when I played football. I stopped playing and only ran, so now I have weak arms but strong legs.








That muscle will turn to flab fast.








And holy cow these BBQ wings are hot.








When you say you can bench 280 is that kilograms or pounds? Just so I can get a better Idea








Pounds, oh lord in pounds :P.








Now I can barely do 180, since I haven't really been lifting in a while. Most of my excercise these days is running or biking. I can only leg press 700 now :(.








Also note that I was playing football at the time, and it was regimented weight gain. If you just want to bulk up for the ladies, I suggest 150 bench and do lots of curls with a 20-40 lb weight. And work your way up to it slowly. Don't start out at those weights or you will die :).


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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Every time this subject comes up, the forum's true civilized manner seems to show [/sarcasim]












For real, the best way to deal with this is just make him mad. By doing the asking questions thing somone suggest earlier, make him either mad so that he will stop of embaresment, or mad so that he will result to physical violence (this one only happend in grd 4). If #2 happens, get a teacher immdiatly while he is after you, makes him feel stupid for getting cought.








Seriously, you should never ever have to use physical violence, your just lowering yourself to their level.








Except when the way they bully you is physical, then perhaps you will need to show them not to mess with you.


Sig by Ikurai

Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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Guess I will just not try to get physical, and do what you guys said, just talk to him, try to confuse him :P It's just a pan and really immature what he does, and I am SO sick of it. He always does that waterbottle junk where you poke the hole in it, and spray people, and he does that to me like err 10 times EVERY day in biology. Then in PE he tries to trip me, and he always slugs me in the arm and slomach and junk, and throws the balls at mey head :P I know it coul dbe worse, but it is really bugging me, and I just want to turn around and hit him, but I try to ignore it, that usually gets people to stop, they usually do it for the attention, but it hasn't seemed to work. I will try that pushup stuff, probably will start tonight, anso sit ups ;) Good thing I can get to the gym with a friend for free too :P Thanks for all the tips and info, if you have more, please tell :)

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He always does that waterbottle junk where you poke the hole in it, and spray people, and he does that to me like err 10 times EVERY day in biology.








Heh... That one is easy to make him stop. Every night, boil a half bottle of water. Add sugar to it and lt it set out overnight. Do the same thing to him, but it will be sticky. Sticky sucks...


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:( kinda sucks that theres always one of those people out there that just HAVE to make other peoples lifes miserable to make them suppostialy feel better about their personal lifes because they have a crapy family








well anyway im 13 years old and in the 8th grade, ive been in a few too many fights in school(about 10 i think) and believe it or not i havent been in juvie once :D and i can suggest to these bully problems that you often cant win with these guys, espically if their big and dumb.








if your not seeing where im getting with this its...DONT THROW THE FIRST PUNCH, IT WILL GET YOU IN SO MUCH TROUBLE ITS ALMOST NOT WORTH IT!!!(ok im a little daluginal atm..gemie a break)












next time you see the guy be sure your around your big friends so in a tough case they'll be there to back you up. its also a good idea to keep insight of a teacher when he throws a punch, then he'll get in trouble more then them. but dont be suprized if he trys to lie his way out of it because those bullys are just a bunch of cowards who talk the talk but cant walk the walk.








if i were to know you inperson i could help you but sence i dont its a bit hard to explaine on here, espically with my radio cranked up and me being light headed :shock:








talk to me in PM sometime when im not crazy in the head or im in IRC all the time :) and also i would suggest those karate things, i joined a form of karate called taekwondo, its the martial arts program in korea and its one of the largest forms of self defence in the world and its also a good way to get in shape to pull of a good ol' chuck norris roundhouse kick and knock the guy silly in the cheek. heres a link to the taekwondo main site: http://www.wttu.com (plz dont consider this flamming, its for the good of this guy)

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Guess I will just not try to get physical, and do what you guys said, just talk to him, try to confuse him :P It's just a pan and really immature what he does, and I am SO sick of it. He always does that waterbottle junk where you poke the hole in it, and spray people, and he does that to me like err 10 times EVERY day in biology. Then in PE he tries to trip me, and he always slugs me in the arm and slomach and junk, and throws the balls at mey head :P I know it coul dbe worse, but it is really bugging me, and I just want to turn around and hit him, but I try to ignore it, that usually gets people to stop, they usually do it for the attention, but it hasn't seemed to work. I will try that pushup stuff, probably will start tonight, anso sit ups ;) Good thing I can get to the gym with a friend for free too :P Thanks for all the tips and info, if you have more, please tell :)




Here's one question to ask him, why is he flirting with you :wink:


Sig by Ikurai

Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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I took martial arts for a bit, about 2.5 years. It really paid off though. Once this loser was making fun of me after school, and I got really tired of it. So I just gave him a roundhouse (like Barihawk), except right below the ribcage, he couldn't breath steadily for about 10 minutes. At least, that's what I heard. I just walked away after that. No problems after it though. :)








I was also worshiped at school by all the jock-haters. Man, that was awesome. Free ice cream galore.

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Keep it up, though. I used to be able to bench 280 and leg press 750 when I played football. I stopped playing and only ran, so now I have weak arms but strong legs.








That muscle will turn to flab fast.








And holy cow these BBQ wings are hot.








When you say you can bench 280 is that kilograms or pounds? Just so I can get a better Idea








Pounds, oh lord in pounds :P.








Now I can barely do 180, since I haven't really been lifting in a while. Most of my excercise these days is running or biking. I can only leg press 700 now :(.








Also note that I was playing football at the time, and it was regimented weight gain. If you just want to bulk up for the ladies, I suggest 150 bench and do lots of curls with a 20-40 lb weight. And work your way up to it slowly. Don't start out at those weights or you will die :).








I'm not old enough to use the bench at my gym but i can use the chest push (Bench press but sitting up) at 100 kilo's and biceps curl at 60 kilo's :D








And back on topic - In my experience bullies don't go away if you talk to them. Your current bully might but another may decide to take his place. In my 8th year of school I had this guy try pulling my hair. I tried talking to him and he poured his drink down my back. I just told him to grow up and f off as I was kinda shocked (I should of smacked him then). I knew this guy was going to be a jerk and do it again so I prepared myself mentally and absolutally flawed him next time he tried to intimidate me. Haven't had any problems with anyone since.


Thanks Venomai for this super sig and Kwimbob for the awesome avatar!

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The black belt inside me would tell you to whip his [wagon] and let that be the end of it, but that isn't the answer. That's just what *I* would do. :lol:








I was a bully sometimes in school...Rarely got physical unless I felt it was deserved (some guy touched my friend's...chest...so I pushed his head into a wall, got suspended...blah..) but I did a lot of verbal just to make people laugh. I never directed it at anyone in particular, usually just anyone who did something stupid, so I'd make jokes about them...Most people liked me because I was funny, some people were afraid of me, anyways...








Don't mouth off to him. If he's anything like I was, it'll get you a beating unless he's a pansy. If you do mouth off and he does nothing, then he's a pansy. Call him out on that, infront of people. Unless your debating skills are weaker than his, this will put him in a spot to make people laugh at him, which is funny to everyone but him. If he's going to out-talk you aswell, don't do this, he'll just get pissed off and it'll get worse. I'd say this also isn't a very good suggestion, unless the guy is down-right STUPID.








The best suggestion I can give you is to nark him off. Yea, he'll know it was you (who ELSE would have told?) without anyone, school faculty or student, telling him. Teachers are obliged to NOT tell who narks you off. Trust me, I know...lol, I've had people tell on me a ton, and they've never told me WHO told, just that someone did. What this will do is make him stop unless the school does not punish him. If they punish him, he'll stop messing with you because it's likely his parents won't be happy. Whenever someone told on me and it was severe enough to get suspended, I just left them alone for the most part because it isn't worth getting suspended over...Like I said, I was never a HUGE bully, I just made jokes about people to make peole laugh, I had nothing against most people. Getting suspended over something you thought was a joke = lame.








So yea, just nark him off. Bullies who are looking to fight are morons. You're there to learn, not box.








It should also be pointed out that he's probably a complete pansy who cannot fight at all. Like I said, I was thought of as a "bully" by some, but I *did* have someone pick on me once. He wanted to fight me because he knew I was a black belt, so he'd always start stuff. My training has taught me to never fight unless it's absolutely necessary, and that it's a last resort, so I told him I wasn't going to fight him just because he knew I could fight....One day, he pushed me..Twice...So we fought. He stopped asking me to fight after that, because, according to witnesses, I "kicked his [wagon]". Some people are just angry with themselves and will fight anything. I'm a THIRD DEGREE BLACK BELT. Why would you want to fight me when you're not trained at all?! I don't get that to this day... :?

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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Guest AshKaYu

Also, if worst comes to worse, remember the pressure points, and punch UNDER, not OVER or THROUGH.(As in not jabbing or overhand). Hurts more. WAY more.

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call his bluff








if he really does beat the crap out of you too bad sorry lol








im one of the bigger kids in my grade and i called out a smaller kid and he backed down, i said he could even bring his 6th grade brother :P

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Don't tell the principal, thats wimpy. Simply stand up to him. If you have to use violence, do this :








Punch him, as hard as you can right in the nose. Itll hurt like hell to him, and from my experience, it affects thier sight for a short while. Itll make thier eyes water and probably give you a chance to hit him a few more times. Go for the nose again, and then an uppercut to the chin.








Make sure the punch to the nose hits hard and accurately, or you'll get the shiat beat outta you. (if hes really so big and tough)

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Guest AshKaYu
call his bluff








if he really does beat the crap out of you too bad sorry lol








im one of the bigger kids in my grade and i called out a smaller kid and he backed down, i said he could even bring his 6th grade brother :P








So basically you were bullying a kid smaller then you -______________-

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Not really.








Sounds like jakerules13 was getting hastled by a kid smaller than him. So he called out this kid to fight him. But he backed off because he didn't have the balls.












Not the first time I've heard of that. People going around acting tough till the time comes when someone wants to have a go at them, and then they run like a [kitty].

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The more crap you take the more crap he'll give you. Don't just go all quiet if he chats crap to you, stick up for yourself :)




Just put him in his place really...If you fight you'll either knock the crap out of him or take a beating and get him suspended :D




That or go to your teacher/headteacher and whatnot. Probably the more sensible option but you'd be breaking the rule of the schoolyard 8)

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Just turn around and punch him he wont punch you back trust me the shock will be too much to be able to fight back








A nice bearclaw to the nose should do the trick :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

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Try taking pushpins, and then you make a fist, stick the plastic part between your knuckles. Then sock him somewhere (not in the face though).








That's also a fun trick at parties. Make sure it's hidden, and then go up and punch a balloon. Just punch a few more so they pop, and if no one knows about the pin, they'll go up and punch baloons as hard as they can without being able to pop them. :wink:

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