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is this true (rule 2)?


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You can't ever find a place that's nice and peaceful, because there isn't any. You may think there is, but once you get there, when you're not looking, somebody'll sneak up and write "(bleep) you" right under your nose. Try it sometime. I think, even, if I ever die, and they stick me in a cemetery, and I have a tombstone and all, it'll say "Holden Caulfield" on it, and then what year I was born and what year I died, and then right under that it'll say "(bleep) you."
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Actually part of this is against the rules. Saying that you'll pay someone after they do something is against Jagex's rules. Similar to how the barrows lotteries (you give ppl supplies, they "honestly" give you all the loot) all got stopped. Jagex doesn't want any trades to have to rely on ppl's honesty, so they would take action against the bounty HQ that "promises" to pay after you kill a certain person.








I'm not guaranteeing they will ban them, but I'm just saying Jagex is against this, so it does have some truth.


Combat 116+; Total 1900+; All Hard Tasks; (Nearly) All quest points; (Nearly) All skills 60+; An aquatic moose ninja.

Currently: Using 63 hunter to get some of those "Chins", then I'm going to range stuff down. Interruptions of agility when I feel like it, as well.

And lucky enough to get 4 Dragon and 6 Barrow Drops.

[hide]Kwimbob now looks exactly like me in real life except for hair color. Yes, this means I look exactly like the protagonist of that certain anime that my second character, Faye_V is also named after. Yes, I bought a jacket that also looks like his. No in real life I don't have a slain bear to sling over my shoulders. Yes, I'm that skinny even if I no-life it for years in basements. No, I can't shoot a gun. Yes, I can win any other strategic video game you have never played - because I probably have, ahahaha. And yes, I also have brown eyes, yet one of my eyes looks different from the other. And yes, I'm completely oblivious to the [real] world around me as I constantly engineer new solutions to daily problems in my head. When I get hungry, all that isn't food can wait. When I'm sleepy - nothing is of any priority in front of sleep. But at any other time, I never slow down. Never give up. Never Surrender. Makes for a good life.


- See You, Space Cowboy.[/hide][/hide]

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Good thing I trade cuts for uncuts, rofl.




I know, lol, that's what I'm always thinking of when I do stuff like that.


Combat 116+; Total 1900+; All Hard Tasks; (Nearly) All quest points; (Nearly) All skills 60+; An aquatic moose ninja.

Currently: Using 63 hunter to get some of those "Chins", then I'm going to range stuff down. Interruptions of agility when I feel like it, as well.

And lucky enough to get 4 Dragon and 6 Barrow Drops.

[hide]Kwimbob now looks exactly like me in real life except for hair color. Yes, this means I look exactly like the protagonist of that certain anime that my second character, Faye_V is also named after. Yes, I bought a jacket that also looks like his. No in real life I don't have a slain bear to sling over my shoulders. Yes, I'm that skinny even if I no-life it for years in basements. No, I can't shoot a gun. Yes, I can win any other strategic video game you have never played - because I probably have, ahahaha. And yes, I also have brown eyes, yet one of my eyes looks different from the other. And yes, I'm completely oblivious to the [real] world around me as I constantly engineer new solutions to daily problems in my head. When I get hungry, all that isn't food can wait. When I'm sleepy - nothing is of any priority in front of sleep. But at any other time, I never slow down. Never give up. Never Surrender. Makes for a good life.


- See You, Space Cowboy.[/hide][/hide]

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You get banned for killing people in the wildy? How is that item scamming? And how would JAGEX know that your doing that? :?








jagex is your new god :shock: they see all and hear all :shock: dirty when u need to go to the bathroom tho :P

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Actually part of this is against the rules. Saying that you'll pay someone after they do something is against Jagex's rules. Similar to how the barrows lotteries (you give ppl supplies, they "honestly" give you all the loot) all got stopped. Jagex doesn't want any trades to have to rely on ppl's honesty, so they would take action against the bounty HQ that "promises" to pay after you kill a certain person.








I'm not guaranteeing they will ban them, but I'm just saying Jagex is against this, so it does have some truth.








Plus it's against the official RuneScape forums' rules to place bounties on players. However I don't know anything about this falling under rule 2.

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Simple fix: Add a bounty hunting skill and add bulliten boards in banks and points of intrest. People who want others killed would have to pay the money up front. If someone accepts the mission they can track that person down and confront them. If they kill the person, they get the already posted reward... they fail, the mission/bounty remains and some other person can then choose that bounty or the person who just tried could go back and restart.








No more worries about scamming then.


R.I.P Shiva

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Simple fix: Add a bounty hunting skill and add bulliten boards in banks and points of intrest. People who want others killed would have to pay the money up front. If someone accepts the mission they can track that person down and confront them. If they kill the person, they get the already posted reward... they fail, the mission/bounty remains and some other person can then choose that bounty or the person who just tried could go back and restart.








No more worries about scamming then.








ov course, most bounties are 20k to kill lvl80s, so it would just be used to lure noobs who dont know alch valued and stuff, theyll pk the dude for 20k who FOR SOME REASON just dropped 4 dragon long notes, friend comes pjs free whip

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