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feel sorry for noobs in varrock


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i was in varrock and u kno were derilith is and all the darkmages. i was pondering around and tht i found tht these cruel meand decieving people plan a trip to lum for noobs..as i was a witness to this appaling move.this is wAT they do..they lure lvl 3 - 30 or more and then get them to fight lvl 20 dark mages and then they die and lose all there stuff and i saw this noob walking along and "anonamous name" (an runescape player) goes "folo me i kno were to get full rune" so they folo them to the dark wizards and then he died with his full blk t on so i felt guilty,so i bought him a set of blk t. i think they should put a rule for tht..








rule number 14 - NO hoaxing other players into dying secretly








yup thts my rule ill make.. 8)

\../, ( * . * ) ,\../

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theres also zammy mages, a bit more profitable cause they are 6 or 7 lvl 17-22s and you can lock them in the chapel with the noobs and its multicombat too




(not that i ever did it.........)

[omg] who cares if its nerfed or fixed....

you people will argue over the color of a green apple if it was a topic on this fourm god.

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meh. it's my way of killing beggars (also zammy wine is). it really works quite well and teaches them a lesson for following me around saying "free stuff? plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz" for a whole dreaded hour of haveing a walk in F2P.




seriously, it's because of those beggers that I and every one else from P2P never go on F2P worlds. they deserve those deaths.




but don't get me wrong, when it's used just for a scam i couldn't agree less about it. i don't pick their things up, i give it to those hard working poeple that are actually working for runes/cash instead of begging for them.


A Draconic Guide V1.4, Fimer - Multi-Timer Farming Timer V3.

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but whenever i do something like that i make it up to another noob

[omg] who cares if its nerfed or fixed....

you people will argue over the color of a green apple if it was a topic on this fourm god.

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f2p is the worst of beggers but i dont think they should pik on the people tht actually work for there stuff like the kid tht was in the incident tht i witnessed..but u r right tht beggers should go to hell and burn...yes

\../, ( * . * ) ,\../

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f2p is the worst of beggers but i dont think they should pik on the people tht actually work for there stuff like the kid tht was in the incident tht i witnessed..but u r right tht beggers should go to hell and burn...yes








Harsh! :shock:








Should watch what you say mate...wouldn't want that to actually happen would you now?

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I got that some days ago and almost died at the ranging guild of that, wanted to know the place to exchange tickets and got lured into the towers and got hitting some 11's and survived whit 20 hp.

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i acually had this happen to me when i was level 3 and just started playing, i was wandering around not really sure what i should be doing. some higher level told me to follow him and he would give me some stuff to get me started, and had me follow him in front of fally to the house where the vampire is. i got attacked by the damn tress and died. I lost all my noob stuff and i almost quit playing, im glad i didnt. but yeah thats really lame of people to do. pray on the people that are just starting the game, what are they really gonna get outta of it anyways?


RS name- Lunar3klipse, banned 3-16-06: found out theres a new appeal system, I get an extra appeal, fingers crossed.


BTW: Ill give someone a serious dollar, if I can use more than 30kb for a sig size :/ its my hosting for crying out-loud.

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Good idea for the beggars. I had one today, my first one. I tried to teach him ways to make money, but he wanted me to just give it to him. First person I had to ignore. I hear f2p is bad about beggars, and it ticks me off cause it gives us hard working non-members a bad name.

Youth ages, immaturity is outgrown; ignorance can be educated and drunkeness sobered, but stupid is forever.



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here is something fun to do..in the f2p word when someone tells you to take the wine of zammy, kill the monks first and acctually get it...then they will either say "i need 2 for my potion" then you get two, "no, wait its three", and ect..








or when you grab it they will log out.... :roll:


Sigs made by Runemetsa, Nuzza, Dark_Shadow, Kuroi and Me.

liquid blobs attacking eachother


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i saw this noob walking along and "anonamous name" (an runescape player) goes "folo me i kno were to get full rune" so they folo them to the dark wizards and then he died with his full blk t on so i felt guilty,so i bought him a set of blk t.








I call cow dung.

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Ive seen members do that to other members in east ardourgne. They take them to the shack by the gates to west ardourgne and get them to pull the lever. Whatever is there (i've never done it but have seen it done numerous times so Im not exactly sure of the monster waiting there) poisons them and the others get their items. I think its sad that people do that but on the other hand who follows someone they dont know and pulls a lever to who knows where?

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How about "Rule 14: You must not butcher the written form of a language"?
That made me giggle. :P








:| When someone begs for stuff, I just go by the saying, "Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you will not have to listen to his incessant whining about how hungry he is." (Note: This was an improved version of the original quote.)

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i was in varrock and u kno were derilith is and all the darkmages. i was pondering around and tht i found tht these cruel meand decieving people plan a trip to lum for noobs..as i was a witness to this appaling move.this is wAT they do..they lure lvl 3 - 30 or more and then get them to fight lvl 20 dark mages and then they die and lose all there stuff and i saw this noob walking along and "anonamous name" (an runescape player) goes "folo me i kno were to get full rune" so they folo them to the dark wizards and then he died with his full blk t on so i felt guilty,so i bought him a set of blk t. i think they should put a rule for tht..








rule number 14 - NO hoaxing other players into dying secretly








yup thts my rule ill make.. 8)
















What type of noob has full Black (T)!


Siggy By...me! ^^

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What type of noob has full Black (T)!




correction, what sort of noob has full black(t), and dies at dark wizards? i dont think this was a completely accurate story, what with the guy saying he bought the 'noob''s black t back.

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