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Wealth ring really work?


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I was wondering if a wealth ring really does help you get more rare items.








If this is true is it really worth the asking price.




I mean who wants to pay 60k for something they are not sure of.








wgat do you think?












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It doesnt work in getting the "rare" drops, as in you cant wear it and think that itll get you dragon drops. It will give you a better chance at getting better drops, like for runes or coins, and MAYBE dragon drops. I think it is worth every gp its worth and this is coming from someone that has only ever had 1 dragon drop.

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i asked jagex once about it








apparently there's 2 "wheels" for ur drop








the first one has a certain place on it that puts u through to the 2nd wheel, and the 2nd wheel is where u could potentially get a rare drop








if ur lucky enough to hit the first "magic number" on the first wheel, the ring of wealth only effects the 2nd wheel, giving u a higher chance of getting the rare drop on the 2nd wheel








for the most part it has no effect on your drop

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i asked jagex once about it








apparently there's 2 "wheels" for ur drop








the first one has a certain place on it that puts u through to the 2nd wheel, and the 2nd wheel is where u could potentially get a rare drop








if ur lucky enough to hit the first "magic number" on the first wheel, the ring of wealth only effects the 2nd wheel, giving u a higher chance of getting the rare drop on the 2nd wheel








for the most part it has no effect on your drop








so in english that means?

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think of it like a roulette wheel, when you get a drop the first wheel spins, and one spot on that wheel brings you 2 a second wheel. if you land on the spot and make it to the second wheel the ring of wealth is supposed to effect you chances of getting a better drop


RS name- Lunar3klipse, banned 3-16-06: found out theres a new appeal system, I get an extra appeal, fingers crossed.


BTW: Ill give someone a serious dollar, if I can use more than 30kb for a sig size :/ its my hosting for crying out-loud.

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i asked jagex once about it








apparently there's 2 "wheels" for ur drop








the first one has a certain place on it that puts u through to the 2nd wheel, and the 2nd wheel is where u could potentially get a rare drop








if ur lucky enough to hit the first "magic number" on the first wheel, the ring of wealth only effects the 2nd wheel, giving u a higher chance of getting the rare drop on the 2nd wheel








for the most part it has no effect on your drop








so in english that means?




it's a 2 rounded wheel of fortune. you get the good numbar on the first wheel, and you go to the next place. this wheel has crappy drops and the few glories(sp?) rare drops. i like to spin my basalisk and otherwordly being wheel a lot......to much if you ask me

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Why would it exsist if it didn't actually work.. :? Did you honestly think jagex would release an item, that didn't work. And just sit there laughing at us?


Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

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Why would it exsist if it didn't actually work.. :? Did you honestly think jagex would release an item, that didn't work. And just sit there laughing at us?








i would belive that.









yes ofcorse, like with dragon pl8s lol

RuneScape is a drug with the street value of 2gp.
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For all of those hwo don't really understand the entire "wheel" thing..
















Think about when you kill a monster..lets say fire giants you will get a wheel like shown here












Now as someone said before think of it as a roulette wheel, with a marble spinning around it




Now if the marble lands in the red part of this wheel it wil go to the second wheel




shown here








Now for you to get a dragon med drop the marble would have to land in the red area twice, as you can see it is very small








If you have a ring of wealth on however the red area may be slightly bigger as shown here












So you have a better chance of the marble landing in the red area and you getting that dragon med drop








Hope I cleared a few things up :P

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What happens when the wheels fall off?








you died and someone else gets your stuff, in the game of lotto.








Stupid question gets a stupid answer (no offense, I like asking stupid questions sometimes too, I'm just saying my answer is stupid as well)

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-lol- :)








Seriously tho, I really don't get this 'wheel thing'. :shock: It's like;








"When you kill a monster you get a wheel, and if that wheel falls into the next wheel then you get a better drop, and if that wheel falls into the next wheel then both wheels become one wheel and fall into the wlittle red part of the other wheel, which means you get a d med...








Oh you don't understand? Okay let me explain it to you more simply..








When you kill a monster you get a wheel, and if that wheel falls into the next wheel then you get a better drop, and..."








-lol- Okay i'm exaggerating, but you get the point. :)

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Were do Jagex draw the line between a rarer drop and a normal drop. Because if you are fighting a rock crab its not like its going to drop a Dragon Item. So does it work with lower level monsters and their so called "rare drops" (like gems etc for rock crabs) or only on monsters which are of a high level? :?

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off topic: speaking of crabs, what do you do with claws and shells?








on topic: there seem to be two opinions on what the RoW does








1) It increases rune/ coin drops








2) it increases rare drops.








Which is it?

I have to get practically naked when I'm cooking bacon.

I may be immature, but that made me laugh!

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