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Dragon Slayer


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Well I was training at crandor near Elvgre(cant spell) and i was talking to this person that was doing dragon slayer. Well i know for a fact that you can finish dragon slayer with range and melee because ive doen it myself. But is it possible to mage the dragon with a fire shield or not?

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range is possible if u use crossbow and an inv full of swordies but mage i dunno probably if u use dragonfire shield


(\/) 42.7% of all statistics are made up on the spot.

(O.o) cabbage rools

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its possibble... and its a bit easyer then with a crosbow... becuz a crosbow is slow and weak... but its still hard... i needed with my ranger 3x new food (given by a friend)... mage protect helps...




and that dragon is the only dragon (with metal dragons) whos have longrange fire... its hard... cuz he can hit mutch 10+ with his fires...


^^ click my sig for my lesser ranging guide ^^

jwrm22: 4816th > 99 cooking 100% f2p !1172 total! + 140mil in items.

i dont play anymore... i think rs is ruined

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there has been a lot weird stuff going around with the dragon. As far as I know, the dragon attacked with 2X power back in RSC if you maged / ranged him and your prayer was drained as soon as you went into his lair ( I know this because I fought the dragon in RSC 3 years ago at level 40 and died because I maged her :P ) I'm not sure about now in RS2 though. Your best bet is to just go in there with the fire shield (always equip it), bring loads of good food and just whack it. (use prayer and str pot, it helps a bit).




Besides, I saw a dude that went in there getting attacked but without recieving damage. He said that if you have auto retaliate on off, then the dragon can't damage you.




And also one more thing, players outside the fence can't cast telegrab... Awww... I always watch 10 swordies along with addy or rune helmets dissappear when people die... And I can't telegrab them :cry:

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lets clear this up:






Do NOT use range/mage. For one thing, during range, you cannot equip a dragonfire sheild, you will die in 1-3 hits. Mage is the same. Although you can use a sheild during maging, the dragon will use about 5x power and kill you in 1-3 hits. Melee is the only style to attack this monster. I don't recommend the crossbow unless you want to end up with no swordies left and the dragon at half health. Besides, the crossbow is a very weak weapon.






-full mith armor or better


-mith weapon or better


-tele runes(just in case)


-30 str or 30 attack


-30 def


-swordies or lobbies(all you can hold)


By popular demand, this signature is back- however I currently do not have a blog up at the moment and if I did I wouldn't update it. Sorry, the sig links to nowhere :( .

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Do NOT use range/mage. For one thing, during range, you cannot equip a dragonfire sheild, you will die in 1-3 hits




you hide behind the ruins in his 'lair'; there are plenty of places you can shoot him from where he cant 'shoot' back, so effectively you could do it with no food at all (although thats just plain stupid...)

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When i killed Elvarg, it was pretty weird




he was near the gate and when i came in he kept breathing fire but i never got damage




it was like i was invincible but theni decided to attack him and he started doin damage to me the way i beat him was like this:




-i attacked him and when he did alot of damege i ran in the corner and healed then i kept doin this till he was dead






Woot! Got total lvl 900 in f2p!

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when i tried mage on him i just keep getting 0 hits




lolz then ur mage lvl must really be low




No like I said, dragonhide = high resistance to magic. Remember that, it may save your life. Also, remember that metal dragons are weak to magic, because they are metal.

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Well i did Dragon Slayer when my defence got to 40 so i could wear full rune. I know for sure that my att and str were nowhere near this - probably nearer 20 each, so I couldn't melee it.


I maged it with no problems at all.




Talk to the duke in lumby for a sheild

In a little hilltop village they gambled for my clothes

I bargained for salvation and they gave me a lethal dose

I offered up my innocence, I got repaid with scorn

"Come in'', she said, "I'll give you shelter from the storm"

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I bet it is possible to beat him with mage. You just need a good defense and a good mage level. Just make sure you have enough runes, teles, and definately the shield.


I don't see why it wouldn't be possible. It might be hard, but it should be possible.

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If you still can't get the shield...




1. Make sure you ask Oziach about it, maybe the Duke only gives it to you once you've been told he does (Runescape has a tendency to be rather too linear like that).




2. If it's still no, then get all the map pieces, combine then talk to ned.




Another thing, check your bank thoroughly, if you picked one up, and have it lurking there, then the Duke will not give you another.

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when i tried mage on him i just keep getting 0 hits




lolz then ur mage lvl must really be low




No like I said, dragonhide = high resistance to magic. Remember that, it may save your life. Also, remember that metal dragons are weak to magic, because they are metal.




Nice conclusion dear friend :)




Thumbs up!

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When i killed Elvarg, it was pretty weird




he was near the gate and when i came in he kept breathing fire but i never got damage




it was like i was invincible but theni decided to attack him and he started doin damage to me the way i beat him was like this:




-i attacked him and when he did alot of damege i ran in the corner and healed then i kept doin this till he was dead








Did you read my post at all? :!: If you have auto retaliate off, he can't damage you if you don't attack him! :!:

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Do you people think that I should raise prayer to protect before i go to fight her. 41attck,47 strenght, 40 defence, 44 life. I only need like 2k b bones to get 43 prayer.


I will shoot down any one with my bitting wit, and sarcasm!

What POSSIBLE reason would someone have to make a fake like that?Does he profit from faking a picture like that? Does it help him at all?Jesus Christ, stop being so suspicious. This is Tip.it for God's sake, not RuneHQ. -_-
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I believe it is possible (though I have never tried it). I would imagine that mage is a good deal harder than melee or ranged, but I suppose with a decent magic lvl, killing Elvarg would indeed be possible.

perfect grammar is one thing, typing like a drugged monkey and enjoying it is another


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