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rs music


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As if you care about the RS music *not flaming* ,i listen to my music collection while playing rs :)




lol of course not juts was wonderin if people got all of em




ive always got my pnk floyd playlist runnin :)


and when im bored nothing beats dido

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I've mentioned this before, but here goes again....




http://java.sun.com/products/java-media ... banks.html




The default MIDI soundbank in Java is the "minimal" (0.35 MB) - not very big for a wavetable soundbank.




The better ones are 1 MB and 4 MB in size - and the 4 MB should be as good as most soundcard wavetables.




So if you want to hear the runescape music at higher quality, upgrade the soundbank.

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you do still unlock them if you play on low detail... and wasnt there a music guide on tip.it for the locations?


^^ click my sig for my lesser ranging guide ^^

jwrm22: 4816th > 99 cooking 100% f2p !1172 total! + 140mil in items.

i dont play anymore... i think rs is ruined

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I just play in low detail because i listen to my own music, and as such, i have no idea how many i have unlocked. My computer also freaks out on low detail sometimes because i am browsing forums and listen to music and posibly doing something else, so it is probably better to keep it low




The sound effects annoy me also

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I just play in low detail because i listen to my own music, and as such, i have no idea how many i have unlocked. My computer also freaks out on low detail sometimes because i am browsing forums and listen to music and posibly doing something else, so it is probably better to keep it low




The sound effects annoy me also




Same here. The one or two times I tried high detail, the music wouldn't play half the time anyway.

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The RS music that you unlock is for:




1. Areas you have visited


2. Runescape opening music (various dates)


3. Random and special events - there is a tune for the cristmas event workshop.




A particular example is "Frogland", only unlocked if you FAIL the frog random even and are transported to frogland.




I like to keep the music on (and set to auto) when on the move, as it serves as a navigation reminder.

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