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I'm doing some free sigs :)


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Yeah, i'm doing some free sigs. (don't know how many... it's more of a if I wanna do your idea i'll do it kind of thing.)




Basicly, i've gotten a bit lazy, and I think I need a good kick in the behind so I can do some larger pieces again. Mostly, i'm not sure what style I feel like continuing atm, however, chalange me. I'm up for about any style (although sadly, I am not going to be doing pixels as I realy can't... and they don't interest me "as" much as other styles)






Anyways... Basicly said, just tell me what you want. And example could be:




name : Nadril


Style: Landscape


What I want: Some purdy green hills, with a nice sunset ... bla bla bla.


Text: Nadril on the top left and on bottom right "omg purdy sunset".




Basicly something like that. Anyways, hopefully a few of these I'll like enough to develop into larger pieces, which, I may. if I like the idea good enough, I will develop a larger piece of it to put on DA and show off here :) '






So get to eh.. posting and all that. :D

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hey on aldurons post u said u like shading. i posted a sig that needs to be shaded. but glad to c your helpin the sig community stay alive for free





"Let your feelings be like that of a monkey in a pinata, hiding inside with the candy hoping that the kids don't break through with the stick."

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hey on aldurons post u said u like shading. i posted a sig that needs to be shaded. but glad to c your helpin the sig community stay alive for free








heh I'll look at it :) .

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Hey, I'd like one. I guess the style would be landscape. What i want is like a big patch of ice surrounded by snowy, icy mountains, with the sky kind of cloudy. Maybe a few sunrays breaking through the clouds. So, its basically a lake surrounded by mountains, that but in ICE!!! Would like to see it if you like the idea. If you don't, no biggie 8) . As for text, maybe a nice "susta99" in a corner, and below it says "get ready" or some crap like that :oops: :D . Anyway, goodluck, and ONLY do it if you are interested in it, thanks!

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Hey, I'd like one. I guess the style would be landscape. What i want is like a big patch of ice surrounded by snowy, icy mountains, with the sky kind of cloudy. Maybe a few sunrays breaking through the clouds. So, its basically a lake surrounded by mountains, that but in ICE!!! Would like to see it if you like the idea. If you don't, no biggie 8) . As for text, maybe a nice "susta99" in a corner, and below it says "get ready" or some crap like that :oops: :D . Anyway, goodluck, and ONLY do it if you are interested in it, thanks!




so an icy lake surrounded by mountains, with some clouds and rays?




Sounds good to me :) .

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ummm name reddawn509. type..abstract? i would like some random background with a girm reaper if u need a pic here is one......http://www.shock-therapy.org/reaper.jpg......addition text....nothin i guess........thanks in advance :D




I'll do an abstract, but no grim reaper. I'm fine with others using copyrighted material in sigs if they don't sell, but I don't.

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name : Despaxes


Style: Landscape


What I want: (might be kinda hard to make look right) i want a green lushenviroment fade into a desert wasteland


Text: Despaxes




Hmm interesting idea... I could give it a shot, dunno how it will turn out though.

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name : Stevepole


Style: Landscape


What I want: i want a mountain range on the left side with a river right next to mountains acting like a devider to an open area (dont really care what the open area is but with little hills with mountains in the far far back) and the sky has like a storm coming from the back mountains over the open area.


Text: Choice is everything

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oh oh oh! can i have 1? love your land scape and space renders :oops:








What I want: tropical island surounded by glaciers


Text: Mckenzieman bottom left "BD 4 Lyphe" top right




if not then










What I want:volcanic plains with volcanic mountains in the distance


Text: Mckenzieman bottom left "BD 4 Lyphe" top right




tyvm if you decide to do one of them :D

My pet Boxing Tater


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name : komodo


Style: Landscape


What I want: A volcano surrounded by glaciers, or anything you want, you job is always amazing!


Text: Bottom Left - komodo




Thanks Nadril.





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Ooo always been a fan of your sigs! Glad your doing this. :)




Name: 01whitec2l


Style: Landscape


What I want: A waterfall (Don't know if its possible), kinda in the rainforest. A nice tranquill area, no destruction, giving the sence of peace and quiet.


Text: 01whitec2, anyway where you think it would look the best.


100+ Combat :: 100+ Members :: 107 Combat Average

-{Click sig to join Heroes of the Future}-

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Susta, is this something like you were thinking like? :oops:










:) I'll do more sigs tomorrow.

:shock: that is like 99% of what i was thinking of, great job!!!! Can i use it for a while as my sig 8) very cool
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Susta, is this something like you were thinking like? :oops:










:) I'll do more sigs tomorrow.

:shock: that is like 99% of what i was thinking of, great job!!!! Can i use it for a while as my sig 8) very cool




duh, what it's for :).




I'll be looking through these requests tonight and do another one. Man, a ton of landscape orders :lol:






what i want: a man chopping trees




Can't do people, or trees. Sorry :) ( I could do trees and maybe a horrible man in Vue, but I like terragen better).

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Hey nad, looks great but i was seeing it, and i really dont like the GET READY part :oops: sorry. So, you think you could just erase it (if it IS in layer-type) but still keep my name in it. If you could that would be great, and i'd use it right away, thanks!

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:shock: I've always loved your sigs...but you're full of orders, so I won't tie you up more :cry:




Good luck!! :D


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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heres what i want :D


oh and thanks for the sigs dude ur awesome :) :D




i'd like on the left side a nice lush jungle and on the right a barren desert


and in the top middle smalish font "Bloodredsword"








Listen to the mighty words of Bloodredsword.

Tip it MGC Xbox live leader board!

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Name : Burningbman




Style: Space (if possible, if not, an abstract)




What I want: A planet in the foreground, maybe being able to see only half or a quarter of it, and have a supernova in the background (if at all possible). And have a galaxy or cluster of space dust behind the supernova with stars everywhere (c'mon, this is space).




Thanks, always been a fan of your work.


There are 10 types of people in the world - those that understand binary and those that don't!

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