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dead bodies


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I like the idea. It doesn't have to be a bloody corpse, when someone dies and does the whole falling over thing, when they hit the ground they can just stay there. And in the wilderness you can right click and "loot Xi pure kid Xi"




You then get all their stuff in 1 invintory space as "loot", which you can only get the items from, by sorting it at a bank. Good way to stop scavengers.



Don't be afraid your life will end, be afraid it will never begin.

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Im afraid i dont like this idea. It would just get a bit old after awhile, walking around seeing dead bodies lying in fetal position everywhere... Besides, it just doesnt work out very well - in order for it to be realistic the body would have to have everything it had when it died on it, but then that destroys the realism because the person who died has the item on him/her too. So either way, it just wont work. On top of that, if you are trying to be realistic, what is the realistic cause for the body disappearing after 5 minutes? On a final note, just think of the lag caused by having the body of everyone that dies having to hang around for 5 minutes.

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Dead bodies... LOL. I can see it now... Clan wars would be chaos, with dead bodies everywhere. :lol:








No, not 5 minutes. reduce a bit.. More like 2-3 minutes. Also, about the "commiting suicide in lumby over and over again"; just make it so bodies disappear if someone dies more than once. That way there's only one body.



[bleep], my parrot has better grammar than you.

{Author of Tip.It Times article}{Founder of the F2P Bankspace Campaign}{Interviewed for the Gielinor Tribune}{F2P Bankspace was ACHIEVED!}

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I cant wait to spit, pee, desercrate dead bodies. NOOO I'm not a necrofealiac (spelling check please) and for those who don't know it is don't ask. Better left alone. ANYWAYS I wouldnt mind to kick a dead body. A message says it twitches. Maybe a play dead emote. So you can hide from pkers.

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quite a nice idea.. but what happenrs when you die?




if you run back where u died you will see ur own body???

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when some1 dies, their body should stay there for 5 minutes. it would still have all its armour on but the 3 items your allowed to keep wouldnt be pickable. after that 5 minutes then body fades and bones appear along with any items not yet picked up.








put your cursor over a dead guy,it reads "dead andrew" and if you examine him, it would say "oh dear, Andrew is dead!"








It would be hard for the graphic designer of RuneScape to make someone look dead, not sleeping (or lying down)

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I cant wait to spit, pee, desercrate dead bodies. NOOO I'm not a necrofealiac (spelling check please) and for those who don't know it is don't ask. Better left alone. ANYWAYS I wouldnt mind to kick a dead body. A message says it twitches. Maybe a play dead emote. So you can hide from pkers.








necrophiliac - hehe learned about it in an awesome book (Stiff, by Mary Roach, the most hilarious book about the adventures of bodies after their inhabitants have moved on i have ever read [hehe actually the only one, those books arent very common :P ])








hehe i dont get banned for this








anyways, on top of what i said earlier, i was just wondering if this would bump rs up to pg-13....

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Keeping all those bodies would look cool. But, in places like f2p varrock wildy, and world 18 cwars, this would cause insane amounts of lag!!


Dragon Drops: D spear x 2, D skirt, D half-shield, D axe, D 2h

Barrows Rewards: Ahrims hood, Karil's Coif, half key x 6, D med, torags legs, veracs flail

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dude, not a good idea. The wilderness would be like Normandy 1942. It would look like someone droped a hydrogen bomb or mowed every1 down with a 50 cal. not to mention leaving bodies for 5 minutes would make pjing easy and you could claim your kill for 5 mins :-k ok..... whats the point of killing if people just pj the crap out of each other and noone gets any kills becuase by the time the 5 minutes are up theyve fought 10 people and are dead. no support.

If at first you dont suceed, then you fail.

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I would like a system where when you die, the killer has to click on your remains to pick up the items. After they click, all the items fall to the ground as normal, and your body dissapears.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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hmm... make it like diablo 2 and if u PK someone u get their ear with their stats

I was going to eat hot dogs for dinner tonight. I think I will settle for cereal.



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Lets take a tour through the new RS!








Here's the wilderness. Please avoid stepping on the hundreds of rotting corpes sitting on the ground.








Here's world 1 hill giants! Please plug your noses, as rotting hill giant bodies smell light bowls of raw chicken left in the sun.








See where I'm going with this? :thumbsup:

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