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Your biggest unknow scam.


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I wanna know your biggest unknown scam.


This means you were scammed without knowing it.




Here is my unknown scam:


- When I didn't know the price of a Rune 2h, I rzally wanted one!


So I aked a member and he said, wanna do it for logs? I said sure! Didn't have much money then.


The deal was this:


- 1800 Logs


- 200 Yews


- 8000 Willows Logs








- 1 Rune 2h




Now I know he scammed me for like 500k!


I have a nice wcing skill since then tough :)




My next scam was when I still didn't knew wildy...


I saw people with a Skull above their head, and I wanted that to, so I bought a Skull (the one from the Restless Ghost quest) for 5k... Wich was alot money back then...




What was your scam?

summersignature.png angel2w.gif

"A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do"

[Currently playing: K1ll L1f3]

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When I was like level 40 back in RSC, someone said if you want a million gp change your pass to millions (on RSC you could do that ingame), and press ALT+SHIFT+F4, which of course closed the browser which gave him time to take all my stuff. I now know ALT+F4 closes the browser lol! Did recoverys and got my account back with all my noob stuff gone, including my rune long!


I don't know what it is, but something keeps telling me you "own"?

"When you're happy it's like you're a bird; you can fly. The only trouble is, you need other birds to fly with"

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My friend gave me a steel helm and black longsword, and I happily traded it for a couple cooked chickens or something like that... great times...




So you scammed your friend?

summersignature.png angel2w.gif

"A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do"

[Currently playing: K1ll L1f3]

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I got skulled in wildy with addy pl8 (expensive to me at the time)... Some1 told me to atk them and i did.... skulled... then i died and thought i'd keep 3 best items... but i ended up losing my pl8.... i was so mad, lol




Another time, i was buying a rune 2h. I finally had enough money... I found a person and traded... He "messed up" and redid the trade... I accepted both times happily and said "thank you". I head to my bank to unnote the weapon. I put it in my bank and i look at my bank... an iron 2h...

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I got skulled in wildy with addy pl8 (expensive to me at the time)... Some1 told me to atk them and i did.... skulled... then i died and thought i'd keep 3 best items... but i ended up losing my pl8.... i was so mad, lol




Another time, i was buying a rune 2h. I finally had enough money... I found a person and traded... He "messed up" and redid the trade... I accepted both times happily and said "thank you". I head to my bank to unnote the weapon. I put it in my bank and i look at my bank... an iron 2h...




My sis had the same, with iron long tough :x

summersignature.png angel2w.gif

"A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do"

[Currently playing: K1ll L1f3]

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Mine was not nice!




I was playing for like 2 days and was a noob. This kid says: 'i'll trim mithril' and i said: COOL! I gave it and he logged out - Never came back :(




Then it was a strange time, i saw someone say: fr33 l00tz -- c0m3 t0 m3. So i went, and followed, he pked me when i was typing back to his mess age :(

If anyone remembers me... PM ME. having nostaligia issues D:

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i had a good deal for rune long at the time 10k. I traded and banked it was bronze.....




Also when i was new, someone tolled me there is treasure out in wild. I followed to members wall. He said to attack him to get through it so i did. And he tried to kill me after,.


Rsn - Coruptyed, Chat-On,Msg me with HYT!

made by 4be2jue

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I was in Draynor bank and a rather high level guy (level 60 or so) was saying "Take your tinderbox and follow me for drop party". So we were a few naÃÆÃâÃâïve newbs optimistic enough to head on after him towards the swamp.




I had a very heavy lag half way, so heavy that I had to relauch the game and when I came back to the game I had lost the little group so I never made it to the "drop party"...




Later on I heard about the lure scams on tip.it forums and I realized the group must have went down the swamp cave with a candle, dropping most of their newb stuff to the scammer after they all died from wall beasts and gaz explosion.




Once in a while, one can have a lucky lag like mine! :roll: :lol:






Zou Lou.

Retired from RuinedScape 12/15/07.

Now playing a Tauren Shaman on World of Warcraft.

Server: Ravencrest.

Username: Zulu.

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Mine was the only time I ever tried merchanting.




I tried merchanting coal, because its not too hard to merchant.




I found a guy selling 5K coal for 150 each, and I thought "cool, that's an easy 200K."




He "made a mistake" and clicked decline.




When we redid the trade, I found out afterwards that he replaced all the coal with iron. :twisted:

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That's not really scamming mate, that's naivety. They shouldn't of exploited it like that from you, but technically, they didn't scam you if you agreed to it.




Anywhos, you live, you learn! :P




ya i was gonna say that, some of these scams take place becuase people dont look up the current prices

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i almost got scammed 10 times in 20 minutes by 10 different people.




i was trying to buy a rune scimmy for 30k from people but every offer i got was switched to iron right before the second screen i'm lucky i noticed it. that shows how bad some people are in the game.


Thanks to DrCue at DeviantArt for the signature source

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i once sold a guy 1000 big bones for 150ea


I thought that i had made the trade of my life lol


Computers will never be above humans because we made them.

That's what monkeys used to say about us.

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Back when i was quite noobish my only way of making money was woodcuttting (f2p) and i didn't know the value of yew logs and 200ea seemed like alot for me so i sold about 1500 yews at this price when i could have gotten 300ea,




then i went back to cutting willows and discovered i could buy willows 20 ea and sell 30ea.

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I do a lot of merchanting, so i see alot of scams go by me. For example, this noob said "selling full guth 1.5M" or somthing like that. I gave him the money, and he declined. He said, "add 100k" . I did, and instead of giving me guth legs he gave me regular legs. I accepted without knowing but i checked the comfirm screen, then i declined :D




In a related story, this wasnt exactly a scam but more of an "thats stupid" kind of thing. This guy was saying "Buyin steel bars 1k ea" . So I trade him and give him my 1k bars. He declined and said, "Aleast 3k". Beep. That was sooo cheap....

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