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First get an ORIGINAL NAME




like Potatoe Federation


Rebellion of Onions


Tomatoe Cult


Potatoe Pond


Cult of Storms






WHATEVER, if it has an original name. thats 10% of the work done


Interrested in joining the cabbagy madness? Click here to go to our forums, and say hi ^^

lol one of the biggest pvp updates of the year, and tip it is discussing granite
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ok i find ooc pretty sad for a clan(not cult, becuz cults r relegious and someone of ooc said we r not a relegious cult) :roll: stupid :roll:


1 : formal religious veneration : WORSHIP


2 : a system of religious beliefs and ritual; also : its body of adherents


3 : a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious; also : its body of adherents


4 : a system for the cure of disease based on dogma set forth by its promulgator


5 a : great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (as a film or book); especially : such devotion regarded as a literary or intellectual fad b : a usually small group of people characterized by such devotion




Woah, I never knew Tip.It had that sig. I'll keep it since it's cool (and to make people wonder what was in my sig).

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No, they are a cult.




And what's so great about potatoes, anyway? Cabbage could own a potato any day.

potatoes>cabbage irl, cabbage>potatoes in mysterious cults irl 8)




order of cabbage is so hot, who else could have such cool people?




They are just vegetables! Illuminatis rules!




Hail to the Knight Templars :P

the guy who has the bug is the antichrist! the devil players runescape, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! :twisted: :twisted:

he will kill us all!


MMORPG: Many Males Online Role Playing Girls.
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yeah, who want to join a cult called...oops


99.99999998465% of the world's population is not me, if you are the 0.00000001535% that is me, put this in you signature


-"being famous is like being a woman, if you have to tell people you are, you aren't"

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It was a good idea, but it's taken.




OoC is the only clan who will be respected for picking up vegetables, or any other type of items. Face it, you're too late.




(PS: the order of potato? Didn't you guys want to be original? Not only you copy the idea, but also the name)


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Yeah people make copycat groups all the time. We don't mind. They always fail and we have no reason to compete with them.



Exactly what I was thinking. There have been many attempts to 'overthrow' the OoC. It won't work.


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Yes they are, there a cabbage picking clan. :roll:




no its not its a cabbage picking cult




I always thought it was a cabbage picking religion...


2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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uhh, why does the site say "possible keylogger" in it's name? sounds kinda suspicious to me.




Go OoC! down with the potatoes! :D




Lol, that's just the tip.it filter blocking a possible website name that sounds suspicious and may contain malicious software and or keyloggers.

The self-proclaimed king of bronze.

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These guys are noobs. End of story. Besides, I already have multiple thousand PICKED ONLY cabbages.




All of ours are hand picked by our members and supporters.




There have been many many similar clans or cults to this however they all have not lasted long. The thing we have that they don't is a strong community backbone. Recruits and members a like, it will always be there. And we don't let just anyone in the clan either. It's based on several factors. The copycats just let the first 10 people in, and they get bored and stop after a few days. Long live the OoC!




Oh and Dan Brown is an idiot. His stories are good, but his so called 'Facts' are complete junk. That was whoever was talking about the Knights Templar and Illuminati. (I assume you only know about those two from his books)

Retired from Runescape and the OoC.


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No, they are a cult.




And what's so great about potatoes, anyway? Cabbage could own a potato any day.

potatoes>cabbage irl, cabbage>potatoes in mysterious cults irl 8)




order of cabbage is so hot, who else could have such cool people?




They are just vegetables! Illuminatis rules!




Hail to the Knight Templars :P






Yup the Templar Knights rules!




Long life to Jaques de Molay

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Hello, my name is...errr...Well definitely not the "mr.potato head". Ok, if you want call me the "mr.potato head" you can, i preffer than the "mr.cabbage head". Anyways im the great master of the all glorius "OoP"




What is the destiny of the order?




The OoP is the antitesis of the OoC, we get the word now! Hail to the potato! and the templars knights too!




If you know about Templars you can be "Templar Potato"


If you wish you can be "Potatoish Inquisition"


Of course the newbs will be "MR.Potato heads"




This is our official webpage:








if the direction if blocked this is what you should visit:




Http//www.freewebs.com/ Wrote here orderofpotato






Administrators of Tip.it:




We are just a bunch of crazy guys, we dont got keyloggers, virus, trojans, etc... If you want search til the dead in our page but you will never find anything bad, so...




PLEASE stop blocking our page








Ah yes...





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we got a new direction=)








So I've looked over you site a bit and I have a few things to say about the site.




1.) The Design is nice and I do like the logo and the broken earth background.


2.) While the design does look familiar to the OoC site it does have some very different qualities to it (such as it's transparent background and it's more varying use of colors, no offense to the OoC)


3.)The site is basically your manifesto in which you believe that Cabbage (and indirectly the OoC) is evil and you need to go out of the way to destroy it. Your site delivers your message fairly well I got the picture.


4.)There is a strong tone of harshness whilst reading your site. It reminds me of the Daily Hate in the book 1984 and how everyone gets hyped up for those two minutes and that's all their allowed. You give a feeling of anger but it only lasts those two minutes, I don't think it's worth it.


5.)I'm not sure if English is a second language to you or if you were really eager to type up the site. I suggest you go through your site either with an english dictionary or a fine-tooth comb and sort out your grammatical errors.




That's all for the site now for some personal commentary on your ideas.




It seems like you're doing this order/cult or what have you out of spite for the OoC. The uniform is very similar, you're picking up vegetables as well, you directly tell your members to burn cabbages, etc. Now if you're doing this because you've come to terms with the OoC's philosophy with the game and you want to express your understanding of it but in a different way than that's cool, you just show your affection for the OoC in a strange way.




Now the OoC isn't actually about the Cabbage, it's about having fun and having a community of people working towards a common goal. The philosophy behind their actions is almost mind-blowing once you understand it completely for the first time. From what I've interpreted from the OoC's actual website and the history on their site here's the ideas behind it. Clicking on a Runite Rock and clicking on a cabbage are one in the same. Neither give you any (lasting)happiness or benefits in the real world. It's just clicking and clicking. But why do you click on the Runite ore rather than the Cabbage? Because it gives you money in the game? Does that in-game money make you happy? Those clicks lead to happiness as well as clicking cabbage, they are both one in the same, so long as you're having fun why not click on the cabbage? Cabbage is just a facade for the deeper meaning of the OoC's ideas. It was always about having fun. It was always about enjoying yourself. It was never about the Cabbage.




To this Grand Master of Potatos I wish you good luck on your endeavors and I give you some words of caution and advice.




-Do not try to overturn the OoC as they have been around for many years and have a strong fan base.


-Making a group just to spite another group is discrimination in a primitive form (It's vaguely true, they are making acts against the OoC) and it's never right to hate someone else because they don't agree with what you think is best.


-Tone down the seriousness of your Website and your doctrines. You seem far too engrossed into it and I assume you're trying to have fun with it but it's going a bit too much.


-Don't be discouraged by people saying you are unoriginal. I consider this to be a parody, perhaps in poor taste, but still a parody.


-Your Potato Secret Society is no longer a secret anymore so you may want to give some more information about your group, offer the visitors something unique!




That's all I have for now and I hope you manage to pull off this group it might be interesting to see Potato crashings alongside Cabbage bombings.

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