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Bird flu arrives in UK


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they found a dead bird..




its not proven yet if it is..




*didnt read the article i read ur statement. i prosume that was from the article.




Preliminary tests have confirmed the H5 avian flu virus in a sample from a swan found dead in Fife, health officials have revealed.


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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apparently i was reading about it, and a type of birdflu comes round like every 40 years or something like that, it mutates and takes different forms, yet we still managed to cope with other epidedmics before, just this time it's kind of scarier, because people have gotten really paranoid. and made other people more scared. :? (if that makes any sense :) )

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I really don't think bird flu will become that much of a HUGE pandemic like they say it might. A few years ago everybody was really worried about SARS, and you never hear anything about that anymore.


and even if it infects a lot of people, bird flu


1) is not near always fatal. (to humans anyway)


2) with a normal flu vaccin, you don't get nearly as sick as you would've without one. if they make a vaccin that only works a LITTLE better, then the problem is solved.




really, in my opinion, this bird flu case is extremely overexaggerated.


still, it could get really nasty for chicken farms, etc. A nasty economical problem (sorry, you'll have to do without eggs for breakfast for a few months :wink: ), but it probably won't grow into a mayor pandemic killing 1 on 10 people like some say it will.

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Cellardyke, where the bird was found, is 30 miles from me. Will be interesting to see how things progress.




They have also just found 2 dead swans in Glasgow which have died from a virus, but their not sure if it's bird flu yet.

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All I can say is, if you've got the flu DON'T go near any birds. If the H5N1 strain mutates with influenza, we're all doomed. Literally doomed.


Not only with influenza, if H5N1 strain mutates with anyother little sickness, we will be all doomed, in feact, if no one find a cure to it, H5N1 will mutate with something else soon....





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Brilliant, a swan dying of the H5N1 strain of the flu.


Lets just hope we can get it under control.




I dont have any vaccine, unlike all government and BBC workers :(





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I don't think any of you realise. This is BIRD flu, you only catch it in extreme cases where you are in close contact with birds for a long period of time, for example, if you're in contact with birds constantly because of your job. You can't catch it that easily. It's not a new thing either, it's only just got media attention, that's all.

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apparently i was reading about it, and a type of birdflu comes round like every 40 years or something like that, it mutates and takes different forms, yet we still managed to cope with other epidedmics before, just this time it's kind of scarier, because people have gotten really paranoid. and made other people more scared. :? (if that makes any sense :) )




my god what a load of overhyped bollocks this is...










40 million dead...You're right, no need to worry at all :|

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I don't think any of you realise. This is BIRD flu, you only catch it in extreme cases where you are in close contact with birds for a long period of time, for example, if you're in contact with birds constantly because of your job. You can't catch it that easily. It's not a new thing either, it's only just got media attention, that's all.


Actually I think a few of us knew this. :)


This is a new thing, well for Scotland anyway.




I'm not too worried about it spreading to humans, but rather I'm more concerned for people who keep birds/chickens etc. I know people in Fife that keep birds and they aren't able to keep them indoors. They will most likely have to cull them. :(

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apparently i was reading about it, and a type of birdflu comes round like every 40 years or something like that, it mutates and takes different forms, yet we still managed to cope with other epidedmics before, just this time it's kind of scarier, because people have gotten really paranoid. and made other people more scared. :? (if that makes any sense :) )




my god what a load of overhyped bollocks this is...










40 million dead...You're right, no need to worry at all :|




that's what i mean...

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If Im honest I really didnt mind bird flu when it was in China & Romania but now its just a shade over 10 miles from me Im erm a little anxious but Im glad Im not in contact with birds at all.


He who learns must suffer, and, even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart,

and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.

- Aeschylus (525 BC - 456 BC)

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If Im honest I really didnt mind bird flu when it was in China & Romania but now its just a shade over 10 miles from me Im erm a little anxious but Im glad Im not in contact with birds at all.


Hehe, I always knew Fife was rife with disease :wink:




(j/k man, I hope you live through this!) :P

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I'm a little worried about this, but hey.. if everyone else dies from it, im not gonna be alone :shock: whatever happens, we will have to live with it. Well, more likely die :lol:

Currently not active on RuneScape.



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Well right now it's no bigger than the threat of BSE was to everyday folk. As Phil said, people in the poultry business are in big financial danger.




As I said before, the biggest worry is if someone with the H5N1 strain catches the influenza virus, causing the strain to mutate into a virus that can spread between humans. Then we are truly, how you say, smegged.

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