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Drop Trading


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I was chatting to my friend, whe our conversation veers towards drop trading.




I just wondered. There are two ways to get item(s) to another account with one computer.




1. Drop trading.


2. Transfer it to your friend who will transfer it to your other account.




Apparently, the second way is legal. Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is what my friend told me. If it isn't, then this is completely useless.




Why is the second way legal when the first way is not? Do they not both achieve the same thing: your other account gets the items? So that would make the second way jsut as bad as the first, right?



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They are both illegal.


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There is a lot of gray area and I've actually seen stuff from Jagex saying #2 was alright, not sure if it was credible though.




Either way, most people don't really care and It's not a big deal, everyone does do it. There are some who don't, and it's just a waste of time but I give them credit for the hard work. I for one think this rule is a little out dated.

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There is a lot of gray area and I've actually seen stuff from Jagex saying #2 was alright, not sure if it was credible though.




Either way, most people don't really care and It's not a big deal, everyone does do it. There are some who don't, and it's just a waste of time but I give them credit for the hard work. I for one think this rule is a little out dated.




i follow it, so do most people out-dated or not rules are rules...

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There is 3 ways actually. It's possible to multilog, not gonna say how though. Don't wanna get banned. :wink:




So do I, just use a different Java type. But it's detectable, and you need broadband. Alot of clans do it to scout when PKing.



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what if you drop your items


log onto your other account and happen to find them on the ground

8) You've just described drop-trading.




I'm sure both are illegal, but I've done the second unintentionally when I had lent a friend a few million and he gave it back to me about a month later on a pure I had going. Now have a few mill sitting on an unused account, lol.

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Any way you do it jagex can and do trace items between accounts, if they spot a suspicious one sided trade then they will investigate both accounts, if the account that recived the items has poor money making skills or is an obvious pure then jagex will trace the items back along the trades to see where they came from.




Don't break the rules, its not worth your accounts.

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I've seen querry results saying the second way is legal.




The query results seemed ligit.




I remember it coming from a respected member here.

A circus in Runescape?? Oh my.




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Psh, I am not all too worried to admit I did trade items between accounts while I played (not going to say how, asking for trouble isn't clever). I'm pretty sure the odds of getting banned are pretty low for something as small as this.

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I've seen querry results saying the second way is legal.




The query results seemed ligit.




I remember it coming from a respected member here.




And I've seen result what happens when you get busted for it :P Ask Triadi if you wanna know if it's allowed or not. Little tip; he (and his newb char) got a 3 day "something". Jagex has many times given bad answers from their customer support, if I was you, I'd just read the rules. Yes, they say that 2 accounts must not be linked. They don't say linked how, but that way you mentioned there is linking.



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number 2 is also illeage look "I have two accounts. Can my friend play one so I can trade between the characters?




No, this goes against this rule. You are not allowed to trade between two characters owned by one player. You would also be in breach of the Account Sharing/Trading rule" (see Rule 6).

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But what if you were to trade through another of your friends accounts, owned by them, saw i gave my cousins account ful rune to trade over to a pure account that i owned, i trade the rune from my account, then log out of that and log in my other account, and get the rune from my cousin, is that allowed

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But what if you were to trade through another of your friends accounts, owned by them, saw i gave my cousins account ful rune to trade over to a pure account that i owned, i trade the rune from my account, then log out of that and log in my other account, and get the rune from my cousin, is that allowed





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realistically guys i wouldnt do number one for one thing all my pures were created with friends and we transfer for eachother but as long as its not a mule account jagex doesnt really care if all you trade is a rune scimmy and green dhide then whoop de do whats 30k on one account and 30k on the other? now if we get into phats and things over 2m yeah you have probelms but the chances of getting banned for somethign small like that is slim to none


Trix.--quit WoW as of 12/07

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There is 3 ways actually. It's possible to multilog, not gonna say how though. Don't wanna get banned. :wink:




So do I, just use a different Java type. But it's detectable, and you need broadband. Alot of clans do it to scout when PKing.


lol u just told us how to multi logg :shock: :D :!: :!: :!: :!:

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