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RuneScape ignore list now working like AIM block list?


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In AIM, if you block someone, you will appear offline to them even if you are really online.




In RuneScape, even if you put someone on ignore, you will still appear online, but you won't receive their messages.




But now, some people are saying that the ignore list works like AIM now (if you put them on ignore, you'll appear offline).




Is this true?




I don't want to break the no multi-logging rule just to find out.





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Don't bother testing it, it's true. You don't see a person as online if he has you on his ignore list and has private chat set to "friends". If he has you on the ignore list but private chat set to "on", then you will see him as online but he won't get any of your messages. And of course, if he has it set to "off", then he'll be offline to everyone.




This is nothing new though. Been like that for as long as I can remember I'm pretty sure. I never use the ignore list anyway. Never have and never will.

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Don't bother testing it, it's true. You don't see a person as online if he has you on his ignore list and has private chat set to "friends". If he has you on the ignore list but private chat set to "on", then you will see him as online but he won't get any of your messages. And of course, if he has it set to "off", then he'll be offline to everyone.




This is nothing new though. Been like that for as long as I can remember I'm pretty sure. I never use the ignore list anyway. Never have and never will.




Hes talking about if you had your private chat set to on, if you'll appear online.

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In my opinion you should appear offline.


the reason being is that if you accidently manage to block one of your friends then they could end up trying to talk to you for ages, and then when you un-block then they wont like you much for it because they think you just ignored them yourself to annoy them.


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I'm almost certain it used to be that if you had a person on ignore, they couldn't tell if you were online or not. What positive thing could possibly come out of changing it? If you have someone on ignore, you don't want to associate with them in any way; so why let this person know the world you are on? Honestly I think jagex changes some things only because they are bored and have nothing better to do :roll:

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I'm very sure it's been like that for a very long time.


If someone has you on ignore list and online, you can't see the person as being online.




If I add "person21" to ignore list and still go around training, he wouldn't know that I'm online.

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