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Free members..... really or yet another hoax?


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Many people on another online game i am starting to play use a system of survey sites to help them gain something called internet cash (?)... This cash goes into a paypal account and is useable on the internet...




here is an example - note all real links have been taken out




Go to (blah blah blah) for surveys that give FREE money to your paypal! Surveys only take a minute each and you don't even need a credit card to sign up for paypal!




1) Sign up for paypal, no credit card required! 2) Sign up for (arrg deleting name of place) from that link. 3) Log into (ffs man stop saying the name) and go to cash offers. 4) fill out the surveys and as soon as they're approved, your money will be on it's way! Approval only takes an hour! 5) Check your treasure from the (for crying out loud)!




This is the method used by many (name of online game) who cannot use real life money! Don't give up because the money you can get is unlimited!




Paypal does not require a credit card! A credit card is to simply verify the account which is not needed.




---For people wondering---




I do NOT get 20 percent of your money! I get 20 percent of the POSSIBLE money you make.




Read this CORRECT example-


1) Say you make 10 dollars, I get 20 percent of that possible 10 dollars meaning you keep the 10 dollars, and I get an extra 2 dollars::




The following example is NOT CORRECT


2) Say you make 10 dollars, I get 20 percent of that 10 dollars meaning you keep 8 dollars and I get 2.




Example 1 is correct!






Well i have quite a few questions about this form of payment...




A. would it be useable from paybycash - which is the site jagex conducts all the cash and money orders from...




B. Is it actually REAL 100% money?




C. Does the site give the money or just take survey and run?



New sigzor^^

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Scam. People dont just give away money like that. People are too greedy.


99 Attack - 99 Strength - 99 Hits - 99 Magic - 99 Smithing

First To get 99 Smithing With GoldSmithing Guants


Zx7r Ninja (Currently Training) Updated 2/14/09: Ags Achieved on 2/15/09

75/75 Attack 89/99 Strength 50/50 Def 78/85 Hits

***Owned a Bandos Godsword since 59 Combat***

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Those sites are probebly loaded with keyloggers. It is a hoax, scam, etc so i wouldnt go to those sites.







RSN: 1 day late | Private chat: On


| 80 MAGIC | 13 PRAYER | 1 DEFENSE | 65 COMBAT |

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Scam. People dont just give away money like that. People are too greedy.




I beg to differ. There is a site sponsored by Amazon.com that, by completing simple tasks, gives you free money. Your not required to give referals, or anything like teh typical free money/item scams. It used to be alot better for making money (a classmate of mine made several hundreds of dollars in a few months), but, due to people creating "autoers" they changed it. You can still make good money, however, as a friend of mine funded the purchase of an UnderArmor shirt with this site, and i have made $20.


The aim of this site is basically to improve AI through humans doing basic tasks called HIT's (Human Intelligence Task). By accomplishing these tasks you earn anywhere from 1 cent (the most common, but also the easiest) to $50 (an amount you can win by submitting very thorough HITs). You can choose to have this money funneled into your bank account, or turned into Amazon.com credit (which I find easier).


Like I said, this site isn't super great at the moment, but it has its moments when really profitable HITs are offered, plus, there are no strings attached whatsoever . The website is mturk.com (stands for mechanical turk, don't ask what the turk stands for, but you can read about it at the site). Don't expect to make hundreds off this, but if you do it persistently for a few months, it really adds up.

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Some of those are real, but you are required to do many things like surveys and such. They then collect your info and then sell it to companies for some major cash. But i would definitely do some research first to find out which ones you can actually trust.


Check out my Pocket Slot idea!

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Surveys: So far, every survey I've gone for, I've failed the pre-qualification.




Pay per click sites, are less viable now, as they clamped down on a lot of incentive and payout sharing programmes - cashbacks for actually buying something are more common now.




$5 a month - maybe it could be done, but you'd need to be doing a lot of PPC and not getting them rejected.




One problem, if you use over-zealous antispyware, or SpywareBlaster restrictions on cookies, you may not be credited, as many of the click-tracking cookies are considered to be spyware, or at least privacy violation.

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Some of the click ones work in other way too... we had a problem with our computer because of that... this might be a long story, so hold on :P




Anyways, what happens is, people get payed to have a certain amount of "hits" on a website. You know what that means right? Good.




Anyways, so what some people do are hack into your computer, and everytime you go to a certain website, or something like that, it redirects you to the website that they want hits on. They make money off of this.




So, what happened to us, was someone changed our computer to redirect to places, and our firewall actually shut down our internet. We couldn't do anything :P We had to get someone out here to help us fix it :P




But anyways, thats what some people do, and I wouldn't advise doing it. I'm pretty sure there is a law against it somewhere.




EDIT: I also wouldn't advise doing it, because you could majorly screw up someones computer.

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well quite a bit of negative feedback here... :shock: wow i might not try it then i got the paypal account and i tried signing up with ebay - one of the referals... meh maybe ill get the 5$ maybe not :?



New sigzor^^

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Scam. People dont just give away money like that. People are too greedy.




not true a kid in real life i know not super good friend with gave me 20 dollars and i dont have to pay him back so your statement is false





Aefx(started 11/1/2002) Cb: 200 TS: 1900+
Bmms--Jr(Started on 1/24/06)(Banned 11/13/09 ) Cb: 119(pre-eoc) TS: 1700+
Bmms(Started 8/?/2001)(Banned 1/24/06 ) Cb: 101(pre-eoc) TS: 1350+

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OK people. I don't mind people talking about this to see if it legit, but I don't want anymore posts with referral links in them. Posting referral links are again our rules and you risk getting banned if you do post them.






To the thread starter: Sure you might make a small bit of money on them, but it's always not as simple as that. Most of the time the company sells your information (rl address, email, phone number etc) to advertising companies and in turn they will spam you.


This may not happen, but if it was me I would steer well clear of 'offers' like that.

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I know a legit site, it goes by the name of tresure troopers. It has a 50,000 userbase. And just recently(april 15th) they paid $140,000. Now im not telling you to sign up, but here is the link to the page where everyone has posted their earnings. treasure trooper.com Its a 26 page thread. Some people make the minium 10$ while otheres make up to 300$.




The owners make frequent posts on the forums also. And you dont even have to do the offers for money, just make enough referrals. You make 20% of what your first referrals make. And you make 5% of second referrals, which is your referrals referrals.




Now, you can believe they are a scam and stay away. But I gave my input on this..


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Thanks phil, i relise the risk i might be takeing with my message box but... well what the heck :P i don't get mail anyway junk mail would be nice for a change lol...




And people as phil said... please no one post links PLEASE!



New sigzor^^

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for the trouble and for how little you get, I would rather go and earn the money instead.


Getting a few bucks irl every month isn't so difficult is it?

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There are indeed legit sites, like QuickRewards. I got myself two months of membership this way.




If you want to prevent spam, use an email account you don't care about.





Baratus [AS] max hit: 166 with Moon Battle Hammer

ixfd64 [AS] max hit: 116 with (untitled spell #2)

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