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so...funny botter story


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going to aubury to mine some ess, i noticed a lvl3 outside the closed door. figuring it was a botter, i watched it for a minute and saw it standing there, not opening the door at all even though he was following aubury (outside the door). so i knew it was a botter. so what i did was i closed the door everytime it opened while he got attacked by the nearby lvl 6 mugger.




1 botter dead, 23562652625235 more to go. :lol:

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botter? Don't you mean autoer lol?




Nice job, always good to see the look on autoer's face irl when his precious autoing lvl 3 has been killed :P


By popular demand, this signature is back- however I currently do not have a blog up at the moment and if I did I wouldn't update it. Sorry, the sig links to nowhere :( .

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But you still were one of the people closing the door, is this the excuse of door closers now that they are just helping to kill autoers? when i mine my own ess i become very irritated by the lack of respect of people who just close the door. Another thing, the account is still alive, it just walks back, next time try reporting it

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But you still were one of the people closing the door, is this the excuse of door closers now that they are just helping to kill autoers? when i mine my own ess i become very irritated by the lack of respect of people who just close the door. Another thing, the account is still alive, it just walks back, next time try reporting it




Number 1. This irritates you? So, autoers who continually drive down the price of the essence that you are mining, due to their cheating, scummy ways do not irritate you? Sort out your priorities. Also, if something this small irritates you, god help you in the rest of RS!




Number 2. You don't seem to grasp the concept of autoing. It is not human in contrl, therefore, it cannot tell if it is dead. So, it keeps clicking in predefined squares, thinking that it is mining rune essence and taking it to the bank. It cannot detect that it has been sent to lumbridge, and all it is really doing is hugging the wall for hours on end.




And yes, report any autoers you see. I saw a hilarious video of around 50 autoers following each other chopping yews earlier on google. It was pathetic.

99/99 Fletching, 99/99 Cooking, 96/99 Strength


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lol...nice one! but plz, report all macroers


"We will certainly not be gaining money or members with this update. Instead, we are doing this for the good of the game, which is as dear to our hearts as it is to you."

- JAGEX, December 13, 2007

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But you still were one of the people closing the door, is this the excuse of door closers now that they are just helping to kill autoers? when i mine my own ess i become very irritated by the lack of respect of people who just close the door. Another thing, the account is still alive, it just walks back, next time try reporting it




Number 1. This irritates you? So, autoers who continually drive down the price of the essence that you are mining, due to their cheating, scummy ways do not irritate you? Sort out your priorities. Also, if something this small irritates you, god help you in the rest of RS!




Number 2. You don't seem to grasp the concept of autoing. It is not human in contrl, therefore, it cannot tell if it is dead. So, it keeps clicking in predefined squares, thinking that it is mining rune essence and taking it to the bank. It cannot detect that it has been sent to lumbridge, and all it is really doing is hugging the wall for hours on end.




And yes, report any autoers you see. I saw a hilarious video of around 50 autoers following each other chopping yews earlier on google. It was pathetic.




Your very right. I had a cousin who autoed, before he got banned, but he told me how it works. The script "the program" is all based off of a script in notepad designed for colors. Everyone knows that everything in Runescape is colors (Duh. Eveything in the world has a color(s)) So, you have to start this program in a selected field of color (like a bank or something), then the program searches for the colors on the map and/or the screen. It just knows what colors to click-on. It can tell the ladder apart from the ground because the ground may be the color grey(123) and the ladder is brown(13) and it basically goes down in it's list of colors until it is done and does the same process over and over again, until stopped. Now, since the person died, the program can't find the colors it is looking for and it stops (Stops moving and makes the player log-out of Runescape). So, the autoer couldn't find it's way back to wherever it was unless it was programmed to, which I highely doubt.




Nice job. Bet it taught that newb a lesson on autoing.


I <3 Gears of War 2.


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I actually carry the bones of a macroer around with me. I named them Phil. Phil is almost always in note form. Phil is MY best friend.








ILU Phil.





Good to see you makign friends, son. Your mom and I were so worried..

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I actually carry the bones of a macroer around with me. I named them Phil. Phil is almost always in note form. Phil is MY best friend.








ILU Phil.




*sniff* poor phil how does he stand it not being properly buried his ghost walks not in peace killing macroers everywhere. poor guy how can he stand to be around you 24\7 and not go crazey?




anyway im happy the autoer died. they should put an agressive lvl 21 skeleton in the mine and auburys shop to deter the macroers and stuff.


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I want the 1 minute wasted reading this thread BACK!!!




You time terrorist!




wow.. it took you 1 minute to read this? :roll:




Yea i read all the other useless posts too plus its an approximation you emo.

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But you still were one of the people closing the door, is this the excuse of door closers now that they are just helping to kill autoers? when i mine my own ess i become very irritated by the lack of respect of people who just close the door. Another thing, the account is still alive, it just walks back, next time try reporting it




Number 1. This irritates you? So, autoers who continually drive down the price of the essence that you are mining, due to their cheating, scummy ways do not irritate you? Sort out your priorities. Also, if something this small irritates you, god help you in the rest of RS!




Number 2. You don't seem to grasp the concept of autoing. It is not human in contrl, therefore, it cannot tell if it is dead. So, it keeps clicking in predefined squares, thinking that it is mining rune essence and taking it to the bank. It cannot detect that it has been sent to lumbridge, and all it is really doing is hugging the wall for hours on end.




And yes, report any autoers you see. I saw a hilarious video of around 50 autoers following each other chopping yews earlier on google. It was pathetic.

It may not be human controled, but you are making it appear the majority of the autoers are using a color clicker. Which they are not... Most of them are bots, and they know which coordninates they are at, so they just have to check when their coords aren't at a location and have it send commands for walking to a square.




When you understand how a bot program in a object oriented programming language works with a game, then you'll understand why this is a bigger problem then you believe it to be.


Help drive change Canada

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It may not be human controled, but you are making it appear the majority of the autoers are using a color clicker. Which they are not... Most of them are bots, and they know which coordninates they are at, so they just have to check when their coords aren't at a location and have it send commands for walking to a square.




When you understand how a bot program in a object oriented programming language works with a game, then you'll understand why this is a bigger problem then you believe it to be.




You seem suspicously well informed :wink:




OK, so I won't claim to know exactly how bots work, but surely knowing the coordinate that you are on, would involve somehow linking into the RS coding? I dont see how it would know where it was.




And no, I didn't actually know that there were autoers now that clicked colours, I meant the very basic ones that clicked at a point on the screen. So, the autoer loads the program, sets it recording the mouse movements, and then does the action that it wants repeating hundreds of times, and the autoing program repeats the action. The guy who said about the colour defining was the guy with the random name.

99/99 Fletching, 99/99 Cooking, 96/99 Strength


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It may not be human controled, but you are making it appear the majority of the autoers are using a color clicker. Which they are not... Most of them are bots, and they know which coordninates they are at, so they just have to check when their coords aren't at a location and have it send commands for walking to a square.




When you understand how a bot program in a object oriented programming language works with a game, then you'll understand why this is a bigger problem then you believe it to be.




You seem suspicously well informed :wink:




OK, so I won't claim to know exactly how bots work, but surely knowing the coordinate that you are on, would involve somehow linking into the RS coding? I dont see how it would know where it was.




And no, I didn't actually know that there were autoers now that clicked colours, I meant the very basic ones that clicked at a point on the screen. So, the autoer loads the program, sets it recording the mouse movements, and then does the action that it wants repeating hundreds of times, and the autoing program repeats the action. The guy who said about the colour defining was the guy with the random name.




There are programs out there that click colors AND co-ordinates. Anyhow think of your rs window as a giant graph, with an x,y axis and lots of little plots. Well every pixel is in that graph and thats how they record them and where to click the mouse.

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