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Does Your School/Office Have Silly Habits


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Mine always has to buy tons of exotic animals. I am from England, on friday 8 Flamingos arrived. Earlier this year 2 Wallabys (yes, those mini kangaroo things) joined the school along with tons of ducks and swams from around the world. For a couple of years they have has pea[roosters] roaming the school. The school also has red squirrels, tons of birds, hamsters, snakes and fish. Weird or what? Remeber this is ENGLAND!




What does your school/Workplace do that you find strange?

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We all dressed in black (head to foot- facepaint and all) for a basketball game. Looked funny as hell when someone wore a pink shirt and stood out. We had some funny chants but the officials won't let us use them anymore=(




Every year our varsity bball team plays a game against the staff. (funny as hell since staff points are like 5x per basket)

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well my school is waaay to poor for exotic animals..they do seem to have a strange habbit of hiring horrible language teachers though :? ..............
Ah my school has that habit as well!
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Mine always has to buy tons of exotic animals. I am from England, on friday 8 Flamingos arrived. Earlier this year 2 Wallabys (yes, those mini kangaroo things) joined the school along with tons of ducks and swams from around the world. For a couple of years they have has pea[roosters] roaming the school. The school also has red squirrels, tons of birds, hamsters, snakes and fish. Weird or what? Remeber this is ENGLAND!




What does your school/Workplace do that you find strange?

yeah i live in england aswell, and i remember in primary school when there was a red fox running around the play ground, 2 brown squirrels roaming the toilets and most of all, 2 rabbits hopping around the football pich, not making this up by the way
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The fire alarm goes off for no apparent reason in the middle of classes...and when there is a fire (like this past wednesay near my history class) the fire alarms don't go off.




The school is going to burn down one day...



dude i got pked and lost my full zezima
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well at work it seems that the managers love you when its only 1 manager and all crew on but then there is 2 or more managers they seem to be less friendly like they have to proove they can show their power over you.

As: Dontknowyet -157 R.

Rs: Dontknowyet - 38

Bigboybad - 104

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Strange thing at my school is that all the Maths rooms contain posters on grammar and spelling with the occasional movie poster yet the English rooms have multiplication tables up. It's been the same since the school opened. Oh and every 3 years our art rooms are sadly burnt down after just being fixed. Well that is a sad rthing but it is strange that it ALWAYS happens :cry: . Some people just don't have a life.


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Mine always has to buy tons of exotic animals. I am from England, on friday 8 Flamingos arrived. Earlier this year 2 Wallabys (yes, those mini kangaroo things) joined the school along with tons of ducks and swams from around the world. For a couple of years they have has pea[roosters] roaming the school. The school also has red squirrels, tons of birds, hamsters, snakes and fish. Weird or what? Remeber this is ENGLAND!




What does your school/Workplace do that you find strange?


Wallabys eh? Those are protected, I can't really see even our government giving them to a school...

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Mine always has to buy tons of exotic animals. I am from England, on friday 8 Flamingos arrived. Earlier this year 2 Wallabys (yes, those mini kangaroo things) joined the school along with tons of ducks and swams from around the world. For a couple of years they have has pea[roosters] roaming the school. The school also has red squirrels, tons of birds, hamsters, snakes and fish. Weird or what? Remeber this is ENGLAND!




What does your school/Workplace do that you find strange?


Wallabys eh? Those are protected, I can't really see even our government giving them to a school...


yea wtf thats really weird why would your school need to pay thousands of dollars to buy animals. To tell you the truth i think its illegal. Do you have a website to your school, cause i would like to see this.


Visit my DeviantArt Page at http://vladmoney.deviantart.com

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Mine always has to buy tons of exotic animals. I am from England, on friday 8 Flamingos arrived. Earlier this year 2 Wallabys (yes, those mini kangaroo things) joined the school along with tons of ducks and swams from around the world. For a couple of years they have has pea[roosters] roaming the school. The school also has red squirrels, tons of birds, hamsters, snakes and fish. Weird or what? Remeber this is ENGLAND!




What does your school/Workplace do that you find strange?


Wallabys eh? Those are protected, I can't really see even our government giving them to a school...


yea * thats really weird why would your school need to pay thousands of dollars to buy animals. To tell you the truth i think its illegal. Do you have a website to your school, cause i would like to see this.


It's not illegal David Attenborough would of said... He opened to gardens. here's the link if you don't believe me: http://www.whitgift.co.uk/






Water Gardens


Learning with albino wallabies


Albino wallabies, Australian shell ducks and emperor geese are some of the unusual species setting up home in a wildlife haven in South Croydon.

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[quorough would of said... He opened to gardens. here's the link if you don't believe me: http://www.whitgift.co.uk/






Water Gardens


Learning with albino wallabies


Albino wallabies, Australian shell ducks and emperor geese are some of the unusual species setting up home in a wildlife haven in South Croydon.




alright private school, sorry i automatically assumed you went to a public school. Thats pretty sweet then!


Visit my DeviantArt Page at http://vladmoney.deviantart.com

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hm,m seems my school doesnt emply only bad teachers but dumb ones...a science teacher got locked in HIS OWN room :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Rofl!!!!! :lol:




The "STUDENTWindow" is a window with a lady who suits the student's needs. Last time I went thee I waited 15 minutes until the lady got off talknig to a PARENT.




They make us eat outside when they say it's "Fun", but everyone hates it.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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I live in PA and half the kids in my school smoke pot regularly(i cant spell). I'm not one of them... :D And half either own a BMW or like a Porche. Oh yeah and like everyone gets drunk a lot, lol.


im level 76 and IM NOT A NOOB 30- is a noob
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They make us eat outside when they say it's "Fun", but everyone hates it.




I ate outside everyday of school


Since 27 Aug 2002

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Keep in mind I'm living in a college dorm.


-Large men painting their chests and not wearing shirts.


-Tiny guy dressed as our masscot (the wonderboy)


-Calling the Cafiteria the caf


-Fishy Fridays (we have fish on fridays, we had someone wear fishing gear one day)


-Not doing mental screening for the resident assistants.


-Some dorms you have to scream flush before we flush the potty because the showers do strange things.


-Fall festivel, bowling useing frozen chickens.


-Durring the times when it rains there is one field that floods enough to float a raft in... three guess what some of the frats do.


-Camping outside the office building to get a room in a good dorm (I have refused to do this for two years now and regret it)


-Battle of the halls where they compete in diffrent ways to make their hall look good and win money for their hall.


-Homcoming pranks.


-Homcoming activities in general (Decorate the interrior of the buildings, make a cloth banner, the fall fest contests)


I think I could go on and discribe more... point is, this place is odd.

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well my school is waaay to poor for exotic animals..they do seem to have a strange habbit of hiring horrible language teachers though :? ..............
Ah my school has that habit as well!


lol so does mine, the spanish teacher hav horrendous accent :D :D :D


and so does the subs for him :shock: :lol: :D

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