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Media Market closed- A good thing after all?


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i got a good 8-10mil from my sig making days.. :P


(Mostly from independent requests)






but i dont even play RS anymore.


i do make sigs and stuff though.. still, but im just to busy to make any more.

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Naw, I think it sucks. I had just saved up 10m that I was ready to spend on an excellent sig now that I have everything else I want [to buy] on rs. Now it's collecting dust in my bank and I'm left with my cruddy spam siggeh.




I can't just ask for a request, not only would I probably not get a pixel, I would feel all dirty asking for a free pixel without giving something in return, not to mention that [almost] all the good pixelers left already. :cry: I mean, I could give a page on my site to a pixeler if they wanted something like that, but I doubt that that would be wanted.




Oh well, my [pretty] original idea dies. RIP my idea. RIP. :cry:


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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the highest price for a sig i ever saw was 20million, GonAndGary(he left) wanted to buy a sig from Misterxman... just insane




Oh I've seen some up to 30m+...and it was paid in full. But i think I would have to agree. I think those who were really serious before were actually in it for the art and the fun of making sigs (and to improve of course). Sure, some enjoyed the occasional competition, but I think the new boards have let people showcase their abilities and get some good advice.




I miss some of the people who used to post, but I'm sure they will stop by occasionally.

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Changes are part of life...The future is what you make of it...




Some of the more experienced artists may not post, but so what. We have a lot of artists that are talented and will become the future experienced artists... Just because you saw guys put out great work does not mean they did so on day one.




We have a community and we need to grow with it, as it will grow with us. Sure the gp was nice and I made some back in the day on scapeboard, but hey if I have time why not make something for free.




Look at all the people that were left out because they could not afford a sig and look at how many ppl are happy now because they can have a pixel sig or a cool looking abstract.




If you want to see more things on this forum, various types of arts it is up to each and everyone of us to contribute. Show off some of your work, take someone under your wing and show them new things etc. if you just sit back and do nothing you have no right to complain ;).





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the highest price for a sig i ever saw was 20million, GonAndGary(he left) wanted to buy a sig from Misterxman... just insane


I still talk to Skully.




Sig Selling was fun and it really pushed people to be more artistic and to attempt computer art wheter it be pixelling, photoshopping or 3d modelling. I miss Media Market. Everyone is demanding free stuff now and expects everyone to work their magic. It just isn't right in my opinion.


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aye all the really great work has dissapeared, its sad. nothing to draw inspiration or new techniques from really, mxm is like the only older person left here, most of the other people have left, its a shame. the majority of the work now seems to be crappy pixels.. :roll: people also expect the free ones to be top-notch quality, and ok its nice to give out a free one, but there is effort going into making sigs, and were not getting anythign out of it.




Did jagex threaten legal action on tipit if it didn't stop? because i know of many clans that still sell/buy sigs, my close friend is making a killing out of it. bring back the mm!! :evil:


"A disbelief in magic can force some poor souls into believing in authority and business"

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I highly dislike the change, I came back from being inactive for ages expecting to see the sig selling market booming, seeing cool competitions and what not... And I find out that it's all banned. I found the money to be motivation, even though it really shouldn't mean much, but then again time is money as people have said.




As a result the quality has completely gone down hill, the only active pixelers I see are rookies. Does anyone know a board where there's still an active pixeling community? Perhaps one could be made? :?




And who says that you can't sell sigs privately, who is ever going to know... *wink wink* (don't ban me for that :o :lol:) . You just can't do it publicly anymore.




Look at all the people that were left out because they could not afford a sig and look at how many ppl are happy now because they can have a pixel sig or a cool looking abstract.
That's absolute bogus, there were always free sig stalls around, I made a few free ones back in the day when I started. Most people made a few free ones for practice when they started with the hopes of one day selling them.
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I highly dislike the change, I came back from being inactive for ages expecting to see the sig selling market booming, seeing cool competitions and what not... And I find out that it's all banned. I found the money to be motivation, even though it really shouldn't mean much, but then again time is money as people have said.




As a result the quality has completely gone down hill, the only active pixelers I see are rookies. Does anyone know a board where there's still an active pixeling community? Perhaps one could be made? :?




And who says that you can't sell sigs privately, who is ever going to know... *wink wink* (don't ban me for that :o :lol:) . You just can't do it publicly anymore.




Look at all the people that were left out because they could not afford a sig and look at how many ppl are happy now because they can have a pixel sig or a cool looking abstract.
That's absolute bogus, there were always free sig stalls around, I made a few free ones back in the day when I started. Most people made a few free ones for practice when they started with the hopes of one day selling them.




I suggest you not encourage others to break rules.




While there may have been some free sig stalls around before they were mostly made by the newer folks.




Everyone is now on equal footing and has the same chance as getting a signature as the next guy.




Motivation should come from a persons desire to learn and improve not financial gain. If people are in it strictly for the money thats quite sad. Everyone on this forum has the potential to be great and I look forward to seeing their talents develop.





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I highly dislike the change, I came back from being inactive for ages expecting to see the sig selling market booming, seeing cool competitions and what not... And I find out that it's all banned. I found the money to be motivation, even though it really shouldn't mean much, but then again time is money as people have said.




As a result the quality has completely gone down hill, the only active pixelers I see are rookies. Does anyone know a board where there's still an active pixeling community? Perhaps one could be made? :?




And who says that you can't sell sigs privately, who is ever going to know... *wink wink* (don't ban me for that :o :lol:) . You just can't do it publicly anymore.




Look at all the people that were left out because they could not afford a sig and look at how many ppl are happy now because they can have a pixel sig or a cool looking abstract.
That's absolute bogus, there were always free sig stalls around, I made a few free ones back in the day when I started. Most people made a few free ones for practice when they started with the hopes of one day selling them.




Well said. Also, the media market shouldnt've closed because I would still have had my money back then and I would have baught a sig for about 9million.. But I quit around the time it was closed...


Add me ingame: Lnterest. I am back.

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Im glad it closed because its made me realise there is more to pixel art than runescape. Im still making money/gp off of pixel art with or without MM, and I have noticed a great decrease in quality of work since its closure. I wont be posting here very often any more.

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I suggest you not encourage others to break rules.
I wasn't encouraging anyone to break the rules, I was merely stating a fact, that you CAN do it privately and no one can stop you.




While there may have been some free sig stalls around before they were mostly made by the newer folks.
The people giving out free sigs now are rookies... nothing has changed :lol:.




Motivation should come from a persons desire to learn and improve not financial gain. If people are in it strictly for the money thats quite sad. Everyone on this forum has the potential to be great and I look forward to seeing their talents develop.


Easy to say in theory, hard to do in practice. Especially when I used to spend about 8+ hours on sigs. Instead of doing that I may as well just go and cut magic logs or something. If I ever do any free sigs I'm definetly not spending the same amount of time as I used to on them.




It's as pure and simple as that.

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Motivation should come from a persons desire to learn and improve not financial gain. If people are in it strictly for the money thats quite sad. Everyone on this forum has the potential to be great and I look forward to seeing their talents develop.








would DaVinci give away his work to strangers if he wasn't allowed to sell em?




the answer is NO, the people that some say are only in for the money (veterans and such) are moste likely not only in for the money, they just don't to bind themselfs to some lowsy request without getting a handout for there trouble..


they'd rather do something THEY like rather then giving out and such..


i know so because im one of 'em.

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While there may have been some free sig stalls around before they were mostly made by the newer folks.
The people giving out free sigs now are rookies... nothing has changed :lol:.




um, thats not true. sometimes terley does free sigs, and godslayer did a free pixel for me. i do free pixels and ive been in this for nearly 2 years and im not a rookie. there are others out there that do do some decent work, not rookie quality, and give them out for free.




just because its free doesnt mean its crap quality.






100% my own work, i make my own brushes: set 1 set 2

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aye pjb there are some great free works, but the majority aren't of a very good quality. the amount of work that goes into making a awesome pixel sig just isn't worth the time if there is no reward.


"A disbelief in magic can force some poor souls into believing in authority and business"

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Btw, also, there is a reward:




A) You get to make someone happy


B) A) gives you that happy feeling of making someone else happy


C) Experience


D) Raising community spirit and moral




And a few more that I cant be bothered to type.


Add me ingame: Lnterest. I am back.

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if you dont like a request then wait for another, or do one of your own. often i find i have to use my brain alot. which i like, it gives me more freedom. often what i find anoying is when people ask for loads of changes to it. they dont reaslise the amount of time and they expect you to change it to fit what they want exectly. its free for crying out loud. phaps if they were paying us then it would be ok, but theyre not. (donations welcome).




sorry bout that guys,




100% my own work, i make my own brushes: set 1 set 2

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Well if you don't like doing crappy requests, don't!




do you see me doing them?


then what in the name of john pete jacobs name are you talking about!?




A) You get to make someone happy


B) A) gives you that happy feeling of making someone else happy


C) Experience


D) Raising community spirit and moral




A) and i don't even get to see his happy face, in most cases you don't even get some decent grattitude.. why bother?


B) there other ways to get that feeling and they don't involve hours of hard work..


C) yay made a new sig and got 600xp.. you can get better by going to another pixel site that is serious about what it does and posting your work there.. yeah and the amount of experience people are getting is really improving since the banishing of the media market.. hmm yes..


D) no offense but im not really a community person..






and before anyone even starts: i rarely sold my work.. hell i've only sold 3 times, because im not in it for the money..






if its free and somebody wants you to change something and you don't want to.. don't do it.


it's YOUR art, it's YOUR world that you illustrated.. personally couldn't care less about what the not paying customer wants.

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Usually, I wouldn't continue posting but I must, can't help it.




I know you don't make the crappy pixel sig requests, I'm just saying that you posted that people request them, and I replied.




And as for the rest, you don't seem to be the nicest person I've ever met...


Add me ingame: Lnterest. I am back.

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not the nicest person.. probly not because that would be kind of hard you know




seriously i've done hundreds of free sigs, i probly done the moste free sigs on this forum (and avvy's) and i'm telling you that probly 1 out 10 times i get decent grattitude.


moste of the time it's just a .. thanks for the sig.. thanks for the avvy


hell some don't even pm me back.




while some people MD666 (naming one) was actually happy or atleast made me think he was happy with it and thats what's nice to see..




if you like putting 10 hours of work into something and like to get told exactly what you have to do and then to let it be paid of with a thanks.. then go right ahead if thats what you want..


me; not anymore, sure ill do some free things.. but never ever ever by request.




can you see where this is coming from?


and can you see why im being such an [wagon] on this subject.

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While there may have been some free sig stalls around before they were mostly made by the newer folks.
The people giving out free sigs now are rookies... nothing has changed :lol:.




um, thats not true. sometimes terley does free sigs, and godslayer did a free pixel for me. i do free pixels and ive been in this for nearly 2 years and im not a rookie. there are others out there that do do some decent work, not rookie quality, and give them out for free.




just because its free doesnt mean its crap quality.








Sadly, its never seen use :cry:




Why should an experianced artist hang out here? This place no longer has anything to offer. I became a member of the community cause it was the best place to get money from sigs, I admit it. I'm hanging around for no particular reason, and eventualy, I'll stop posting all together, as will all the other vets. Downward spirals, yay.

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I'm locking this thread as it has gone from a civil discussion to pointless flaming back and forth.




The Media Market will not be reopened for reasons already stated. We are glad to hear that some users think this has been beneficial for the forum, but it is sad that others think the opposite. But this is the reality and you must learn to work with it! If people continue to have such a negative outlook on the situation, the community WILL suffer from that. A forum graphics community can propser without such a board. Graphical design should not be for some material reward but for the reward inside you for completing such a beautiful piece of art. This is not the place to be looking for real life cash (or other monetary benefits) for your art.




As far as private messaging and evading the "no trading" rule, this is not allowed. Nor are users allowed to discuss it (encouraging or otherwise).




It would have been nice if this thread could have stayed open and been constructive, but I see that isn't the case.





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