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Does anyone eva wonder........


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Yeah I've sometimes wondered about this. It's possible that it's the first time it has ever changed hands and the player you are buying it from was the person who originally bought it from the shop. Or perhaps it's been around since before RSClassic and has changed hands 100+ times.




There's really no way to know, but I remember reading an idea on here before about allowing a player to engrave his name into the hilt of a weapon or onto a piece of armour when it was smithed/bought for the first time. This way you would have really rare rune scimitars which would say "Smithed by Zezima" when examined. I really like this idea.






Retired Tip It Moderator | Zybez Radio DJ - Listen Here

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they have this for player made items in eq2 and in wow.


its a neat idea but its a weird feeling seeing someone wear something you have made and bought from auction site.




i'd love to stick my name on something i've made

Runescape nick : Fat_Slug

Owner of Ears, Scythe and a 10 year veteran cape :D



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i agree that putting names on stuff would be real cool... but i think that would change prices alot of some stuff. like u said i bet people would pay several 100k more to have something by zezima or high player then just some low lvl.

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There should be a thingy like this:


Choose Option


Wield Dragon dagger(s)


Use Dragon dagger(s)


Drop Dragon dagger(s)


Read History Of Dragon dagger(s)


Examine Dragon dagger(s)




would be fun =D





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Ya but that would waste to much memory, I think.






Santa= 12mil+


NEW! Full Rune Smithed by Zezima=500mil+

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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In World of Warcraft, player-made items have a tag that says . One time I bought a backpack that had a guy's name, and later it turned out to be the guy that I did quests with the next day. Concidence, eh?

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image if you have the first r2h made by bluerose dam that would just be really cool




I know who has it :)


Or, I know who got the first R2h she gave to another player.


Its not thunder.. Its Lightning :P

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they have this for player made items in eq2 and in wow.


its a neat idea but its a weird feeling seeing someone wear something you have made and bought from auction site.




i'd love to stick my name on something i've made




this way someone can become famous by making alot of weapons and hand them out to everybody


Computers will never be above humans because we made them.

That's what monkeys used to say about us.

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urrrrm yes lets think about this lol its a really cool sounding idea but it just aint gonna happen there would be even more inflation than there is now and so many people would get scammed i mean u cant examine on second screen unless it was like.............






coins x 1 million (1,200,000) Rune Plate [Zezima]


Rune Legs [Zezima]


Rune Full Helm [Zezima]


Rune 2Hander [bluerose 13x]




But to be honest i don't reall see the gr8ness of that i mean Zezima would just end up smithing loads of rune and getting rich lol and also its just rune..........no1 cares if Zezima smithed it


Sig by me....

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