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is this the rarest item?


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when the spinning plates came out they could brake. they can't any more. i jst so happen to have one... does anyone else


(btw there not tradable :) )

Barrows drops: Torags pl8, Torgas legs, Guthans chainskirt

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Just because nobody bothers making drag stone necklaces doesn't mean they are rare, any high level crafter could make one if they wished...they just don't because they are useless.



Porygon 64

Black Charlizard

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jst wanted to know if they where rare. shame there not trade able cause although pointless they might be able to sell (like half wines)

Barrows drops: Torags pl8, Torgas legs, Guthans chainskirt

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Zezima's account is the rarest thing in RS.


Phats are the rares item in RS.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Zezima's account is the rarest thing in RS.


Phats are the rares item in RS.


Same could be said for any other account, only one exists with the same name.


Rarest item is probably xmas cracker or another rare.

put him in jail


Then i'll just wait for him to drop the e-soap

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Zezima's account is the rarest thing in RS.


Phats are the rares item in RS.




i thought christmas crackers are more rare even than phats.




as for the dragonstone necklace idea, what about an onix necklace aren't those useless as well ald less people have 82 crafting than 72




toy boats? never heard of them.


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There are few onyx necklaces, and the reason there aren't many is because they are useless, but if someday they become useful, they will be very common, that's not enough reason to say they are rare...



Porygon 64

Black Charlizard

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Flour and purple r2h are rarest.




Flour is, but purple r2h's were transformed to cyan.


99+ all 23rd March 2012 - 2496 total 13th June 2012.

9000+ dragon drops! Including draconic visage, d chains, d spears, d2h, d claws, d meds, d legs, d skirts... d bones, d hides :)?


I want jagex to put resource dungeons and dungeoneering skill doors to dungeoneering floors so I can dungeon and get dungeoneering xp while I dg so I don't have to dg to get dg exp, but I can dg while I dg :)?

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Zezima's account is the rarest thing in RS.


Phats are the rares item in RS.




i thought christmas crackers are more rare even than phats.


Opps, how dumb of me :oops:




Christams Crakers are the rarest ITEM in RS.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Flour and purple r2h are rarest.




How is flour rare

<the49ronin> O_o methinks ard is acting mighty high and pretty -.-

<Ard_Choille> I am pretty

<Ard_Choille> fo shizzle

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Onyx amulet enchanted is the fury ammy, and again, they aren't rare x_X


And um...flour? Is there another kind of flour that isn't on a pot that I'm not aware of?



Porygon 64

Black Charlizard

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i reckon cabbage is pretty rare...




ok serious. x-mas crackers are the rarest thnig on my list. they give brith to phats man.




and i dont really think flour is really rare. i can just go north - west of lummy and make some right there. Unless youre talking about some other kind of flour....?




and toy boats?



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I have an onyx necklace, that is the reason I had one made. Took me 300k tokkul of my own work, so yeah.

so there's this thread in p2p general called "the most annoying things ppl do on runescape" i am tempted to post "ya wen im cybering with a girl and they log off for no reason"

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