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my predictions...




market wise..




Xbox: 40%


Sony: 38%






It obviously is, since they are HIS predictions.




But I hope that it goes Xbox > Nintendo > Sony.

Ghost: I am prejudice towards ignorance, so that would explain why I appear to be so.

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Microsoft dropped to an even lower low at there conference this year.




After last years confusing and ultimately untrue statement that Halo 3 would co-incide with the release of PS3, they have once again made a big deal out of something again untrue.




In their press conference today, they claimed that they had GTA4 coming exlusively to Xbox360. Immediately after seeing this, I knew something was wrong. It only took a few minutes to locate the Take-Two Press Release, in which it is indeed coming to PS3 on the very same day.




You really think they'd get there facts straight (the guy even had Xbox360 ONLY tatood on his arm - completely rediculous).




As for news, that's pretty big news. GTA4 (that's what it's called for now,) is coming to PS3 and 360 October 17, 2007. I would imagine that a PC game will come at one of the following times:


A) Same day, they just haven't announced it yet (since clearly the Sony exclusive deal is no longer going on)


B) Within a month or 2 of release (in which case it will be spent time porting it)


C) 6 months after release (as per past examples)




I can't imagine that they'd isolate over a million GTA gamers on the PC, the platform it began on. They have a guaranteed bank right there, and neither big console loses anything.




If they don't bring GTA to the PC...I don't know what I'm gonna do, but it won't be nice. In fact, it will wreack havok upon the Earth. Be warned, Rockstar.

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ok, i just wanna throw this out there, cuz i know there have to be other people thinking the same thing.




4 words at two games (the only two i've seen footage of so far):


MGS4 and


Cell Factor




[garden tool] LY CR AP




holy crap holy crap holy crap holy crap holy crap




i need $600. to me (a hardcore MGS fan), the ps3 is worth it.




(please return to your discussion)

proud quest cape owner

here's my first post on the TIF (scroll to the bottom)

feel free to pm me, but do make sure that i know you're a Tip.It user (in other words, give me a HYT)


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considering the current market is ps2 > xbox > gamecube, LP, your predictions are way off.




PS2 has sold over 70Million units worldwide (that was back in 2005) while the xbox is around 15Million (it was around 10m in 2005) and the GC is on par with the Xbox or less (havent seen a sales figure for GC in a while).




Xbox 360 has been out for about 6 months now, and they have shipped 3.3million units worldwide.. while Sony, in the first six months of the PS2 sold over 6.5million units worldwide and over 15million units within 12 months.




Why, if it will be Xbox360 > PS3, is microsoft not gaining the lead that PS2 had in the last generation?




Edit: Just found updated Sales Figures for 2006


The Xbox is installed in fewer than 25 million homes worldwide versus the PlayStation's estimated install base of around 100 million.


136 Combat, 2290+ Skill Total

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my predictions...




market wise..




Xbox: 40%


Sony: 38%






Yeah. that sure isn't bias :lol:




im not bias..




i have have every consol since the sega genesis/NES


and ive HAD most before that




Edit: im not talking about TOTAL market..




im talking about the next-gen gaming market.




sony is going to loose out some, why, look at the price.


xbox is firm and they have it set for them.


nintendo it gunna have to get lucky, they really are gunna have to get some good games and ones that appeal to all types of gamers, and people.

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im not bias..




i have have every consol since the sega genesis/NES


and ive HAD most before that




sony is going to loose out some, why, look at the price.


xbox is firm and they have it set for them.


nintendo it gunna have to get lucky, they really are gunna have to get some good games and ones that appeal to all types of gamers, and people.




The fanbase Sony has set from PS2 alone makes PS3 an easy win. Did you not just see Sk8erfreak's post above yours?




I'm gonna take a bet as well that the gap between Revolution and Xbox 360 would easily disappear. Xbox and GC didn't even have much gap between each other.




And IMO, Xbox 360 is just Xbox 2. Nothing special, just better graphics. Sony at least was smart enough to copy Nintendo's idea and make it different from before. Nintendo's Wii is a whole new concept. It's a win/win situation for them even if they come in 3rd since they'd end up gaining profit even if they do place last - which I doubt.

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Considering how many Xbox 360's sold on Ebay for 600-1000 USD, I don't think the price will have THAT much effect on the Sales of the PS3, Especially since the PS3 will have a Blu-Ray drive, which to any tech enthusiast, is an amazing bonus that puts the PS3 way ahead of the Xbox 360. I don't own an HDTV, but anyone who does and wants to watch movies in HD will see the advantage.




Don't count sony out people.


136 Combat, 2290+ Skill Total

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Wow.. i state my opinion, and my [bleep]ing PREDICTION and i get flamed.. think whatever the hell you want, you dont need to point [cabbage] out to me. your not going to change my opinon.

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Wow.. i state my opinion, and my * PREDICTION and i get flamed.. think whatever the hell you want, you dont need to point cabbage out to me. your not going to change my opinon.




I was not flaming, I was just trying to point out why I think your prediction was wrong. You could be right, who knows? The ps3 isnt out yet. And I know you were talking about the next gen market, I was just using examples of the last generation to show why you can't really make that sort of prediction yet.




Please don't take it the wrong way... I just like to debate a lot when it comes to game consoles. (usually because of the bias opinions of fanboys.. not saying you are one, but still.)


136 Combat, 2290+ Skill Total

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if you'd like to add to my list, or take away, please color the stuff you would take away RED and bold the stuff you add.




Red = Added


LP' Personal Opinion - Ital.












+Strong Fan base


+-Hard drive NON-UPGRADEable


+- Bluray, good yes, but expensive.


+Backwards compatable


+Free Online service


-Sony SAID wireless at last E3, no Integrated WIFI anymore




-"Liers" ... (if you've seen what they showed at E3 for the ps1, and ps2 they were way over themselves.)


-HDMI in 600$ version only.


-controler may get annoying with the gyro


-(personal opinion) To many low quality games *than come from asia*


-Newcomers to the online community


?No Gta4


?Games suppose to be 60$ (puting at "?" because i cant beleive that") blu-ray discs are ALOT more expensice than HD-DVD AND Multi-layer DVD


?Fan base willing to $$$$'in




Xbox 360


+Halo 3


+Out before competion


+Strong Fan Base


+Cheaper than PS3, and same (graphical wise)


+High Definition


+Hard Drive UPGRADEable


+Xbox live community


+Backwards compatable


+- Free and Charged online service


-no HD-DVD game support (coming out with a HD-DVD adapter)


-kind of buggy online - fixed via pathes. (no biggie)


?Gta4 exclusive












+Original Games


+Original Idea


+Cheap* and effective *=my prediction


+Backwards compatable + Downloadable NES/Segs/SNES games?


-May not be next-gen enought to SOME people (Graphical wise)


-controler may get annoying with the Gyro, then again its the basis to the system in my opinion, so maby it will work well.


-Not alot of 3rd party developers


-Repetative Ideas for games/Same themes *Mario especially


?online multi-player (would be awsome!)

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Some things to change..




HDMI will be included in the 600 version, but not the 500 version. GTA 4 WILL be coming out for PS3 the same day as XB360. And the games will be at the same 60 USD price point as the XB360.


and as for the negative about the gyro in the controller.. Um.. Not all games will use it, and im sure it will not be used in any game that wouldn't benefit from it.. That isnt a very good negative.






Here is the chart that shows the differences between the two price points.


http://images.dailytech.com/nimage/1352 ... resize.png


136 Combat, 2290+ Skill Total

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i just hope the sony and m$ people pick a side, one or the other, but all of them still buy wii since its so cheap :lol: . but really i could care less, there are a few cool looking games for wii that i have to play (sadness, zelda), and as long as i get to play those ill be happy :D



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Are you just gonna keep that sig forever? I can't really see you without it, now.




But if you can do that, and if/when they announce GTA4 for the PC, I think I'll change my sig to that, and leave it forever! HAHAHAHAHA :twisted: .




Or maybe just blend it into my current, 1337 sig.

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Are you just gonna keep that sig forever? I can't really see you without it, now.




But if you can do that, and if/when they announce GTA4 for the PC, I think I'll change my sig to that, and leave it forever! HAHAHAHAHA :twisted: .




Or maybe just blend it into my current, 1337 sig.




Hahahaahaha, yeah I can't see him without it either.

Ghost: I am prejudice towards ignorance, so that would explain why I appear to be so.

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It should be noted saleswise, that Nintendo owns Sony.




The Game Boy Advance has sold more units than the Sony Playstation 2.


The Nintendo DS has double the sales of the PlayStation Portable.


The GameCube has sold an equal amount of units as the X-Box.


Nintendo's biggest hits are original titles, which means no loss of money to Nintendo aside from cartridge/disc printing.




Sony and Microsoft are forced to rely on 3rd-Party games. Nintendo produces the majority of it's own popular franchises (Mario, Zelda, Metroid, etc) and still owns the rights of third-party developers that have moved on to Sony and Microsoft (ie GoldenEye/Donkey Kong from Rare and Final Fantasy from Squenix).




Sony has been in existence for 50 years.


Microsoft has been in existence for 25 years.


Nintendo has been selling games for 125 years. Owned.




*Ends fanboi raving*


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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i cant think of anything else to change it to :lol:




and they better make gta4 for pc, theres a huge market for it. i know the only way ill be able to play it is on pc, and i really am looking forward to it also (although not quite as much as i looked forward to oblivion 8-) )



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If they announce GTA4 for PC, and then I work all summer and make lots of money, upgrade my comp, then buy it, my life will be complete. Or as complete as I could ever hope for; it will be all downhill from there, until GTA5! The day they stop making GTA games will be the day I become a recluse and never talk to any other human being again.

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If they announce GTA4 for PC, and then I work all summer and make lots of money, upgrade my comp, then buy it, my life will be complete. Or as complete as I could ever hope for; it will be all downhill from there, until GTA5! The day they stop making GTA games will be the day I become a recluse and never talk to any other human being again.




or you will start playing gta in real life :lol:




i think they said it was going to be released october something, 2007, so you have two summers to work and save up. i could definently see you buying an xbox or a ps just for this game though, i know you will if its not released on pc :D




and for those that care: here you can download the entire nintendo press conference. its 385 megs, so it will take a while. even if you are on highspeed, im only getting 22 kilo/sec and normally i get over 300 kilo/sec off of servers.



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Sony has been in existence for 50 years.


Microsoft has been in existence for 25 years.


Nintendo has been selling games for 125 years. Owned.






i could shove that back in ur face, but i choose not to.




Edit: im sure u could figure out what i would say on your own.

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Sony has been in existence for 50 years.


Microsoft has been in existence for 25 years.


Nintendo has been selling games for 125 years. Owned.






i could shove that back in ur face, but i choose not to.




Edit: im sure u could figure out what i would say on your own.




I don't know what you mean. You can look it up yourself.




Nintendo was founded in 1889, so i erred. They have been making games for 120 years. *117 if you want to be precise*.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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no, i beleive you.. on that.


they have made card/board games way back in the day.




im just gunna say this




"Wow, you accomplished that much, in that ammount of time"




apply that to all 3 systems/companys.

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