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That 70's Show


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I didnt like the look of it but then again I didnt perserviere. *sp* (H)

And no lol why do you always want to get stuff from John Lewis. Its over ̣̉300 more then than what i paid.


John Lewis is a great, great shop.

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I've watched around 5 episodes and laughed no more than twice.




They make a joke then pause and let the canned/studio laughter go for a few seconds just so you know it was a joke. It makes me wonder about the american sense of humour when a show like this is successful. If there was even a whiff of a storyline any merits it brought to the show were overshadowed by the terrible attempts at humour.




If it was indeed studio laughter then they must have pumped laughing gas into the room whilst they were recording.




To reiterate; I think it stinks. I'd rather watch "Loose Women".

Some people are changed by being a moderator. I wouldn't be.

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I've watched around 5 episodes and laughed no more than twice.




They make a joke then pause and let the canned/studio laughter go for a few seconds just so you know it was a joke. It makes me wonder about the american sense of humour when a show like this is successful. If there was even a whiff of a storyline any merits it brought to the show were overshadowed by the terrible attempts at humour.




If it was indeed studio laughter then they must have pumped laughing gas into the room whilst they were recording.




Notice you can apply the exact same principles to Will & Grace. In fact, pretty much all American sitcoms from 2000 onwards.

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That's true, with perhaps the exception of The US Office (but then that was copied from the UK). Thank goodness there's still decent animation coming from there.

Some people are changed by being a moderator. I wouldn't be.

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Hahahah that's so true. I hate that 'In-Show-Laughter', it kills me because none of the stuff they say is ever funny.




Absolutely. Nothing was ever funny.




My boyfriend loved that show. He used to make me watch it all the time when I went over to his house. ^_^ Now, I don't have to. And he gets to watch more CSI. :lol:

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I like the show. It was an excellent show for the first 5 seasons or so. Then it got kind of wierd. This season (minus Eric and Hyde, and plus that wierd new guy) was pretty much pointless, and it's clear it's run it's course and can move on. In it's prime, I thought it was a good show. I'll watch the series finale next week ;). I like to catch re-runs of the old episodes they have on Saturday afternoon, and late at night.

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I've been watching the show since 2002 and I saw the behind the scenes thing last night. It's sad to see the show end but the show already went to hell after the seventh season.

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It's an ok show, though the only sitcoms I normally watch are Seinfeld and Friends. At least I get their jokes :)




Quality television right there.


handed me TWO tissues to clear up. I was like "i'm going to need a few more paper towels than that luv"
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