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runescape's most annoying creature


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RC pker.




I met one while crafting nats, ranged him to under half health (I always carry a bow and some arrows for those pesky pkers) and he winds up switching with his friend-with-a-dds on me. I got away but they were still a pestilence.


# 1101 to 99 range on 12-18-05

85 slayer on 12-18-05 with combat at 102;

retired from members since Feb 06.

Back since June 07. 2000+ total.

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Zombie monkeys in the dungeon on ape atoll (before getting the monkey tally) would get my vote.

When you are learning, you are growing. If you stop learning, you stop growing. If you stop growing, you die. Train hard, eat fried chicken, and take a one-a-day. (And cook that broccoli 'til it's yella and pour cheese all over it)


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So I was walking around with my zammy banner when suddenly...










AND THEN: he Pms me saying that he's not a sonny boy... so i say: well you're obviously not if you dont have a stick yet. good times goood times

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Here are my 15 votes, (ordered by how much I hate them, not literally though)




1. Swarms


When I'm fighting something important swarms come and fight me.




And what happens when you finally get rid of them?




Someone else comes and kill him and I get no drops. It's so annoying.




2. Frog Random Event


Sometimes then I'm doing anything, frogs come and I refuse to kiss.




But what happens if I don't ignore them?




I get some dump clothes, that makes me look like a noob and you have to go all the way to Varrock which I'm not going.




And she is saying she isn't polite? What does that frog queen think she is? She's the one that needs to be more polite, and don't even think about turning me into a frog.




3. Wild Dogs


Sometimes I just wanna fight fire giants, greater demons, black demons or red dragons.




And the worst thing is they can damage you, they waste my time and sharks. It's so annoying.




4. Beggars/Borrowers




It's very annoying then you have some valuable item and some beggar wants to barrow my stuff. I call that beggar a noob, scammer, but he won't stop annoying me about that they are "not" scammers or beggars until I ignore them. It's so annoying.




5. Iron/Steel Dragons (depends on which metal dragon I'm fighting, iron dragons most of the times)




Unlike wild dogs and leeches you can't finish him off and go on fighting. Because they are away too powerful. I have to run all around to get away from them.




6. Drill Demons (Also please reply to this if you hate them too)




Sometimes then I'm doing something very important drill demon teleports me to his training area.




I have to do exactly what he tells me, and it ain't gonna be quick.




After the hard work, what do you get?




Some dump clothes, they look like dragonhide but it ain't. And you won't even get anything from it.




7. The Fortress Guards Of Black Knight's Forest




In order to get in there you need some crap armour. I like fighting black knights but don't like the crap armour. Worst of all you have to waste a ring of forging to get in there.




8. PM Shop Owner


It's so annoying when I'm doing something impoortant and then someone PM me saying "Wanna buy yew logs? Only 500 coins each!"




Then I say no they then answer "That's not very polite of you"




That's so irrutrating.




9. The Warhammer Shopl Owner of Keldagrim




He won't let me use his stuff. That's so irrutrating.




10. My servant (Cook)




Why can't see just do the job gladly instead of complaining about it? I payed her the money she deserved. She only can make pineapple pizzas without any problem.




11. Leach




I came to the forest to fight vampires not leaches.




12. The Black Knights of the lava maze




Then I fight chaos druids I get a muddy key. I don't want to get killed by black knights.




13. Desert Bandits (once I get Zamorak PlateBody)




It'll be so annoying to get the chest without some dump bandits attacking me.




14. Baby Red Dragon




These are annoying since I wanna fight red dragons, not the babies.




15. Picious Pete




Mysterious Old Man is better, he gives same stuff. But he DOESN'T let me light some stupid candles. And I'm doing job for saradominan which is even dumper (I'm Zamorakian)




Well this is my list. If it's too much, I'm sorry.

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pkers that like to pick on people trying to do a clue or training in the wild, such as rcing or killing green dragons. i know its in the wild, but come on, its a total of, what? 40k you can get when a green dragon slayer has a full load? why not go into the deep wild and try to kill people with lots of runes and GOOD items on?

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by far healers at end of fight caves....


yt hur or something

The PROUD owner of a fire cape.

-- I Support Israel, the United States, England, and any other country that has been attacked by terrorists--

---Any country attacked has a right to defend itself---

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Ninja Monkeys (Monkey archers)




I'm sure anyone who was excited about getting a Dragon Scim and then put it on in the middle of Ape Atoll agrees with me.

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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hmm lemme see




wild "bloody" dogs!!!


Slayer FTW!!! Currently Lvl 73

Barrows Items: 8 Dragon Drops: 5

1632 Total All Skills 60+ 1700 blog.

"If you have got nothing nice to say, say nothing at all"-Flamers Watch Out

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