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a new skill: HUNTING!!!


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Hey this skill of yours sounds alot like slaying to me, i mean with special arrows (broad arrows) and special spears (broad leaf spears) i mean wouldnt it be sweeter if u could have a pet or something with this hunting skill, that u could use for traveling or fighting. Or would that be unfitting?








Anyways hunting would be cool, if u could capture animals and use them yourself. :?:

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Guest herominerman
Hey this skill of yours sounds alot like slaying to me, i mean with special arrows (broad arrows) and special spears (broad leaf spears) i mean wouldnt it be sweeter if u could have a pet or something with this hunting skill, that u could use for traveling or fighting. Or would that be unfitting?








Anyways hunting would be cool, if u could capture animals and use them yourself. :?:




Yea.... does sound a bit like slaying.... anyway i think its a good idea because i think it'd be cool to do stuff like dig holes then lure something like a tiger into it using a scented piece of meat which u get from herblore or somethin :lol:

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It could be fun, but IMO as part of ranged. Possibly with a reward like the chompy bird thingy.








It'd be difficult, but you could make it double ranged exp...




i dont know what the chompy bird thingy is but maybe it actually better would be part of ranged.




then you dont have a new skill, but just a new way to make money/food and maximus would be happy....




this way , lvling ur ranged in f2p would at least make sence :)




and also a combat skill will be related then to something non-combat(the hunting) and money making. (okay, if u high lvl u can make lots of money while fighting)




chompy bird hunting is when you have to do all of these things just so you can kill some birds....the fun thing about it, though, is that you get a hat when you kill a certain amount of Chomby Birds.

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  • 1 year later...
i was just a bit thinking about a new skill and came to hunting.


for the people who dont like those fishes in their water, or the stupid rocks with different colours, this is the solution










UPDATED 14-02-05




the place




first off all this skill is mostly used in reservates.


to enter a reservate you have to prove you that u are worth it.


this should be either proven by a quest or by showing 100 bear fur notes(or something like that)


maybe you still have to pay to get in (it could be an island and only accesable by ship => fee)








once in the parc you can kill animals with a bow and special arrows(bought in shop, or self made) or a special spear(same). u will also most likely wear the special camouflage outfits. in the low lvls you can kill small animals like rabbits etc. when u get better you can start with swines and maybe later even mammoths...








if you have killed then animals you can take the whole body in ur inventory. if you get a knife you can cut it in pieces and get a fur, bones and meat (and with some animals, horns). the bones you can bury(prayer), the meat you can cook and gives good health(mammooth could give 22 hp or something)


and with the fur you can make camouflage outfit for hunting( requires a certain crafting lvl, and gives crafting xp).


because you get a fur every animal , you could also high lvl alch them(or the outfits) for a pretty good price.(cfr dragonhides)




when u kill animals with horns you can make ur own arrows or spears with it(horns in stead of arrow/sp̮̻̉̉ar heads). it would be a bit the same as fletching.(and it would give fletching xp)


so for the arrows you need shafts, feathers and a horn heads.


the spears would also be fletchable the same way( no need for shafts and feathers, just wood). to fletch the spears, you would need a higher fletching lvl, since they dont ask for feathers. it could also be implemented that spears would be better than arrows and therefore require a higher hunting lvl.


but you can also make better spears/arrows, and this by attaching better type of horns to the handle/shafts. this will increase ur accuracy to kill.




because you will have lots of horns, the spears will also be able to break so u have to use a new one. therefore they will be stockable in ur inventory because you would have a great chance to lose a few spears while u are hunting. with the arrows this is no problem since you always have a chance to lose a few(like ranging)




the hunting itself




hunting itself exists out of 4 things


1) getting in a reservate


2) getting to the habitat of the animal u want to hunt


3) approaching the animal without being sented/seen


4) actually attacking the animal(and maybe missing it)




getting in a reservate




like i said before, you will need to do a quest, or pay money to enter the area. once u are in the area, u can go to different habitats.




getting to the habitat




the habitat of the lower lvl animals will be easy accesable so the reward wont be too good(rabbits etc)


however, if you want better animals, you will have to pass obstacles to get there ( e.g. if you wanna hunt mountain bears , u will have to climb a mountain), and those will require a certain agility lvl to pass.


the mighty mammoth will require a quite high agilty lvl to enter his area(65?) this will involve agilty in the skill, and will give it more reasons to train the rather useless skill.




approaching the animal




this will first of all involve the camouflage outfit. its very important because if you dont use it the animal can see u and flee. if ur hunting swines ull need a swine outfit, if ur hunting rabbits a rabit outfit etc.... also, the better the hunting lvl the better the chance that you can approach the animals undetected.




but animals can also smell you, and therefore you might need some of those special potions (made by herblore) to get next to that mighty mammoth. however, for the lower lvls, these potion arent too important, and even for the mammoth it isnt indispensable, as long as your hunting lvl is high enough. however, if you got the cash to buy the potions, it could fasten ur mammoth slaying quite a lot.


this potion thing is also made to motivate all the low lvl herblores to lvl this rather hard skill.




actually attacking the animal




once you have approached the animal succesfully, you can try to kill it with ur special spear/arrows (the spear has a bit more accuracy). different from fighting normal monsters, you kill the animal in one hit, or you miss it, and its gone. this is because it already takes quite a lot of skill and time to approach it etc.(the chance of missing wont be too great)




i also had a (rather bad) idea to implement ranged and attack to this:




this skill would also be related to ranged and attack since you got more chance to hit the animal with high ranged(arrows) or attack(spear). with more chance to hit i mean: the animal doesnt have hits, you just hit it or miss it. ur hunting lvl will of course also affect ur chance to hit.




however, ranged has already got lots of uses, so has attack, so i dont think this would be too good. also, the hunting himself in that case wouldnt be a big part of the actual killing of the animals, and so doesnt deserve to be a seperate skill. so i think its better to let the accuracy totally be dependent on ur hunting lvl and the type of horns attached to the spears/arrows




this skill would bring some nice additions to prayer and crafting since the bones would give nice prayer xp and the fur also(crafting xp then) :)




TADA, that was it!


watcha think?




be sure to post suggestions, and a member, maybe you can post this at the suggestion forum at official runescape site




Sounds like slayer to me.

The object of war is not to die for your country. but to make the opposing man die for his.


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interesting but no. This is slayer pretty much, thats wat slayer is, u hunt and kill things...and need certain lvls to kill certain things. I don't see much of a point in this, sry.

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  • 2 months later...
interesting but no. This is slayer pretty much, thats wat slayer is, u hunt and kill things...and need certain lvls to kill certain things. I don't see much of a point in this, sry.




yeh i agree =S




this has been suggested many times, and always flamed :? i dont get why people even try..




im guessing this is going to be P2P? since making the arrows or using agility..





\:D/ Ray::P2P::::Roaming Around::::Phat me pl0x?::::Beamster:: \:D/


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Wow man, cant believe someone bumped this AGAIN.




First it was cool to see it bumped, but when i read all the "its just slayer" replies i kind of feel sorry for the people who bumped this topic AND for the people with the stupid replies.








Hard to understand? I dont think so...




Anyway, it IS actually cool to read it and compare to what slayer has become. Still quite a big difference IMO.




Edit: I still think it would be an awesome addition to the game as a minigame where a lot of skills would be needed and where there is an actual GOOD reward.


But yeah, a new skill, not gonna happen, too small.

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  • 2 months later...

this is an idea already, and it comes this month in runescape!


^click to visit my blog! And if u got some spare hammers for my collection, i will always take them just pm me :)

5743th with cooking 99!--8 november 2006--

16361st with str 99! --15 april 2007--

35000th with Attack 99! --20 June 2008--

29524th with Hitpoints 99! --3 August 2008--

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