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What's the meaning of your name?


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Didn't want any numbers in my name and usually playing a monk type of character in CRPG's (preferrably a gnome monk). I choose Bonus Malus because:


a. Its latin.


b. Its sound OK (Hey Bonus!)


c. Its a contradiction in itself


d. I might make an evil twin brother some day: Malus Bonus




I usually walk around in monks robes, battle staf and holy symbol (if I dont have to kill monsters or need special clothing to enter a building (the guilds) or do a quest. I also made the character bald headed (with a little beard)

Semper in excremento, sole profundum qui variat.


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first antony is my first name so instead of being anton2324.




i chose antonwhy which means an-ton-y




also sounds pretty kool i reckon

Wondering what to do with life .....

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Meh.. Slayercool66 -.-




It was actually my friends that chose the name when i started.. He said I needed a "cool" name -.-




I didnt think i was going to play the game this long.. So I tought it was no big deal.. But today I would change my name ASAP if I got the chance :oops:



RIP The Old Nite ='(

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Mine was a product of when I was really into Starcraft :lol:




Starcraft ftw!! Man I haven't played that in years. [Goes home to root disk out of desk drawer...]




On Topic:




RSN: Iratebadger - a very angry badger. I like badgers. Angry ones seemed more appropriate to a combat-based game.




Forum name: Dogfever - I really don't know, an in joke at work.





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well i wanted a medieval/fantasy name so I deceided to have a LOTR character. I didnt want anything obvious but I thought that Mithrandir would be cool (Gandalf in Elvish). Was taken unfortunately. Instead I chose Curanir (correct spelling is Curunir with an accent on the u) as Saruman's Elvish name. The 1 is there because my first account was curanir but I died and lost all my stuff (never found a bank) so decided to restart.


I was going to take Astrobot - my Warcraft 3 and Starcraft name but decided that it wasnt as cool as Curanir. :)


Best Barrows Chest: guth skirt, dh helm, dh axe, racks, gp (23/08/06); best tt reward: robin, guthix helm, guthix legs, nats, rune legs

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Well... jackpot89 is kinda a strange name maybe.




Originally, I was lame and had my name (Jake), in the character, but i fergot the pass. Then I decided on jack(similar to jake) and pot. That was taken (grr) and so I put 89 on the end (year of my birth)




Purty simple eh?

Maxed since Sunday, January 9th, 2014
Completionist since Wednesday, June 4th, 2014

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OK my acc's :


Cyptelk - in my language "cyptelk" means an order to squeal , screech liek puppies or sumthign liek that . SO i knew Squeel before u die woudlnt fit in , so i just put in Cyptelk :))




JugisMOto - need i say more :)) ?




Mitril47 - fan of LOTR and mithril being the best metal on the book ... i decided this accoutn to be as tough as mithril :)) lol :)) . 47 becasue 47 - my favourite number :))

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baal means a false god since their is a false man god I am the son of him


def- Any of various local fertility and nature gods of the ancient Semitic peoples considered to be false gods by the Hebrews.


:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Don't you know the first rule of MMO's? Anyone higher level than you has no life, and anyone lower than you is a noob.

People in OT eat glass when they are bored.

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Hedgehog64 = My RS name.




I got my RS name from:




Sonic the Hedgehog owns both you and me.




64 is basically just a number I like, since just "Hedgehog" was taken.


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Guest r3dh3adkid





Redheadkid, all the 3s are suspost to be backwards E's




(yes im redheaded ;-))

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Draco = Dragon i think thats Latin (oooo)




Fragger = Killer..anyone who has played quake/avp/doom/ etc will know how that became.




When i first created my account i did not know exactly what was going to be involved but i guessed that dragons were going to feature somewhere at some point so i decided to go for Dragonkiller because it sounded kinda tough at the time :lol: But that was already taken so i changed it to the intelligent (at least sounding) version.


I'm happy with it and it still remains my one and only account.


first drag drop (skirt) 21/08/06, second (spear) 29/09/07

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i forgot to tell about some of my other accounts...




Xarongeroxva (quit) - I had just read a book in which Xaron was married with Gerva... i just thought adding ox (so it became rox) sounded cool...


B Da 1 2 C (quit) - quoted from a "wise man" from 16 y.o. which uses msn to tell his message to everyone...


E E N D J E (quit) - dutch word... litterarly means ducky...


V I S J E (quit) - dutch word... litterarly means fishy...

Proud Member of G.U.I.L.D.S., a new kind of Community!

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Well, Evilbeaver is what you see.




...An evil beaver. I...panicked...






But for my nooby, Haydork, comes from my History Teacher's name. I used to just belittle this man and eventually made him crack. As a tribute to him, I just chaged the c with an r to make it known that he is in fact a dork.




So if He IS reading this, I just want him to know that he is in fact still pretty dorky.

Quest Cape Earned On 5/10/2008!


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Forum Identity: Hobgoblin11. Hobgoblin11 was my first Hotmail account name, but it got broken into and someone began sending vile emails to people I know. This was a long time ago. However, I decided to revive it for my forum name.




RSN: Calvernator. This comes from my last name (Calver), and mixing it with 'Terminator' (part of another of my hotmail addresses), gives you Calvernator. The idea was also given to me by a friend who did the same with his name. I have also been told in game before that this name is out of a TV series, whose name I foerget.




Other RSN's I own:
















These are to stop people trying to impersonate me, and also means I can do other things with these accounts in the future if I want to. Calvernator1 I am training up to a def pure.




Groovykid99. This is because I am.

99/99 Fletching, 99/99 Cooking, 96/99 Strength


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Old RS name: Muhelos - I saw it on a box somewhere...i liked it, use it for many online things.




Forum name: read above.




RS name: est_in_horto - the only latin phrase i remember after doing it for 3 years - means "is in the garden". I get alot of people ingame asking things like "hey mr.latin man why are you in the garden".

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First RSN and forums name (Zodiak 12) is because I find that kinda thing fascinating (signs of the zodiac and other stuff leading from that) and 12 cause it's my favourite number... Also worked since theres 12 signs in the zodiac. The 'K' was partiall because it was taken with a 'C' and i thought it added some uniqueness.




Currently my RSN is 'Zodiak Wolf'. Zodiak for the same reason and the Wolf as it's my favourite animal...and once i stopped members on Zodiak 12 I didnt want to clear members stuff, wanted to start fresh and wanted to do f2p quests again :oops:

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